Source code for cil.framework.image_data

#  Copyright 2018 United Kingdom Research and Innovation
#  Copyright 2018 The University of Manchester
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# Authors:
# CIL Developers, listed at:
import numpy

from .data_container import DataContainer
from .labels import ImageDimension, Backend

[docs] class ImageData(DataContainer): '''DataContainer for holding 2D or 3D DataContainer''' __container_priority__ = 1 @property def geometry(self): return self._geometry @geometry.setter def geometry(self, val): self._geometry = val @property def dimension_labels(self): return self.geometry.dimension_labels @dimension_labels.setter def dimension_labels(self, val): if val is not None: raise ValueError("Unable to set the dimension_labels directly. Use geometry.set_labels() instead") def __init__(self, array = None, deep_copy=False, geometry=None, **kwargs): dtype = kwargs.get('dtype', numpy.float32) if geometry is None: raise AttributeError("ImageData requires a geometry") labels = kwargs.get('dimension_labels', None) if labels is not None and labels != geometry.dimension_labels: raise ValueError("Deprecated: 'dimension_labels' cannot be set with 'allocate()'. Use 'geometry.set_labels()' to modify the geometry before using allocate.") if array is None: array = numpy.empty(geometry.shape, dtype=dtype) elif issubclass(type(array) , DataContainer): array = array.as_array() elif issubclass(type(array) , numpy.ndarray): # remove singleton dimensions array = numpy.squeeze(array) else: raise TypeError('array must be a CIL type DataContainer or numpy.ndarray got {}'.format(type(array))) if array.shape != geometry.shape: raise ValueError('Shape mismatch {} {}'.format(array.shape, geometry.shape)) if array.ndim not in [2,3,4]: raise ValueError('Number of dimensions are not 2 or 3 or 4 : {0}'.format(array.ndim)) super(ImageData, self).__init__(array, deep_copy, geometry=geometry, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_slice(self,channel=None, vertical=None, horizontal_x=None, horizontal_y=None, force=False): ''' Returns a new ImageData of a single slice of in the requested direction. ''' try: geometry_new = self.geometry.get_slice(channel=channel, vertical=vertical, horizontal_x=horizontal_x, horizontal_y=horizontal_y) except ValueError: if force: geometry_new = None else: raise ValueError ("Unable to return slice of requested ImageData. Use 'force=True' to return DataContainer instead.") #if vertical = 'centre' slice convert to index and subset, this will interpolate 2 rows to get the center slice value if vertical == 'centre': dim = self.geometry.dimension_labels.index('vertical') centre_slice_pos = (self.geometry.shape[dim]-1) / 2. ind0 = int(numpy.floor(centre_slice_pos)) w2 = centre_slice_pos - ind0 out = DataContainer.get_slice(self, channel=channel, vertical=ind0, horizontal_x=horizontal_x, horizontal_y=horizontal_y) if w2 > 0: out2 = DataContainer.get_slice(self, channel=channel, vertical=ind0 + 1, horizontal_x=horizontal_x, horizontal_y=horizontal_y) out = out * (1 - w2) + out2 * w2 else: out = DataContainer.get_slice(self, channel=channel, vertical=vertical, horizontal_x=horizontal_x, horizontal_y=horizontal_y) if len(out.shape) == 1 or geometry_new is None: return out else: return ImageData(out.array, deep_copy=False, geometry=geometry_new, suppress_warning=True)
[docs] def apply_circular_mask(self, radius=0.99, in_place=True): """ Apply a circular mask to the horizontal_x and horizontal_y slices. Values outside this mask will be set to zero. This will most commonly be used to mask edge artefacts from standard CT reconstructions with FBP. Parameters ---------- radius : float, default 0.99 radius of mask by percentage of size of horizontal_x or horizontal_y, whichever is greater in_place : boolean, default True If `True` masks the current data, if `False` returns a new `ImageData` object. Returns ------- ImageData If `in_place = False` returns a new ImageData object with the masked data """ ig = self.geometry # grid y_range = (ig.voxel_num_y-1)/2 x_range = (ig.voxel_num_x-1)/2 Y, X = numpy.ogrid[-y_range:y_range+1,-x_range:x_range+1] # use centre from geometry in units distance to account for aspect ratio of pixels dist_from_center = numpy.sqrt((X*ig.voxel_size_x+ ig.center_x)**2 + (Y*ig.voxel_size_y+ig.center_y)**2) size_x = ig.voxel_num_x * ig.voxel_size_x size_y = ig.voxel_num_y * ig.voxel_size_y if size_x > size_y: radius_applied =radius * size_x/2 else: radius_applied =radius * size_y/2 # approximate the voxel as a circle and get the radius # ie voxel area = 1, circle of area=1 has r = 0.56 r=((ig.voxel_size_x * ig.voxel_size_y )/numpy.pi)**(1/2) # we have the voxel centre distance to mask. voxels with distance greater than |r| are fully inside or outside. # values on the border region between -r and r are preserved mask =(radius_applied-dist_from_center).clip(-r,r) # rescale to -pi/2->+pi/2 mask *= (0.5*numpy.pi)/r # the sin of the linear distance gives us an approximation of area of the circle to include in the mask numpy.sin(mask, out = mask) # rescale the data 0 - 1 mask = 0.5 + mask * 0.5 # reorder dataset so 'horizontal_y' and 'horizontal_x' are the final dimensions labels_orig = self.dimension_labels labels = list(labels_orig) labels.remove('horizontal_y') labels.remove('horizontal_x') labels.append('horizontal_y') labels.append('horizontal_x') if in_place == True: self.reorder(labels) numpy.multiply(self.array, mask, out=self.array) self.reorder(labels_orig) else: image_data_out = self.copy() image_data_out.reorder(labels) numpy.multiply(image_data_out.array, mask, out=image_data_out.array) image_data_out.reorder(labels_orig) return image_data_out
[docs] def reorder(self, order): ''' Reorders the data in memory as requested. This is an in-place operation. Parameters ---------- order: list or str Ordered list of labels from self.dimension_labels, or string 'astra' or 'tigre'. ''' if order in Backend: order = ImageDimension.get_order_for_engine(order, self.geometry) super().reorder(order)