Source code for cil.framework.image_geometry

#  Copyright 2018 United Kingdom Research and Innovation
#  Copyright 2018 The University of Manchester
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.
# Authors:
# CIL Developers, listed at:
import copy
import warnings
from numbers import Number

import numpy

from .image_data import ImageData
from .labels import ImageDimension, FillType

[docs] class ImageGeometry: @property def CHANNEL(self): warnings.warn("use ImageDimension.CHANNEL instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return ImageDimension.CHANNEL @property def HORIZONTAL_X(self): warnings.warn("use ImageDimension.HORIZONTAL_X instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return ImageDimension.HORIZONTAL_X @property def HORIZONTAL_Y(self): warnings.warn("use ImageDimension.HORIZONTAL_Y instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return ImageDimension.HORIZONTAL_Y @property def RANDOM(self): warnings.warn("use FillType.RANDOM instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return FillType.RANDOM @property def RANDOM_INT(self): warnings.warn("use FillType.RANDOM_INT instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return FillType.RANDOM_INT @property def VERTICAL(self): warnings.warn("use ImageDimension.VERTICAL instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return ImageDimension.VERTICAL @property def shape(self): shape_dict = {ImageDimension.CHANNEL: self.channels, ImageDimension.VERTICAL: self.voxel_num_z, ImageDimension.HORIZONTAL_Y: self.voxel_num_y, ImageDimension.HORIZONTAL_X: self.voxel_num_x} return tuple(shape_dict[label] for label in self.dimension_labels) @shape.setter def shape(self, val): print("Deprecated - shape will be set automatically") @property def spacing(self): spacing_dict = {ImageDimension.CHANNEL: self.channel_spacing, ImageDimension.VERTICAL: self.voxel_size_z, ImageDimension.HORIZONTAL_Y: self.voxel_size_y, ImageDimension.HORIZONTAL_X: self.voxel_size_x} return tuple(spacing_dict[label] for label in self.dimension_labels) @property def length(self): return len(self.dimension_labels) @property def ndim(self): return len(self.dimension_labels) @property def dimension_labels(self): labels_default = ImageDimension.get_order_for_engine("cil") shape_default = [ self.channels, self.voxel_num_z, self.voxel_num_y, self.voxel_num_x] try: labels = self._dimension_labels except AttributeError: labels = labels_default labels = list(labels) for i, x in enumerate(shape_default): if x == 0 or x==1: try: labels.remove(labels_default[i]) except ValueError: pass #if not in custom list carry on return tuple(labels) @dimension_labels.setter def dimension_labels(self, val): self.set_labels(val) def set_labels(self, labels): if labels is not None: self._dimension_labels = tuple(map(ImageDimension, labels)) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False if self.voxel_num_x == other.voxel_num_x \ and self.voxel_num_y == other.voxel_num_y \ and self.voxel_num_z == other.voxel_num_z \ and self.voxel_size_x == other.voxel_size_x \ and self.voxel_size_y == other.voxel_size_y \ and self.voxel_size_z == other.voxel_size_z \ and self.center_x == other.center_x \ and self.center_y == other.center_y \ and self.center_z == other.center_z \ and self.channels == other.channels \ and self.channel_spacing == other.channel_spacing \ and self.dimension_labels == other.dimension_labels: return True return False @property def dtype(self): return self._dtype @dtype.setter def dtype(self, val): self._dtype = val def __init__(self, voxel_num_x=0, voxel_num_y=0, voxel_num_z=0, voxel_size_x=1, voxel_size_y=1, voxel_size_z=1, center_x=0, center_y=0, center_z=0, channels=1, **kwargs): self.voxel_num_x = int(voxel_num_x) self.voxel_num_y = int(voxel_num_y) self.voxel_num_z = int(voxel_num_z) self.voxel_size_x = float(voxel_size_x) self.voxel_size_y = float(voxel_size_y) self.voxel_size_z = float(voxel_size_z) self.center_x = center_x self.center_y = center_y self.center_z = center_z self.channels = channels self.channel_labels = None self.channel_spacing = 1.0 self.dimension_labels = kwargs.get('dimension_labels', None) self.dtype = kwargs.get('dtype', numpy.float32)
[docs] def get_slice(self,channel=None, vertical=None, horizontal_x=None, horizontal_y=None): ''' Returns a new ImageGeometry of a single slice of in the requested direction. ''' geometry_new = self.copy() if channel is not None: geometry_new.channels = 1 try: geometry_new.channel_labels = [self.channel_labels[channel]] except: geometry_new.channel_labels = None if vertical is not None: geometry_new.voxel_num_z = 0 if horizontal_y is not None: geometry_new.voxel_num_y = 0 if horizontal_x is not None: geometry_new.voxel_num_x = 0 return geometry_new
def get_order_by_label(self, dimension_labels, default_dimension_labels): order = [] for i, el in enumerate(default_dimension_labels): for j, ek in enumerate(dimension_labels): if el == ek: order.append(j) break return order def get_min_x(self): return self.center_x - 0.5*self.voxel_num_x*self.voxel_size_x def get_max_x(self): return self.center_x + 0.5*self.voxel_num_x*self.voxel_size_x def get_min_y(self): return self.center_y - 0.5*self.voxel_num_y*self.voxel_size_y def get_max_y(self): return self.center_y + 0.5*self.voxel_num_y*self.voxel_size_y def get_min_z(self): if not self.voxel_num_z == 0: return self.center_z - 0.5*self.voxel_num_z*self.voxel_size_z else: return 0 def get_max_z(self): if not self.voxel_num_z == 0: return self.center_z + 0.5*self.voxel_num_z*self.voxel_size_z else: return 0
[docs] def clone(self): '''returns a copy of the ImageGeometry''' return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def copy(self): '''alias of clone''' return self.clone()
def __str__ (self): repres = "" repres += "Number of channels: {0}\n".format(self.channels) repres += "channel_spacing: {0}\n".format(self.channel_spacing) if self.voxel_num_z > 0: repres += "voxel_num : x{0},y{1},z{2}\n".format(self.voxel_num_x, self.voxel_num_y, self.voxel_num_z) repres += "voxel_size : x{0},y{1},z{2}\n".format(self.voxel_size_x, self.voxel_size_y, self.voxel_size_z) repres += "center : x{0},y{1},z{2}\n".format(self.center_x, self.center_y, self.center_z) else: repres += "voxel_num : x{0},y{1}\n".format(self.voxel_num_x, self.voxel_num_y) repres += "voxel_size : x{0},y{1}\n".format(self.voxel_size_x, self.voxel_size_y) repres += "center : x{0},y{1}\n".format(self.center_x, self.center_y) return repres
[docs] def allocate(self, value=0, **kwargs): '''allocates an ImageData according to the size expressed in the instance :param value: accepts numbers to allocate an uniform array, or a string as 'random' or 'random_int' to create a random array or None. :type value: number or string, default None allocates empty memory block, default 0 :param dtype: numerical type to allocate :type dtype: numpy type, default numpy.float32 ''' dtype = kwargs.get('dtype', self.dtype) if kwargs.get('dimension_labels', None) is not None: raise ValueError("Deprecated: 'dimension_labels' cannot be set with 'allocate()'. Use 'geometry.set_labels()' to modify the geometry before using allocate.") out = ImageData(geometry=self.copy(), dtype=dtype, suppress_warning=True) if isinstance(value, Number): # it's created empty, so we make it 0 out.array.fill(value) elif value in FillType: if value == FillType.RANDOM: seed = kwargs.get('seed', None) if seed is not None: numpy.random.seed(seed) if numpy.iscomplexobj(out.array): r = numpy.random.random_sample(self.shape) + 1j * numpy.random.random_sample(self.shape) out.fill(r) else: out.fill(numpy.random.random_sample(self.shape)) elif value == FillType.RANDOM_INT: seed = kwargs.get('seed', None) if seed is not None: numpy.random.seed(seed) max_value = kwargs.get('max_value', 100) if numpy.iscomplexobj(out.array): out.fill(numpy.random.randint(max_value,size=self.shape, dtype=numpy.int32) + 1.j*numpy.random.randint(max_value,size=self.shape, dtype=numpy.int32)) else: out.fill(numpy.random.randint(max_value,size=self.shape, dtype=numpy.int32)) elif value is None: pass else: raise ValueError(f'Value {value} unknown') return out