Source code for cil.framework.partitioner

#  Copyright 2018 United Kingdom Research and Innovation
#  Copyright 2018 The University of Manchester
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Authors:
# CIL Developers, listed at:
import math

import numpy

from .block import BlockGeometry

[docs] class Partitioner(object): '''Interface for AcquisitionData to be able to partition itself in a number of batches. This class, by multiple inheritance with AcquisitionData, allows the user to partition the data, by using the method ``partition``. The partitioning will generate a ``BlockDataContainer`` with appropriate ``AcquisitionData``. ''' # modes of partitioning SEQUENTIAL = 'sequential' STAGGERED = 'staggered' RANDOM_PERMUTATION = 'random_permutation' def _partition_indices(self, num_batches, indices, stagger=False): """Partition a list of indices into num_batches of indices. Parameters ---------- num_batches : int The number of batches to partition the indices into. indices : list of int, int The indices to partition. If passed a list, this list will be partitioned in ``num_batches`` partitions. If passed an int the indices will be generated automatically using ``range(indices)``. stagger : bool, default False If True, the indices will be staggered across the batches. Returns -------- list of list of int A list of batches of indices. """ # Partition the indices into batches. if isinstance(indices, int): indices = list(range(indices)) num_indices = len(indices) # sanity check if num_indices < num_batches: raise ValueError( 'The number of batches must be less than or equal to the number of indices.' ) if stagger: batches = [indices[i::num_batches] for i in range(num_batches)] else: # we split the indices with floor(N/M)+1 indices in N%M groups # and floor(N/M) indices in the remaining M - N%M groups. # rename num_indices to N for brevity N = num_indices # rename num_batches to M for brevity M = num_batches batches = [ indices[j:j + math.floor(N / M) + 1] for j in range(N % M) ] offset = N % M * (math.floor(N / M) + 1) for i in range(M - N % M): start = offset + i * math.floor(N / M) end = start + math.floor(N / M) batches.append(indices[start:end]) return batches def _construct_BlockGeometry_from_indices(self, indices): '''Convert a list of boolean masks to a list of BlockGeometry. Parameters ---------- indices : list of lists of indices Returns ------- BlockGeometry ''' ags = [] for mask in indices: ag = self.geometry.copy() ag.config.angles.angle_data = numpy.take(self.geometry.angles, mask, axis=0) ags.append(ag) return BlockGeometry(*ags)
[docs] def partition(self, num_batches, mode, seed=None): '''Partition the data into ``num_batches`` batches using the specified ``mode``. The modes are 1. ``sequential`` - The data will be partitioned into ``num_batches`` batches of sequential indices. 2. ``staggered`` - The data will be partitioned into ``num_batches`` batches of sequential indices, with stride equal to ``num_batches``. 3. ``random_permutation`` - The data will be partitioned into ``num_batches`` batches of random indices. Parameters ---------- num_batches : int The number of batches to partition the data into. mode : str The mode to use for partitioning. Must be one of ``sequential``, ``staggered`` or ``random_permutation``. seed : int, optional The seed to use for the random permutation. If not specified, the random number generator will not be seeded. Returns ------- BlockDataContainer Block of `AcquisitionData` objects containing the data requested in each batch Example ------- Partitioning a list of ints [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] into 4 batches will return: 1. [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]] with ``sequential`` 2. [[0, 4, 8], [1, 5], [2, 6], [3, 7]] with ``staggered`` 3. [[8, 2, 6], [7, 1], [0, 4], [3, 5]] with ``random_permutation`` and seed 1 ''' if mode == Partitioner.SEQUENTIAL: return self._partition_deterministic(num_batches, stagger=False) elif mode == Partitioner.STAGGERED: return self._partition_deterministic(num_batches, stagger=True) elif mode == Partitioner.RANDOM_PERMUTATION: return self._partition_random_permutation(num_batches, seed=seed) else: raise ValueError('Unknown partition mode {}'.format(mode))
def _partition_deterministic(self, num_batches, stagger=False, indices=None): '''Partition the data into ``num_batches`` batches. Parameters ---------- num_batches : int The number of batches to partition the data into. stagger : bool, optional If ``True``, the batches will be staggered. Default is ``False``. indices : list of int, optional The indices to partition. If not specified, the indices will be generated from the number of projections. ''' if indices is None: indices = self.geometry.num_projections partition_indices = self._partition_indices(num_batches, indices, stagger) blk_geo = self._construct_BlockGeometry_from_indices(partition_indices) # copy data out = blk_geo.allocate(None) axis = self.dimension_labels.index('angle') for i in range(num_batches): out[i].fill( numpy.squeeze( numpy.take(self.array, partition_indices[i], axis=axis) ) ) return out def _partition_random_permutation(self, num_batches, seed=None): '''Partition the data into ``num_batches`` batches using a random permutation. Parameters ---------- num_batches : int The number of batches to partition the data into. seed : int, optional The seed to use for the random permutation. If not specified, the random number generator will not be seeded. ''' if seed is not None: numpy.random.seed(seed) indices = numpy.arange(self.geometry.num_projections) numpy.random.shuffle(indices) indices = list(indices) return self._partition_deterministic(num_batches, stagger=False, indices=indices)