Source code for cil.framework.processors

#  Copyright 2018 United Kingdom Research and Innovation
#  Copyright 2018 The University of Manchester
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# Authors:
# CIL Developers, listed at:
import numpy
import weakref

from .data_container import DataContainer

[docs] class Processor(object): '''Defines a generic DataContainer processor accepts a DataContainer as input returns a DataContainer `__setattr__` allows additional attributes to be defined `store_output` boolian defining whether a copy of the output is stored. Default is False. If no attributes are modified get_output will return this stored copy bypassing `process` ''' def __init__(self, **attributes): if not 'store_output' in attributes.keys(): attributes['store_output'] = False attributes['output'] = None attributes['shouldRun'] = True attributes['input'] = None attributes['_shape_out'] = None for key, value in attributes.items(): self.__dict__[key] = value def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name == 'input': self.set_input(value) elif name in self.__dict__.keys(): self.__dict__[name] = value if name == 'shouldRun': pass elif name == 'output': self.__dict__['shouldRun'] = False else: self.__dict__['shouldRun'] = True else: raise KeyError('Attribute {0} not found'.format(name)) def _set_up(self): """ Configure processor attributes that require the data to setup Must set _shape_out """ dataset = self.get_input() self._shape_out = dataset.shape
[docs] def set_input(self, dataset): """ Set the input data to the processor Parameters ---------- input : DataContainer The input DataContainer """ if issubclass(type(dataset), DataContainer): if self.check_input(dataset): self.__dict__['input'] = weakref.ref(dataset) self.__dict__['shouldRun'] = True else: raise ValueError('Input data not compatible') else: raise TypeError("Input type mismatch: got {0} expecting {1}" \ .format(type(dataset), DataContainer)) self._set_up()
[docs] def check_input(self, dataset): '''Checks parameters of the input DataContainer Should raise an Error if the DataContainer does not match expectation, e.g. if the expected input DataContainer is 3D and the Processor expects 2D. ''' raise NotImplementedError('Implement basic checks for input DataContainer')
[docs] def get_output(self, out=None): """ Runs the configured processor and returns the processed data Parameters ---------- out : DataContainer, optional Fills the referenced DataContainer with the processed data Returns ------- DataContainer The processed data """ if not self.check_output(out): raise ValueError('Output data not compatible with processor') if self.output is None or self.shouldRun: out = self.process(out=out) if self.store_output: self.output = out.copy() return out else: if out is not None: out.fill(self.output) return out return self.output.copy()
def check_output(self, out): if out is not None: data = self.get_input() if data.array.dtype != out.array.dtype: raise TypeError("Input type mismatch: got {0} expecting {1}"\ .format(out.array.dtype, data.array.dtype)) if self._shape_out != out.shape: raise ValueError("out size mismatch: got {0} expecting {1}"\ .format(out.shape, self._shape_out)) return True def set_input_processor(self, processor): if issubclass(type(processor), DataProcessor): self.__dict__['input'] = weakref.ref(processor) else: raise TypeError("Input type mismatch: got {0} expecting {1}"\ .format(type(processor), DataProcessor))
[docs] def get_input(self): '''returns the input DataContainer It is useful in the case the user has provided a DataProcessor as input ''' if self.input() is None: raise ValueError("Input has been deallocated externally") elif issubclass(type(self.input()), DataProcessor): dsi = self.input().get_output() else: dsi = self.input() return dsi
def process(self, out=None): raise NotImplementedError('process must be implemented') def __call__(self, x, out=None): self.set_input(x) return self.get_output(out=out)
[docs] class DataProcessor(Processor): '''Basically an alias of Processor Class''' pass
class DataProcessor23D(DataProcessor): '''Regularizers DataProcessor ''' def check_input(self, dataset): '''Checks number of dimensions input DataContainer Expected input is 2D or 3D ''' if dataset.number_of_dimensions == 2 or \ dataset.number_of_dimensions == 3: return True else: raise ValueError("Expected input dimensions is 2 or 3, got {0}"\ .format(dataset.number_of_dimensions)) ###### Example of DataProcessors class AX(DataProcessor): '''Example DataProcessor The AXPY routines perform a vector multiplication operation defined as y := a*x where: a is a scalar x a DataContainer. ''' def __init__(self): kwargs = {'scalar':None, 'input':None, } #DataProcessor.__init__(self, **kwargs) super(AX, self).__init__(**kwargs) def check_input(self, dataset): return True def check_output(self, dataset): return True def process(self, out=None): dsi = self.get_input() a = self.scalar if out is None: out = DataContainer(a * dsi.as_array(), True, dimension_labels=dsi.dimension_labels) else: out.fill(a * dsi.as_array()) return out ###### Example of DataProcessors class CastDataContainer(DataProcessor): '''Example DataProcessor Cast a DataContainer array to a different type. y := a*x where: a is a scalar x a DataContainer. ''' def __init__(self, dtype=None): kwargs = {'dtype':dtype, 'input':None, } #DataProcessor.__init__(self, **kwargs) super(CastDataContainer, self).__init__(**kwargs) def check_input(self, dataset): return True def check_output(self, dataset): return True def process(self, out=None): dsi = self.get_input() dtype = self.dtype if out is None: y = numpy.asarray(dsi.as_array(), dtype=dtype) return type(dsi)(numpy.asarray(dsi.as_array(), dtype=dtype), dimension_labels=dsi.dimension_labels ) else: out.fill(numpy.asarray(dsi.as_array(), dtype=dtype)) class PixelByPixelDataProcessor(DataProcessor): '''Example DataProcessor This processor applies a python function to each pixel of the DataContainer f is a python function x a DataSet. ''' def __init__(self): kwargs = {'pyfunc':None, 'input':None, } #DataProcessor.__init__(self, **kwargs) super(PixelByPixelDataProcessor, self).__init__(**kwargs) def check_input(self, dataset): return True def process(self, out=None): pyfunc = self.pyfunc dsi = self.get_input() eval_func = numpy.frompyfunc(pyfunc,1,1) y = DataContainer(eval_func(dsi.as_array()), True, dimension_labels=dsi.dimension_labels) return y