# Copyright 2019 United Kingdom Research and Innovation
# Copyright 2019 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Authors:
# CIL Developers, listed at: https://github.com/TomographicImaging/CIL/blob/master/NOTICE.txt
from cil.framework import AcquisitionGeometry
from cil.framework.labels import AcquisitionType
from cil.io.TIFF import TIFFStackReader
import numpy as np
import os
class NikonDataReader(object):
'''Basic reader for xtekct files
file_name: str
full path to .xtekct file
roi: dict, default=None
dictionary with roi to load:
{'angle': (start, end, step),
'horizontal': (start, end, step),
'vertical': (start, end, step)}
normalise: bool, default=True
normalises loaded projections by detector white level (I_0)
fliplr: bool, default = False,
flip projections in the left-right direction (about vertical axis)
mode: str: {'bin', 'slice'}, default='bin'
In bin mode, 'step' number of pixels is binned together,
values of resulting binned pixels are calculated as average.
In 'slice' mode 'step' defines standard numpy slicing.
Note: in general output array size in bin mode != output array size in slice mode
`roi` behaviour:
Files are stacked along axis_0. axis_1 and axis_2 correspond
to row and column dimensions, respectively.
Files are stacked in alphabetic order.
To skip projections or to change number of projections to load,
adjust 'angle'. For instance, 'angle': (100, 300)
will skip first 100 projections and will load 200 projections.
``'angle': -1`` is a shortcut to load all elements along axis.
``start`` and ``end`` can be specified as ``None`` which is equivalent
to ``start = 0`` and ``end = load everything to the end``, respectively.
Start and end also can be negative.
def __init__(self, file_name = None, roi= None,
normalise=True, mode='bin', fliplr=False):
self.file_name = file_name
self.roi = roi
self.normalise = normalise
self.mode = mode
self.fliplr = fliplr
if file_name is not None:
self.set_up(file_name = file_name,
roi = roi,
normalise = normalise,
mode = mode,
fliplr = fliplr)
def set_up(self,
file_name = None,
roi = None,
normalise = True,
mode = 'bin',
fliplr = False):
self.file_name = file_name
self.roi = roi
self.normalise = normalise
self.mode = mode
self.fliplr = fliplr
if self.file_name is None:
raise ValueError('Path to xtekct file is required.')
# check if xtekct file exists
if not(os.path.isfile(self.file_name)):
raise FileNotFoundError('File\n {}\n does not exist.'.format(self.file_name))
if os.path.basename(self.file_name).split('.')[-1].lower() != 'xtekct':
raise TypeError('This reader can only process xtekct files. Got {}'.format(os.path.basename(self.file_name)))
if self.roi is None:
self.roi= {'angle': -1, 'horizontal': -1, 'vertical': -1}
# check labels
for key in self.roi.keys():
if key not in ['angle', 'horizontal', 'vertical']:
raise ValueError("Wrong label. One of the following is expected: angle, horizontal, vertical")
roi = self.roi.copy()
if 'angle' not in roi.keys():
roi['angle'] = -1
if 'horizontal' not in roi.keys():
roi['horizontal'] = -1
if 'vertical' not in roi.keys():
roi['vertical'] = -1
# parse xtekct file
with open(self.file_name, 'r', errors='replace') as f:
content = f.readlines()
content = [x.strip() for x in content]
#initialise parameters
detector_offset_h = 0
detector_offset_v = 0
object_tilt_deg = 0
object_offset_x = None
object_roll_deg = None
centre_of_rotation_top = 0
centre_of_rotation_bottom = 0
for line in content:
# filename of TIFF files
if line.startswith("Name"):
self._experiment_name = line.split('=')[1]
# number of projections
elif line.startswith("Projections"):
num_projections = int(line.split('=')[1])
# white level - used for normalization
elif line.startswith("WhiteLevel"):
self._white_level = float(line.split('=')[1])
# number of pixels along Y axis
elif line.startswith("DetectorPixelsY"):
pixel_num_v_0 = int(line.split('=')[1])
# number of pixels along X axis
elif line.startswith("DetectorPixelsX"):
pixel_num_h_0 = int(line.split('=')[1])
# pixel size along X axis
elif line.startswith("DetectorPixelSizeX"):
pixel_size_h_0 = float(line.split('=')[1])
# pixel size along Y axis
elif line.startswith("DetectorPixelSizeY"):
pixel_size_v_0 = float(line.split('=')[1])
# source to center of rotation distance
elif line.startswith("SrcToObject"):
source_to_origin = float(line.split('=')[1])
# source to detector distance
elif line.startswith("SrcToDetector"):
source_to_det = float(line.split('=')[1])
# initial angular position of a rotation stage
elif line.startswith("InitialAngle"):
initial_angle = float(line.split('=')[1])
# angular increment (in degrees)
elif line.startswith("AngularStep"):
angular_step = float(line.split('=')[1])
# detector offset x in units
elif line.startswith("DetectorOffsetX"):
detector_offset_h = float(line.split('=')[1])
# detector offset y in units
elif line.startswith("DetectorOffsetY"):
detector_offset_v = float(line.split('=')[1])
#new file format rotation axis offset and angle
# object offset x in units
elif line.startswith("ObjectOffsetX"):
object_offset_x = float(line.split('=')[1])
# object roll in degrees (around z)
elif line.startswith("ObjectRoll"):
object_roll_deg = float(line.split('=')[1])
# object tilt in degrees (around x)
elif line.startswith("ObjectTilt"):
object_tilt_deg = float(line.split('=')[1])
#old file format rotation axis offset and angle, in mm at the detector
elif line.startswith("CentreOfRotationTop"):
centre_of_rotation_top = float(line.split('=')[1])
elif line.startswith("CentreOfRotationBottom"):
centre_of_rotation_bottom = float(line.split('=')[1])
# directory where data is stored
elif line.startswith("InputFolderName"):
input_folder_name = line.split('=')[1]
if input_folder_name == '':
self.tiff_directory_path = os.path.dirname(self.file_name)
self.tiff_directory_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.file_name), input_folder_name)
self._roi_par = [[0, num_projections, 1] ,[0, pixel_num_v_0, 1], [0, pixel_num_h_0, 1]]
for key in roi.keys():
if key == 'angle':
idx = 0
elif key == 'vertical':
idx = 1
elif key == 'horizontal':
idx = 2
if roi[key] != -1:
for i in range(2):
if roi[key][i] != None:
if roi[key][i] >= 0:
self._roi_par[idx][i] = roi[key][i]
self._roi_par[idx][i] = self._roi_par[idx][1]+roi[key][i]
if len(roi[key]) > 2:
if roi[key][2] != None:
if roi[key][2] > 0:
self._roi_par[idx][2] = roi[key][2]
raise Exception("Negative step is not allowed")
if self.mode == 'bin':
# calculate number of pixels and pixel size
pixel_num_v = (self._roi_par[1][1] - self._roi_par[1][0]) // self._roi_par[1][2]
pixel_num_h = (self._roi_par[2][1] - self._roi_par[2][0]) // self._roi_par[2][2]
pixel_size_v = pixel_size_v_0 * self._roi_par[1][2]
pixel_size_h = pixel_size_h_0 * self._roi_par[2][2]
else: # slice
pixel_num_v = int(np.ceil((self._roi_par[1][1] - self._roi_par[1][0]) / self._roi_par[1][2]))
pixel_num_h = int(np.ceil((self._roi_par[2][1] - self._roi_par[2][0]) / self._roi_par[2][2]))
pixel_size_v = pixel_size_v_0
pixel_size_h = pixel_size_h_0
det_start_0 = -(pixel_num_h_0 / 2)
det_start = det_start_0 + self._roi_par[2][0]
det_end = det_start + pixel_num_h * self._roi_par[2][2]
det_pos_h = (det_start + det_end) * 0.5 * pixel_size_h_0 + detector_offset_h
det_start_0 = -(pixel_num_v_0 / 2)
det_start = det_start_0 + self._roi_par[1][0]
det_end = det_start + pixel_num_v * self._roi_par[1][2]
det_pos_v = (det_start + det_end) * 0.5 * pixel_size_v_0 + detector_offset_v
#angles from xtekct ignore *.ang and _ctdata.txt as not correct
angles = np.asarray( [ angular_step * proj for proj in range(num_projections) ] , dtype=np.float32)
if self.mode == 'bin':
n_elem = (self._roi_par[0][1] - self._roi_par[0][0]) // self._roi_par[0][2]
shape = (n_elem, self._roi_par[0][2])
angles = angles[self._roi_par[0][0]:(self._roi_par[0][0] + n_elem * self._roi_par[0][2])].reshape(shape).mean(1)
angles = angles[slice(self._roi_par[0][0], self._roi_par[0][1], self._roi_par[0][2])]
#convert NikonGeometry to CIL geometry
angles = -angles - initial_angle + 180
if object_offset_x == None:
object_offset_x = (centre_of_rotation_bottom+centre_of_rotation_top)* 0.5 * source_to_origin /source_to_det
if object_roll_deg == None:
x = (centre_of_rotation_top-centre_of_rotation_bottom)
y = pixel_num_v_0 * pixel_size_v_0
object_roll = -np.arctan2(x, y)
object_roll = object_roll_deg * np.pi /180.
object_tilt = -object_tilt_deg * np.pi /180.
tilt_matrix = np.eye(3)
tilt_matrix[1][1] = tilt_matrix[2][2] = np.cos(object_tilt)
tilt_matrix[1][2] = -np.sin(object_tilt)
tilt_matrix[2][1] = np.sin(object_tilt)
roll_matrix = np.eye(3)
roll_matrix[0][0] = roll_matrix[2][2] = np.cos(object_roll)
roll_matrix[0][2] = np.sin(object_roll)
roll_matrix[2][0] = -np.sin(object_roll)
#order of construction may be reversed, but unlikely to have both in a dataset
rot_matrix = np.matmul(tilt_matrix,roll_matrix)
rotation_axis_direction = rot_matrix.dot([0,0,1])
if self.fliplr:
origin = 'top-left'
origin = 'top-right'
if pixel_num_v == 1 and (self._roi_par[1][0]+self._roi_par[1][1]) // 2 == pixel_num_v_0 // 2:
self._ag = AcquisitionGeometry.create_Cone2D(source_position=[0, -source_to_origin],
rotation_axis_position=[-object_offset_x, 0],
detector_position=[-det_pos_h, source_to_det-source_to_origin])
self._ag.set_panel(pixel_num_h, pixel_size=pixel_size_h, origin=origin)
self._ag.set_labels(labels=['angle', 'horizontal'])
self._ag = AcquisitionGeometry.create_Cone3D(source_position=[0, -source_to_origin, 0],
rotation_axis_position=[-object_offset_x, 0, 0],
detector_position=[-det_pos_h, source_to_det-source_to_origin, det_pos_v])
self._ag.set_panel((pixel_num_h, pixel_num_v),
pixel_size=(pixel_size_h, pixel_size_v),
self._ag.set_labels(labels=['angle', 'vertical', 'horizontal'])
def get_geometry(self):
Return AcquisitionGeometry object
return self._ag
def get_roi(self):
'''returns the roi'''
roi = self._roi_par[:]
if AcquisitionType.DIM2 & self._ag.dimension:
roidict = {}
for i,el in enumerate(roi):
# print (i, el)
roidict['axis_{}'.format(i)] = tuple(el)
return roidict
def read(self):
Reads projections and returns AcquisitionData with corresponding geometry,
arranged as ['angle', horizontal'] if a single slice is loaded
and ['vertical, 'angle', horizontal'] if more than 1 slice is loaded.
reader = TIFFStackReader()
roi = self.get_roi()
reader.set_up(file_name = self.tiff_directory_path,
roi=roi, mode=self.mode)
ad = reader.read_as_AcquisitionData(self._ag)
if (self.normalise):
ad.array[ad.array < 1] = 1
# cast the data read to float32
ad = ad / np.float32(self._white_level)
if self.fliplr:
dim = ad.get_dimension_axis('horizontal')
ad.array = np.flip(ad.array, dim)
return ad
def load_projections(self):
'''alias of read for backward compatibility'''
return self.read()