Source code for

#  Copyright 2023 United Kingdom Research and Innovation
#  Copyright 2023 The University of Manchester
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.
# Authors:
# CIL Developers, listed at:

import numpy as np
import json
import h5py
from warnings import warn

def get_compress(compression=None):
    '''Returns whether the data needs to be compressed and to which numpy type

    compression : string, int. Default is None, no compression.
        It specifies the number of bits to use for compression, allowed values are None, 'uint8', 'uint16' and deprecated 0, 8, 16.

    compress : bool, True if compression is required, False otherwise


    The use of int is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use string instead.

    if isinstance(compression, int):
        warn("Use string instead of int", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)

    if compression is None or compression == 0:
        compress = False
    elif compression in [ 8, 'uint8']:
        compress = True
    elif compression in [ 16, 'uint16']:
        compress = True
        raise ValueError('Compression bits not valid. Got {0} expected value in {1}'.format(compression, [0,8,16, None, 'uint8', 'uint16']))

    return compress

def get_compressed_dtype(data, compression=None):
    '''Returns whether the data needs to be compressed and to which numpy type

    Given the data and the compression level, returns the numpy type to be used for compression.

    data : DataContainer, numpy array
        the data to be compressed
    compression : string, int. Default is None, no compression.
        It specifies the number of bits to use for compression, allowed values are None, 'uint8', 'uint16' and deprecated 0, 8, 16.

    dtype : numpy type, the numpy type to be used for compression
    if isinstance(compression, int):
        warn("Use string instead of int", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
    if compression is None or compression == 0:
        dtype = data.dtype
    elif compression in [ 8, 'uint8']:
        dtype = np.uint8
    elif compression in [ 16, 'uint16']:
        dtype = np.uint16
        raise ValueError('Compression bits not valid. Got {0} expected value in {1}'.format(compression, [0,8,16]))

    return dtype

def get_compression_scale_offset(data, compression=0):
    '''Returns the scale and offset to be applied to the data to compress it

    data : DataContainer, numpy array
        The data to be compressed
    compression : string, int. Default is None, no compression.
        It specifies the number of bits to use for compression, allowed values are None, 'uint8', 'uint16' and deprecated 0, 8, 16.

    scale : float, the scale to be applied to the data for compression to the specified number of bits
    offset : float, the offset to be applied to the data for compression to the specified number of bits
    if isinstance(compression, int):
        warn("Use string instead of int", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)

    if compression is None or compression == 0:
        # no compression
        # return scale 1.0 and offset 0.0
        return 1.0, 0.0

    dtype = get_compressed_dtype(data, compression)
    save_range = np.iinfo(dtype).max

    data_min = data.min()
    data_range = data.max() - data_min

    if data_range > 0:
        scale = save_range / data_range
        offset = - data_min * scale
        scale = 1.0
        offset = 0.0
    return scale, offset

def save_dict_to_file(fname, dictionary):
    '''Save scale and offset to file

    fname : string
    dictionary : dictionary
        dictionary to write to file

    with open(fname, 'w') as configfile:
        json.dump(dictionary, configfile)

def compress_data(data, scale, offset, dtype):
    '''Compress data to dtype using scale and offset

    data : numpy array
    scale : float
    offset : float
    dtype : numpy dtype

    returns compressed casted data'''
    if dtype == data.dtype:
        return data
    if data.ndim > 2:
        # compress each slice
        tmp = np.empty(data.shape, dtype=dtype)
        for i in range(data.shape[0]):
            tmp[i] = compress_data(data[i], scale, offset, dtype)
        tmp = data * scale + offset
        tmp = tmp.astype(dtype)
    return tmp

[docs] class HDF5_utilities(object): """ Utility methods to read in from a generic HDF5 file and extract the relevant data """ def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod def _descend_obj(obj, sep='\t', depth=-1): """ Parameters ---------- obj: str The initial group to print the metadata for sep: str, default '\t' The separator to use for the output depth: int depth to print from starting object. Values 1-N, if -1 will print all """ if depth != 0: if type(obj) in [, h5py._hl.files.File]: for key in obj.keys(): print(sep, '-', key, ':', obj[key]) HDF5_utilities._descend_obj(obj[key], sep=sep+'\t', depth=depth-1) elif type(obj) == h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset: for key in obj.attrs.keys(): print(sep+'\t', '-', key, ':', obj.attrs[key])
[docs] @staticmethod def print_metadata(filename, group='/', depth=-1): """ Prints the file metadata Parameters ---------- filename: str The full path to the HDF5 file group: (str), default: '/' a specific group to print the metadata for, this defaults to the root group depth: int, default -1 depth of group to output the metadata for, -1 is fully recursive """ with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as f: HDF5_utilities._descend_obj(f[group], depth=depth)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_dataset_metadata(filename, dset_path): """ Returns the dataset metadata as a dictionary Parameters ---------- filename: str The full path to the HDF5 file dset_path: str The internal path to the requested dataset Returns ------- A dictionary containing keys, values are `None` if attribute can't be read.: ndim, shape, size, dtype, nbytes, compression, chunks, is_virtual """ with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as f: dset = f.get(dset_path, ) attribs = { 'ndim':None, 'shape':None, 'size':None, 'dtype':None, 'compression':None, 'chunks':None, 'is_virtual':None} for x in attribs.keys(): try: attribs[x] = getattr(dset, x) except AttributeError: pass return attribs
[docs] @staticmethod def read(filename, dset_path, source_sel=None, dtype=np.float32): """ Reads a dataset entry and returns a numpy array with the requested data Parameters ---------- filename: str The full path to the HDF5 file dset_path: str The internal path to the requested dataset source_sel: tuple of slice objects, optional The selection of slices in each source dimension to return dtype: numpy type, default np.float32 the numpy data type for the returned array Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The requested data Note ---- source_sel takes a tuple of slice objects to defining crop and slicing behaviour This can be constructed using numpy indexing, i.e. the following lines are equivalent. >>> source_sel = (slice(2, 4, None), slice(2, 10, 2)) >>> source_sel = np.s_[2:4,2:10:2] """ with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as f: dset = f.get(dset_path) if source_sel == None: source_sel = tuple([slice(None)]*dset.ndim) arr = np.asarray(dset[source_sel],dtype=dtype, order='C') return arr
[docs] @staticmethod def read_to(filename, dset_path, out, source_sel=None, dest_sel=None): """ Reads a dataset entry and directly fills a numpy array with the requested data Parameters ---------- filename: str The full path to the HDF5 file dset_path: str The internal path to the requested dataset out: numpy.ndarray The output array to be filled source_sel: tuple of slice objects, optional The selection of slices in each source dimension to return dest_sel: tuple of slice objects, optional The selection of slices in each destination dimension to fill Note ---- source_sel and dest_sel take a tuple of slice objects to defining crop and slicing behaviour This can be constructed using numpy indexing, i.e. the following lines are equivalent. >>> source_sel = (slice(2, 4, None), slice(2, 10, 2)) >>> source_sel = np.s_[2:4,2:10:2] """ with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as f: dset = f.get(dset_path) dset.read_direct(out, source_sel, dest_sel)