# Copyright 2019 United Kingdom Research and Innovation
# Copyright 2019 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# Authors:
# CIL Developers, listed at: https://github.com/TomographicImaging/CIL/blob/master/NOTICE.txt
from cil.optimisation.algorithms import Algorithm
from cil.optimisation.functions import ZeroFunction
from cil.optimisation.utilities import ConstantStepSize, StepSizeRule
import numpy
import logging
from numbers import Real, Number
import warnings
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ISTA(Algorithm):
r"""Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm (ISTA), see :cite:`BeckTeboulle_b`, :cite:`BeckTeboulle_a`, is used to solve:
.. math:: \min_{x} f(x) + g(x)
where :math:`f` is differentiable, and :math:`g` has a *simple* proximal operator.
In each update, the algorithm computes:
.. math:: x_{k+1} = \mathrm{prox}_{\alpha g}(x_{k} - \alpha\nabla f(x_{k}))
where :math:`\alpha` is the :code:`step_size`.
For a constant step size, :math:`\alpha`, convergence of ISTA
is guaranteed if
.. math:: \alpha\in(0, \frac{2}{L}),
where :math:`L` is the Lipschitz constant of :math:`f`, see :cite:`CombettesValerie`.
initial : DataContainer
Initial guess of ISTA. :math:`x_{0}`
f : Function
Differentiable function. If `None` is passed, the algorithm will use the ZeroFunction.
g : Function or `None`
Convex function with *simple* proximal operator. If `None` is passed, the algorithm will use the ZeroFunction.
step_size : positive :obj:`float` or child class of :meth:`cil.optimisation.utilities.StepSizeRule`', default = None
Step size for the gradient step of ISTA. If a float is passed, this is used as a constant step size. If a child class of :meth:`cil.optimisation.utilities.StepSizeRule` is passed then its method :meth:`get_step_size` is called for each update.
The default :code:`step_size` is a constant :math:`\frac{0.99*2}{L}` or 1 if `f=None`.
preconditioner: class with an `apply` method or a function that takes an initialised CIL function as an argument and modifies a provided `gradient`.
This could be a custom `preconditioner` or one provided in :meth:`~cil.optimisation.utilities.preconditoner`. If None is passed then `self.gradient_update` will remain unmodified.
kwargs: Keyword arguments
Arguments from the base class :class:`.Algorithm`.
If the function `g` is set to `None` or to the `ZeroFunction` then the ISTA algorithm is equivalent to Gradient Descent.
If the function `f` is set to `None` or to the `ZeroFunction` then the ISTA algorithm is equivalent to a Proximal Point Algorithm.
The ISTA algorithm is equivalent to the Proximal Gradient Descent (PGD) algorithm. In CIL, the PGD algorithm is an alias for the ISTA algorithm.
.. math:: \underset{x}{\mathrm{argmin}}\|A x - b\|^{2}_{2}
>>> f = LeastSquares(A, b=b, c=0.5)
>>> g = ZeroFunction()
>>> ig = Aop.domain
>>> ista = ISTA(initial = ig.allocate(), f = f, g = g)
>>> ista.run()
See also
def _provable_convergence_condition(self):
if self.preconditioner is not None:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Can't check convergence criterion if a preconditioner is used ")
if isinstance(self.step_size_rule, ConstantStepSize):
return self.step_size_rule.step_size <= 0.99*2.0/self.f.L
raise TypeError(
"Can't check convergence criterion for non-constant step size")
def step_size(self):
if isinstance(self.step_size_rule, ConstantStepSize):
return self.step_size_rule.step_size
"Note the step-size is set by a step-size rule and could change wit each iteration")
return self.step_size_rule.get_step_size()
# Set default step size
def _calculate_default_step_size(self):
""" Calculates the default step size if a step size rule or a step size is not provided.
return 0.99*2.0/self.f.L
def __init__(self, initial, f, g, step_size=None, preconditioner=None, **kwargs):
super(ISTA, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self._step_size = step_size
self.set_up(initial=initial, f=f, g=g, step_size=step_size,
preconditioner=preconditioner, **kwargs)
def set_up(self, initial, f, g, step_size, preconditioner, **kwargs):
"""Set up of the algorithm"""
log.info("%s setting up", self.__class__.__name__)
# set up ISTA
self.initial = initial
self.x_old = initial.copy()
self.x = initial.copy()
self.gradient_update = initial.copy()
if f is None:
f = ZeroFunction()
self.f = f
if g is None:
g = ZeroFunction()
self.g = g
if isinstance(f, ZeroFunction) and isinstance(g, ZeroFunction):
raise ValueError(
'You set both f and g to be the ZeroFunction and thus the iterative method will not update and will remain fixed at the initial value.')
# set step_size
if step_size is None:
self.step_size_rule = ConstantStepSize(
elif isinstance(step_size, Real):
self.step_size_rule = ConstantStepSize(step_size)
elif isinstance(step_size, StepSizeRule):
self.step_size_rule = step_size
self.preconditioner = preconditioner
self.configured = True
log.info("%s configured", self.__class__.__name__)
def update(self):
r"""Performs a single iteration of ISTA
.. math:: x_{k+1} = \mathrm{prox}_{\alpha g}(x_{k} - \alpha\nabla f(x_{k}))
# gradient step
self.f.gradient(self.x_old, out=self.gradient_update)
if self.preconditioner is not None:
self, self.gradient_update, out=self.gradient_update)
step_size = self.step_size_rule.get_step_size(self)
except NameError:
raise NameError(msg='`step_size` must be `None`, a real float or a child class of :meth:`cil.optimisation.utilities.StepSizeRule`')
self.x_old.sapyb(1., self.gradient_update, -step_size, out=self.x_old)
# proximal step
self.g.proximal(self.x_old, step_size, out=self.x)
def _update_previous_solution(self):
""" Swaps the references to current and previous solution based on the :func:`~Algorithm.update_previous_solution` of the base class :class:`Algorithm`.
tmp = self.x_old
self.x_old = self.x
self.x = tmp
def get_output(self):
" Returns the current solution. "
return self.x_old
def update_objective(self):
""" Updates the objective
.. math:: f(x) + g(x)
def calculate_objective_function_at_point(self, x):
""" Calculates the objective at a given point x
.. math:: f(x) + g(x)
x : DataContainer
return self.f(x) + self.g(x)
class FISTA(ISTA):
r"""Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm (FISTA), see :cite:`BeckTeboulle_b`, :cite:`BeckTeboulle_a`, is used to solve:
.. math:: \min_{x} f(x) + g(x)
where :math:`f` is differentiable and :math:`g` has a *simple* proximal operator.
In each update the algorithm completes the following steps:
.. math::
x_{k} = \mathrm{prox}_{\alpha g}(y_{k} - \alpha\nabla f(y_{k}))\\
t_{k+1} = \frac{1+\sqrt{1+ 4t_{k}^{2}}}{2}\\
y_{k+1} = x_{k} + \frac{t_{k}-1}{t_{k+1}}(x_{k} - x_{k-1})
where :math:`\alpha` is the :code:`step_size`.
Note that the above applies for :math:`k\geq 1`. For :math:`k=0`, :math:`x_{0}` and :math:`y_{0}` are initialised to `initial`, and :math:`t_{1}=1`.
initial : DataContainer
Starting point of the algorithm
f : Function
Differentiable function. If `None` is passed, the algorithm will use the ZeroFunction.
g : Function or `None`
Convex function with *simple* proximal operator. If `None` is passed, the algorithm will use the ZeroFunction.
step_size : positive :obj:`float` or child class of :meth:`cil.optimisation.utilities.StepSizeRule`', default = None
Step size for the gradient step of ISTA. If a float is passed, this is used as a constant step size. If a child class of :meth:`cil.optimisation.utilities.StepSizeRule` is passed then it's method :meth:`get_step_size` is called for each update.
The default :code:`step_size` is a constant :math:`\frac{1}{L}` or 1 if `f=None`.
preconditioner : class with an `apply` method or a function that takes an initialised CIL function as an argument and modifies a provided `gradient`.
This could be a custom `preconditioner` or one provided in :meth:`~cil.optimisation.utilities.preconditoner`. If None is passed then `self.gradient_update` will remain unmodified.
kwargs: Keyword arguments
Arguments from the base class :class:`.Algorithm`.
If the function `g` is set to `None` or to the `ZeroFunction` then the FISTA algorithm is equivalent to Accelerated Gradient Descent by Nesterov (:cite:`nesterov2003introductory` algorithm 2.2.9).
If the function `f` is set to `None` or to the `ZeroFunction` then the FISTA algorithm is equivalent to Guler's First Accelerated Proximal Point Method (:cite:`guler1992new` sec 2).
FISTA is also known as Accelerated Proximal Gradient Descent (APGD). Note that in CIL, 'APGD' is an alias of 'FISTA'.
.. math:: \underset{x}{\mathrm{argmin}}\|A x - b\|^{2}_{2}
>>> f = LeastSquares(A, b=b, c=0.5)
>>> g = ZeroFunction()
>>> ig = Aop.domain
>>> fista = FISTA(initial = ig.allocate(), f = f, g = g)
>>> fista.run()
See also
def _calculate_default_step_size(self):
"""Calculate the default step size if a step size rule or step size is not provided
return 1./self.f.L
def _provable_convergence_condition(self):
if self.preconditioner is not None:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Can't check convergence criterion if a preconditioner is used ")
if isinstance(self.step_size_rule, ConstantStepSize):
return self.step_size_rule.step_size <= 1./self.f.L
raise TypeError(
"Can't check convergence criterion for non-constant step size")
def __init__(self, initial, f, g, step_size=None, preconditioner=None, **kwargs):
self.y = initial.copy()
self.t = 1
super(FISTA, self).__init__(initial=initial, f=f, g=g,
step_size=step_size, preconditioner=preconditioner, **kwargs)
def update(self):
r"""Performs a single iteration of FISTA. For :math:`k\geq 1`:
.. math::
x_{k} = \mathrm{prox}_{\alpha g}(y_{k} - \alpha\nabla f(y_{k}))\\
t_{k+1} = \frac{1+\sqrt{1+ 4t_{k}^{2}}}{2}\\
y_{k+1} = x_{k} + \frac{t_{k}-1}{t_{k+1}}(x_{k} - x_{k-1})
self.t_old = self.t
self.f.gradient(self.y, out=self.gradient_update)
if self.preconditioner is not None:
self, self.gradient_update, out=self.gradient_update)
step_size = self.step_size_rule.get_step_size(self)
self.y.sapyb(1., self.gradient_update, -step_size, out=self.y)
self.g.proximal(self.y, step_size, out=self.x)
self.t = 0.5*(1 + numpy.sqrt(1 + 4*(self.t_old**2)))
self.x.subtract(self.x_old, out=self.y)
self.y.sapyb(((self.t_old-1)/self.t), self.x, 1.0, out=self.y)