Source code for cil.optimisation.functions.Function

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#  Copyright 2019 The University of Manchester
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# Authors:
# CIL Developers, listed at:

import warnings

from numbers import Number
import numpy as np
from functools import reduce
from cil.utilities.errors import InPlaceError

[docs] class Function(object): r""" Abstract class representing a function Parameters ---------- L: number, positive, default None Lipschitz constant of the gradient of the function F(x), when it is differentiable. Note ----- The Lipschitz of the gradient of the function is a positive real number, such that :math:`\|f'(x) - f'(y)\| \leq L \|x-y\|`, assuming :math:`f: IG \rightarrow \mathbb{R}` """ def __init__(self, L=None): # overrides the type check to allow None as initial value self._L = L def __call__(self, x): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def gradient(self, x, out=None): r"""Returns the value of the gradient of function :math:`F` evaluated at :math:`x`, if it is differentiable .. math:: F'(x) Parameters ---------- x : DataContainer out: return DataContainer, if None a new DataContainer is returned, default None. Returns -------- DataContainer, the value of the gradient of the function at x. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def proximal(self, x, tau, out=None): r"""Returns the proximal operator of function :math:`\tau F` evaluated at x .. math:: \text{prox}_{\tau F}(x) = \underset{z}{\text{argmin}} \frac{1}{2}\|z - x\|^{2} + \tau F(z) Parameters ---------- x : DataContainer tau: scalar out: return DataContainer, if None a new DataContainer is returned, default None. Returns ------- DataContainer, the proximal operator of the function at x with scalar :math:`\tau`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def convex_conjugate(self, x): r""" Evaluation of the function F* at x, where F* is the convex conjugate of function F, .. math:: F^{*}(x^{*}) = \underset{x}{\sup} \langle x^{*}, x \rangle - F(x) Parameters ---------- x : DataContainer Returns ------- The value of the convex conjugate of the function at x. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def proximal_conjugate(self, x, tau, out=None): r"""Returns the proximal operator of the convex conjugate of function :math:`\tau F` evaluated at :math:`x^{*}` .. math:: \text{prox}_{\tau F^{*}}(x^{*}) = \underset{z^{*}}{\text{argmin}} \frac{1}{2}\|z^{*} - x^{*}\|^{2} + \tau F^{*}(z^{*}) Due to Moreau’s identity, we have an analytic formula to compute the proximal operator of the convex conjugate :math:`F^{*}` .. math:: \text{prox}_{\tau F^{*}}(x) = x - \tau\text{prox}_{\tau^{-1} F}(\tau^{-1}x) Parameters ---------- x : DataContainer tau: scalar out: return DataContainer, if None a new DataContainer is returned, default None. Returns ------- DataContainer, the value of the proximal operator of the convex conjugate at point :math:`x` for scalar :math:`\tau` or None if `out`. """ if id(x) == id(out): raise InPlaceError( message="The proximal_conjugate of a CIL function cannot be used in place") try: tmp = x x.divide(tau, out=tmp) except TypeError: tmp = x.divide(tau, dtype=np.float32) val = self.proximal(tmp, 1.0/tau, out=out) if id(tmp) == id(x): x.multiply(tau, out=x) val.sapyb(-tau, x, 1.0, out=val) return val
# Algebra for Function Class # Add functions # Subtract functions # Add/Substract with Scalar # Multiply with Scalar def __add__(self, other): """ Returns the sum of the functions. Cases: a) the sum of two functions :math:`(F_{1}+F_{2})(x) = F_{1}(x) + F_{2}(x)` b) the sum of a function with a scalar :math:`(F_{1}+scalar)(x) = F_{1}(x) + scalar` """ if isinstance(other, Number): return SumScalarFunction(self, other) return SumFunction(self, other) def __radd__(self, other): """ Making addition commutative. """ return self + other def __sub__(self, other): """ Returns the subtraction of the functions.""" return self + (-1) * other def __rmul__(self, scalar): """Returns a function multiplied by a scalar.""" return ScaledFunction(self, scalar) def __mul__(self, scalar): return self.__rmul__(scalar) def __neg__(self): """ Return the negative of the function """ return -1 * self
[docs] def centered_at(self, center): """ Returns a translated function, namely if we have a function :math:`F(x)` the center is at the origin. TranslateFunction is :math:`F(x - b)` and the center is at point b. Parameters ---------- center: DataContainer The point to center the function at. Returns ------- The translated function. """ if center is None: return self else: return TranslateFunction(self, center)
@property def L(self): r'''Lipschitz of the gradient of function f. L is positive real number, such that :math:`\|f'(x) - f'(y)\| \leq L\|x-y\|`, assuming :math:`f: IG \rightarrow \mathbb{R}`''' return self._L # return self._L @L.setter def L(self, value): '''Setter for Lipschitz constant''' if isinstance(value, (Number,)) and value >= 0: self._L = value else: raise TypeError('The Lipschitz constant is a real positive number')
[docs] class SumFunction(Function): r"""SumFunction represents the sum of :math:`n\geq2` functions .. math:: (F_{1} + F_{2} + ... + F_{n})(\cdot) = F_{1}(\cdot) + F_{2}(\cdot) + ... + F_{n}(\cdot) Parameters ---------- *functions : Functions Functions to set up a :class:`.SumFunction` Raises ------ ValueError If the number of function is strictly less than 2. Examples -------- .. math:: F(x) = \|x\|^{2} + \frac{1}{2}\|x - 1\|^{2} >>> from cil.optimisation.functions import L2NormSquared >>> from cil.framework import ImageGeometry >>> f1 = L2NormSquared() >>> f2 = 0.5 * L2NormSquared(b = ig.allocate(1)) >>> F = SumFunction(f1, f2) .. math:: F(x) = \sum_{i=1}^{50} \|x - i\|^{2} >>> F = SumFunction(*[L2NormSquared(b=i) for i in range(50)]) """ def __init__(self, *functions): super(SumFunction, self).__init__() if not len(functions): raise IndexError('At least 1 function needed') self.functions = functions @property def L(self): """Returns the Lipschitz constant for the SumFunction .. math:: L = \sum_{i} L_{i} where :math:`L_{i}` is the Lipschitz constant of the smooth function :math:`F_{i}`. """ L = 0. for f in self.functions: if f.L is not None: L += f.L else: L = None break self._L = L return self._L @L.setter def L(self, value): # call base class setter super(SumFunction, self.__class__).L.fset(self, value) @property def Lmax(self): """Returns the maximum Lipschitz constant for the SumFunction .. math:: L = \max_{i}\{L_{i}\} where :math:`L_{i}` is the Lipschitz constant of the smooth function :math:`F_{i}`. """ l = [] for f in self.functions: if f.L is not None: l.append(f.L) else: l = None break self._Lmax = max(l) return self._Lmax @Lmax.setter def Lmax(self, value): # call base class setter super(SumFunction, self.__class__).Lmax.fset(self, value) def __call__(self, x): r"""Returns the value of the sum of functions evaluated at :math:`x`. .. math:: (F_{1} + F_{2} + ... + F_{n})(x) = F_{1}(x) + F_{2}(x) + ... + F_{n}(x) """ ret = 0. for f in self.functions: ret += f(x) return ret
[docs] def gradient(self, x, out=None): r"""Returns the value of the sum of the gradient of functions evaluated at :math:`x`, if all of them are differentiable. .. math:: (F'_{1} + F'_{2} + ... + F'_{n})(x) = F'_{1}(x) + F'_{2}(x) + ... + F'_{n}(x) Parameters ---------- x : DataContainer Point to evaluate the gradient at. out: return DataContainer, if None a new DataContainer is returned, default None. Returns ------- DataContainer, the value of the sum of the gradients evaluated at point :math:`x`. """ if out is not None and id(x) == id(out): raise InPlaceError for i, f in enumerate(self.functions): if i == 0: ret = f.gradient(x, out=out) else: ret += f.gradient(x) return ret
def __add__(self, other): """ Addition for the SumFunction. * :code:`SumFunction` + :code:`SumFunction` is a :code:`SumFunction`. * :code:`SumFunction` + :code:`Function` is a :code:`SumFunction`. """ if isinstance(other, SumFunction): functions = list(self.functions) + list(other.functions) return SumFunction(*functions) elif isinstance(other, Function): functions = list(self.functions) functions.append(other) return SumFunction(*functions) else: return super(SumFunction, self).__add__(other) @property def num_functions(self): return len(self.functions)
[docs] class ScaledFunction(Function): r""" ScaledFunction represents the scalar multiplication with a Function. Let a function F then and a scalar :math:`\alpha`. If :math:`G(x) = \alpha F(x)` then: 1. :math:`G(x) = \alpha F(x)` ( __call__ method ) 2. :math:`G'(x) = \alpha F'(x)` ( gradient method ) 3. :math:`G^{*}(x^{*}) = \alpha F^{*}(\frac{x^{*}}{\alpha})` ( convex_conjugate method ) 4. :math:`\text{prox}_{\tau G}(x) = \text{prox}_{(\tau\alpha) F}(x)` ( proximal method ) """ def __init__(self, function, scalar): super(ScaledFunction, self).__init__() if not isinstance(scalar, Number): raise TypeError('expected scalar: got {}'.format(type(scalar))) self.scalar = scalar self.function = function @property def L(self): if self._L is None: if self.function.L is not None: self._L = abs(self.scalar) * self.function.L else: self._L = None return self._L @L.setter def L(self, value): # call base class setter super(ScaledFunction, self.__class__).L.fset(self, value) @property def scalar(self): return self._scalar @scalar.setter def scalar(self, value): if isinstance(value, (Number, )): self._scalar = value else: raise TypeError( 'Expecting scalar type as a number type. Got {}'.format(type(value))) def __call__(self, x): r"""Returns the value of the scaled function evaluated at :math:`x`. .. math:: G(x) = \alpha F(x) Parameters ---------- x : DataContainer Returns -------- DataContainer, the value of the scaled function. """ return self.scalar * self.function(x)
[docs] def convex_conjugate(self, x): r"""Returns the convex conjugate of the scaled function. .. math:: G^{*}(x^{*}) = \alpha F^{*}(\frac{x^{*}}{\alpha}) Parameters ---------- x : DataContainer Returns ------- The value of the convex conjugate of the scaled function. """ try: x.divide(self.scalar, out=x) tmp = x except TypeError: tmp = x.divide(self.scalar, dtype=np.float32) val = self.function.convex_conjugate(tmp) if id(tmp) == id(x): x.multiply(self.scalar, out=x) return self.scalar * val
[docs] def gradient(self, x, out=None): r"""Returns the gradient of the scaled function evaluated at :math:`x`. .. math:: G'(x) = \alpha F'(x) Parameters ---------- x : DataContainer Point to evaluate the gradient at. out: return DataContainer, if None a new DataContainer is returned, default None. Returns ------- DataContainer, the value of the gradient of the scaled function evaluated at :math:`x`. """ res = self.function.gradient(x, out=out) res *= self.scalar return res
[docs] def proximal(self, x, tau, out=None): r"""Returns the proximal operator of the scaled function, evaluated at :math:`x`. .. math:: \text{prox}_{\tau G}(x) = \text{prox}_{(\tau\alpha) F}(x) Parameters ---------- x : DataContainer tau: scalar out: return DataContainer, if None a new DataContainer is returned, default None. Returns ------- DataContainer, the proximal operator of the scaled function evaluated at :math:`x` with scalar :math:`\tau`. """ return self.function.proximal(x, tau*self.scalar, out=out)
[docs] def proximal_conjugate(self, x, tau, out=None): r"""This returns the proximal conjugate operator for the function at :math:`x`, :math:`\tau` Parameters ---------- x : DataContainer tau: scalar out: return DataContainer, if None a new DataContainer is returned, default None. Returns ------- DataContainer, the proximal conjugate operator for the function evaluated at :math:`x` and :math:`\tau`. """ if out is not None and id(x) == id(out): raise InPlaceError try: tmp = x x.divide(tau, out=tmp) except TypeError: tmp = x.divide(tau, dtype=np.float32) val = self.function.proximal(tmp, self.scalar/tau, out=out) if id(tmp) == id(x): x.multiply(tau, out=x) val.sapyb(-tau, x, 1.0, out=val) return val
[docs] class SumScalarFunction(SumFunction): """ SumScalarFunction represents the sum a function with a scalar. .. math:: (F + scalar)(x) = F(x) + scalar Although SumFunction has no general expressions for i) convex_conjugate ii) proximal iii) proximal_conjugate if the second argument is a ConstantFunction then we can derive the above analytically. """ def __init__(self, function, constant): super(SumScalarFunction, self).__init__( function, ConstantFunction(constant)) self.constant = constant self.function = function
[docs] def convex_conjugate(self, x): r""" Returns the convex conjugate of a :math:`(F+scalar)`, evaluated at :math:`x`. .. math:: (F+scalar)^{*}(x^{*}) = F^{*}(x^{*}) - scalar Parameters ---------- x : DataContainer Returns ------- The value of the convex conjugate evaluated at :math:`x`. """ return self.function.convex_conjugate(x) - self.constant
[docs] def proximal(self, x, tau, out=None): """ Returns the proximal operator of :math:`F+scalar` .. math:: \text{prox}_{\tau (F+scalar)}(x) = \text{prox}_{\tau F} Parameters ---------- x : DataContainer tau: scalar out: return DataContainer, if None a new DataContainer is returned, default None. Returns ------- DataContainer, the evaluation of the proximal operator evaluated at :math:`x` and :math:`\tau`. """ return self.function.proximal(x, tau, out=out)
@property def L(self): if self._L is None: if self.function.L is not None: self._L = self.function.L else: self._L = None return self._L @L.setter def L(self, value): # call base class setter super(SumScalarFunction, self.__class__).L.fset(self, value)
[docs] class ConstantFunction(Function): r""" ConstantFunction: :math:`F(x) = constant, constant\in\mathbb{R}` """ def __init__(self, constant=0): self.constant = constant super(ConstantFunction, self).__init__(L=1) def __call__(self, x): """ Returns the value of the function, :math:`F(x) = constant`""" return self.constant
[docs] def gradient(self, x, out=None): """ Returns the value of the gradient of the function, :math:`F'(x)=0` Parameters ---------- x : DataContainer Point to evaluate the gradient at. out: return DataContainer, if None a new DataContainer is returned, default None. Returns ------- A DataContainer of zeros, the same size as :math:`x`. """ if out is None: return x * 0. else: out.fill(0) return out
[docs] def convex_conjugate(self, x): r""" The convex conjugate of constant function :math:`F(x) = c\in\mathbb{R}` is .. math:: F(x^{*}) = \begin{cases} -c, & if x^{*} = 0\\ \infty, & \mbox{otherwise} \end{cases} However, :math:`x^{*} = 0` only in the limit of iterations, so in fact this can be infinity. We do not want to have inf values in the convex conjugate, so we have to penalise this value accordingly. The following penalisation is useful in the PDHG algorithm, when we compute primal & dual objectives for convergence purposes. .. math:: F^{*}(x^{*}) = \sum \max\{x^{*}, 0\} Parameters ---------- x : DataContainer Returns ------- The maximum of x and 0, summed over the entries of x. """ return x.maximum(0).sum()
[docs] def proximal(self, x, tau, out=None): r"""Returns the proximal operator of the constant function, which is the same element, i.e., .. math:: \text{prox}_{\tau F}(x) = x Parameters ---------- x : DataContainer tau: scalar out: return DataContainer, if None a new DataContainer is returned, default None. Returns ------- DataContainer, equal to :math:`x`. """ if out is None: return x.copy() else: out.fill(x) return out
@property def constant(self): return self._constant @constant.setter def constant(self, value): if not isinstance(value, Number): raise TypeError('expected scalar: got {}'.format(type(value))) self._constant = value @property def L(self): return 1. def __rmul__(self, other): '''defines the right multiplication with a number''' if not isinstance(other, Number): raise NotImplemented constant = self.constant * other return ConstantFunction(constant)
[docs] class ZeroFunction(ConstantFunction): """ ZeroFunction represents the zero function, :math:`F(x) = 0` """ def __init__(self): super(ZeroFunction, self).__init__(constant=0.)
[docs] class TranslateFunction(Function): r""" TranslateFunction represents the translation of function F with respect to the center b. Let a function F and consider :math:`G(x) = F(x - center)`. Function F is centered at 0, whereas G is centered at point b. If :math:`G(x) = F(x - b)` then: 1. :math:`G(x) = F(x - b)` ( __call__ method ) 2. :math:`G'(x) = F'(x - b)` ( gradient method ) 3. :math:`G^{*}(x^{*}) = F^{*}(x^{*}) + <x^{*}, b >` ( convex_conjugate method ) 4. :math:`\text{prox}_{\tau G}(x) = \text{prox}_{\tau F}(x - b) + b` ( proximal method ) """ def __init__(self, function, center): try: L = function.L except NotImplementedError as nie: L = None super(TranslateFunction, self).__init__(L=L) self.function = function = center def __call__(self, x): r"""Returns the value of the translated function. .. math:: G(x) = F(x - b) Parameters ---------- x : DataContainer Returns ------- The value of the translated function evaluated at :math:`x`. """ try: x.subtract(, out=x) tmp = x except TypeError: tmp = x.subtract(, dtype=np.float32) val = self.function(tmp) if id(tmp) == id(x): x.add(, out=x) return val
[docs] def gradient(self, x, out=None): r"""Returns the gradient of the translated function. .. math:: G'(x) = F'(x - b) Parameters ---------- x : DataContainer Point to evaluate the gradient at. out: return DataContainer, if None a new DataContainer is returned, default None. Returns ------- DataContainer, the gradient of the translated function evaluated at :math:`x`. """ if id(x) == id(out): raise InPlaceError try: x.subtract(, out=x) tmp = x except TypeError: tmp = x.subtract(, dtype=np.float32) val = self.function.gradient(tmp, out=out) if id(tmp) == id(x): x.add(, out=x) return val
[docs] def proximal(self, x, tau, out=None): r"""Returns the proximal operator of the translated function. .. math:: \text{prox}_{\tau G}(x) = \text{prox}_{\tau F}(x-b) + b Parameters ---------- x : DataContainer tau: scalar out: return DataContainer, if None a new DataContainer is returned, default None. Returns ------- DataContainer, the proximal operator of the translated function at :math:`x` and :math:`\tau`. """ if id(x) == id(out): raise InPlaceError try: x.subtract(, out=x) tmp = x except TypeError: tmp = x.subtract(, dtype=np.float32) val = self.function.proximal(tmp, tau, out=out) val.add(, out=val) if id(tmp) == id(x): x.add(, out=x) return val
[docs] def convex_conjugate(self, x): r"""Returns the convex conjugate of the translated function. .. math:: G^{*}(x^{*}) = F^{*}(x^{*}) + <x^{*}, b > Parameters ---------- x : DataContainer Returns ------- The value of the convex conjugate of the translated function at :math:`x`. """ return self.function.convex_conjugate(x) +