Source code for cil.optimisation.functions.SVRGFunction

#   Copyright 2024 United Kingdom Research and Innovation
#   Copyright 2024 The University of Manchester
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#  Authors:
#  - CIL Developers, listed at:
#  - Daniel Deidda (National Physical Laboratory, UK)
#  - Claire Delplancke (Electricite de France, Research and Development)
#  - Ashley Gillman (Australian e-Health Res. Ctr., CSIRO, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)
#  - Zeljko Kereta (Department of Computer Science, University College London, UK)
#  - Evgueni Ovtchinnikov (STFC - UKRI)
#  - Georg Schramm (Department of Imaging and Pathology, Division of Nuclear Medicine, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium)

from .ApproximateGradientSumFunction import ApproximateGradientSumFunction
import numpy as np
import numbers

[docs] class SVRGFunction(ApproximateGradientSumFunction): r""" The Stochastic Variance Reduced Gradient (SVRG) function calculates the approximate gradient of :math:`\sum_{i=1}^{n-1}f_i`. For this approximation, every `snapshot_update_interval` number of iterations, a full gradient calculation is made at this "snapshot" point. Intermediate gradient calculations update this snapshot by taking a index :math:`i_k` and calculating the gradient of :math:`f_{i_k}`'s at the current iterate and the snapshot, updating the approximate gradient to be: .. math :: n*\nabla f_{i_k}(x_k) - n*\nabla f_{i_k}(\tilde{x}) + \nabla \sum_{i=0}^{n-1}f_i(\tilde{x}), where :math:`\tilde{x}` is the latest "snapshot" point and :math:`x_k` is the value at the current iteration. Note ----- Compared with the literature, we multiply by :math:`n`, the number of functions, so that we return an approximate gradient of the whole sum function and not an average gradient. Note ---- In the case where `store_gradients=False` the memory requirements are 4 times the image size (1 stored full gradient at the "snapshot", one stored "snapshot" point and two lots of intermediary calculations). Alternatively, if `store_gradients=True` the memory requirement is `n+4` (`n` gradients at the snapshot for each function in the sum, one stored full gradient at the "snapshot", one stored "snapshot" point and two lots of intermediary calculations). Reference --------- Johnson, R. and Zhang, T., 2013. Accelerating stochastic gradient descent using predictive variance reduction. Advances in neural information processing systems, 26. Parameters ---------- functions : `list` of functions A list of functions: :code:`[f_{0}, f_{1}, ..., f_{n-1}]`. Each function is assumed to be smooth with an implemented :func:`~Function.gradient` method. All functions must have the same domain. The number of functions must be strictly greater than 1. sampler: An instance of a CIL Sampler class ( :meth:`~optimisation.utilities.sampler`) or of another class which has a `next` function implemented to output integers in {0, 1, ..., n-1}. This sampler is called each time gradient is called and sets the internal `function_num` passed to the `approximate_gradient` function. Default is `Sampler.random_with_replacement(len(functions))`. snapshot_update_interval : positive int or None, optional The interval for updating the full gradient (taking a snapshot). The default is 2*len(functions) so a "snapshot" is taken every 2*len(functions) iterations. If the user passes `0` then no full gradient snapshots will be taken. store_gradients : bool, default: `False` Flag indicating whether to store an update a list of gradients for each function :math:`f_i` or just to store the snapshot point :math:`\tilde{x}` and its gradient :math:`\nabla \sum_{i=0}^{n-1}f_i(\tilde{x})`. """ def __init__(self, functions, sampler=None, snapshot_update_interval=None, store_gradients=False): super(SVRGFunction, self).__init__(functions, sampler) # snapshot_update_interval for SVRG self.snapshot_update_interval = snapshot_update_interval if snapshot_update_interval is None: self.snapshot_update_interval = 2*self.num_functions self.store_gradients = store_gradients self._svrg_iter_number = 0 self._full_gradient_at_snapshot = None self._list_stored_gradients = None self.stoch_grad_at_iterate = None self._stochastic_grad_difference = None self.snapshot = None
[docs] def gradient(self, x, out=None): r""" Selects a random function using the `sampler` and then calls the approximate gradient at :code:`x` or calculates a full gradient depending on the update frequency Parameters ---------- x : DataContainer (e.g. ImageData object) out: return DataContainer, if `None` a new DataContainer is returned, default `None`. Returns -------- DataContainer (e.g. ImageData object) the value of the approximate gradient of the sum function at :code:`x` """ # For SVRG, every `snapshot_update_interval` a full gradient step is calculated, else an approximate gradient is taken. if ( (self.snapshot_update_interval != 0) and (self._svrg_iter_number % (self.snapshot_update_interval)) == 0): return self._update_full_gradient_and_return(x, out=out) else: self.function_num = if not isinstance(self.function_num, numbers.Number): raise ValueError("Batch gradient is not yet implemented") if self.function_num >= self.num_functions or self.function_num < 0: raise IndexError( f"The sampler has produced the index {self.function_num} which does not match the expected range of available functions to sample from. Please ensure your sampler only selects from [0,1,...,len(functions)-1] ") return self.approximate_gradient(x, self.function_num, out=out)
[docs] def approximate_gradient(self, x, function_num, out=None): r""" Calculates the stochastic gradient at the point :math:`x` by using the gradient of the selected function, indexed by :math:`i_k`, the `function_number` in {0,...,len(functions)-1}, and the full gradient at the snapshot :math:`\tilde{x}` .. math :: n*\nabla f_{i_k}(x_k) - n*\nabla f_{i_k}(\tilde{x}) + \nabla \sum_{i=0}^{n-1}f_i(\tilde{x}) Note ----- Compared with the literature, we multiply by :math:`n`, the number of functions, so that we return an approximate gradient of the whole sum function and not an average gradient. Parameters ---------- x : DataContainer (e.g. ImageData object) out: return DataContainer, if `None` a new DataContainer is returned, default `None`. function_num: `int` Between 0 and n-1, where n is the number of functions in the list Returns -------- DataContainer (e.g. ImageData object) the value of the approximate gradient of the sum function at :code:`x` given a `function_number` in {0,...,len(functions)-1} """ self._svrg_iter_number += 1 self.stoch_grad_at_iterate = self.functions[function_num].gradient(x, out=self.stoch_grad_at_iterate) if self.store_gradients is True: self._stochastic_grad_difference = self.stoch_grad_at_iterate.sapyb( 1., self._list_stored_gradients[function_num], -1., out=self._stochastic_grad_difference) else: self._stochastic_grad_difference = self.stoch_grad_at_iterate.sapyb( 1., self.functions[function_num].gradient(self.snapshot), -1., out=self._stochastic_grad_difference) self._update_data_passes_indices([function_num]) out = self._stochastic_grad_difference.sapyb( self.num_functions, self._full_gradient_at_snapshot, 1., out=out) return out
def _update_full_gradient_and_return(self, x, out=None): """ Takes a "snapshot" at the point :math:`x`, saving both the point :math:` \tilde{x}=x` and its gradient :math:`\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}f_i{\tilde{x}}`. The function returns :math:`\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}f_i{\tilde{x}}` as the gradient calculation. If :code:`store_gradients==True`, the gradient of all the :math:`f_i`s is computed and stored at the "snapshot".. Parameters ---------- Takes a "snapshot" at the point :math:`x`. The function returns :math:`\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}f_i{\tilde{x}}` as the gradient calculation. If :code:`store_gradients==True`, the gradient of all the :math:`f_i`s is stored, otherwise only the sum of the gradients and the snapshot point :math:` \tilde{x}=x` are stored. out: return DataContainer, if `None` a new DataContainer is returned, default `None`. Returns -------- DataContainer (e.g. ImageData object) the value of the approximate gradient of the sum function at :code:`x` given a `function_number` in {0,...,len(functions)-1} """ self._svrg_iter_number += 1 if self.store_gradients is True: if self._list_stored_gradients is None: # Save the gradient of each individual f_i and the gradient of the full sum at the point x. self._list_stored_gradients = [ fi.gradient(x) for fi in self.functions] self._full_gradient_at_snapshot = sum( self._list_stored_gradients, start=0*x) else: for i, fi in enumerate(self.functions): fi.gradient(x, out=self._list_stored_gradients[i]) self._full_gradient_at_snapshot.fill( sum(self._list_stored_gradients, start=0*x)) self._full_gradient_at_snapshot *= 0 for i, el in enumerate(self._list_stored_gradients): self._full_gradient_at_snapshot += el else: # Save the snapshot point and the gradient of the full sum at the point x. self._full_gradient_at_snapshot = self.full_gradient( x, out=self._full_gradient_at_snapshot) if self.snapshot is None: self.snapshot = x.copy() self.snapshot.fill(x) # In this iteration all functions in the sum were used to update the gradient self._update_data_passes_indices(list(range(self.num_functions))) # Return the gradient of the full sum at the snapshot. if out is None: out = self._full_gradient_at_snapshot else: out.fill(self._full_gradient_at_snapshot) return out
[docs] class LSVRGFunction(SVRGFunction): r""" A class representing a function for Loopless Stochastic Variance Reduced Gradient (SVRG) approximation. This is similar to SVRG, except the full gradient at a "snapshot" is calculated at random intervals rather than at fixed numbers of iterations. Parameters ---------- functions : `list` of functions A list of functions: :code:`[f_{0}, f_{1}, ..., f_{n-1}]`. Each function is assumed to be smooth with an implemented :func:`~Function.gradient` method. All functions must have the same domain. The number of functions `n` must be strictly greater than 1. sampler: An instance of a CIL Sampler class ( :meth:`~optimisation.utilities.sampler`) or of another class which has a `next` function implemented to output integers in {0,...,n-1}. This sampler is called each time gradient is called and sets the internal `function_num` passed to the `approximate_gradient` function. Default is `Sampler.random_with_replacement(len(functions))`. snapshot_update_probability: positive float, default: 1/n The probability of updating the full gradient (taking a snapshot) at each iteration. The default is :math:`1./n` so, in expectation, a snapshot will be taken every :math:`n` iterations. store_gradients : bool, default: `False` Flag indicating whether to store an update a list of gradients for each function :math:`f_i` or just to store the snapshot point :math:`\tilde{x}` and its gradient :math:`\nabla \sum_{i=0}^{n-1}f_i(\tilde{x})`. Reference --------- Kovalev, D., Horváth, S. &; Richtárik, P.. (2020). Don’t Jump Through Hoops and Remove Those Loops: SVRG and Katyusha are Better Without the Outer Loop. Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 117:451-467 Available from Note ---- In the case where `store_gradients=False` the memory requirements are 4 times the image size (1 stored full gradient at the "snapshot", one stored "snapshot" point and two lots of intermediary calculations). Alternatively, if `store_gradients=True` the memory requirement is `n+4` (`n` gradients at the snapshot for each function in the sum, one stored full gradient at the "snapshot", one stored "snapshot" point and two lots of intermediary calculations). """ def __init__(self, functions, sampler=None, snapshot_update_probability=None, store_gradients=False, seed=None): super(LSVRGFunction, self).__init__( functions, sampler=sampler, store_gradients=store_gradients) # Update frequency based on probability. self.snapshot_update_probability = snapshot_update_probability # Default snapshot_update_probability for Loopless SVRG if self.snapshot_update_probability is None: self.snapshot_update_probability = 1./self.num_functions # The random generator used to decide if the gradient calculation is a full gradient or an approximate gradient self.generator = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed)
[docs] def gradient(self, x, out=None): """ Selects a random function using the `sampler` and then calls the approximate gradient at :code:`x` or calculates a full gradient depending on the update probability. Parameters ---------- x : DataContainer (e.g. ImageData objects) out: return DataContainer, if `None` a new DataContainer is returned, default `None`. Returns -------- DataContainer (e.g. ImageData object) the value of the approximate gradient of the sum function at :code:`x` """ if self._svrg_iter_number == 0 or self.generator.uniform() < self.snapshot_update_probability: return self._update_full_gradient_and_return(x, out=out) else: self.function_num = if not isinstance(self.function_num, numbers.Number): raise ValueError("Batch gradient is not yet implemented") if self.function_num >= self.num_functions or self.function_num < 0: raise IndexError( f"The sampler has produced the index {self.function_num} which does not match the expected range of available functions to sample from. Please ensure your sampler only selects from [0,1,...,len(functions)-1] ") return self.approximate_gradient(x, self.function_num, out=out)