Source code for cil.optimisation.operators.SparseFiniteDifferenceOperator

#  Copyright 2019 United Kingdom Research and Innovation
#  Copyright 2019 The University of Manchester
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Authors:
# CIL Developers, listed at:

import scipy.sparse as sp
import numpy as np
from cil.framework import ImageData, ImageGeometry
from cil.optimisation.operators import Operator

[docs] class SparseFiniteDifferenceOperator(Operator): '''Create Sparse Matrices for the Finite Difference Operator''' def __init__(self, domain_geometry, range_geometry=None, direction=0, bnd_cond = 'Neumann'): super(SparseFiniteDifferenceOperator, self).__init__(domain_geometry=domain_geometry, range_geometry=range_geometry) self.direction = direction self.bnd_cond = bnd_cond if self.range_geometry is None: self.range_geometry = self.domain_geometry self.get_dims = [i for i in domain_geometry.shape] if self.direction + 1 > len(self.domain_geometry().shape): raise ValueError('Gradient directions more than geometry domain') def matrix(self): i = self.direction mat = sp.spdiags(np.vstack([-np.ones((1,self.get_dims[i])),np.ones((1,self.get_dims[i]))]), [0,1], self.get_dims[i], self.get_dims[i], format = 'lil') if self.bnd_cond == 'Neumann': mat[-1,:] = 0 elif self.bnd_cond == 'Periodic': mat[-1,0] = 1 tmpGrad = mat if i == 0 else sp.eye(self.get_dims[0]) for j in range(1, self.domain_geometry().length): tmpGrad = sp.kron(mat, tmpGrad ) if j == i else sp.kron(sp.eye(self.get_dims[j]), tmpGrad ) return tmpGrad def T(self): return self.matrix().T
[docs] def direct(self, x): x_asarr = x.as_array() res = np.reshape( self.matrix() * x_asarr.flatten('F'), self.domain_geometry().shape, 'F') return type(x)(res)
def adjoint(self, x): x_asarr = x.as_array() res = np.reshape( self.matrix().T * x_asarr.flatten('F'), self.domain_geometry().shape, 'F') return type(x)(res) def sum_abs_row(self): res = np.array(np.reshape(abs(self.matrix()).sum(axis=0), self.domain_geometry().shape, 'F')) #res[res==0]=0 return ImageData(res) def sum_abs_col(self): res = np.array(np.reshape(abs(self.matrix()).sum(axis=1), self.domain_geometry().shape, 'F') ) #res[res==0]=0 return ImageData(res)
if __name__ == '__main__': M, N= 2, 3 ig = ImageGeometry(M, N) arr = ig.allocate('random_int') sFD_neum1 = SparseFiniteDifferenceOperator(ig, direction=0, bnd_cond='Neumann') sFD_neum2 = SparseFiniteDifferenceOperator(ig, direction=1, bnd_cond='Neumann') DY = sFD_neum1.matrix().toarray() DX = sFD_neum2.matrix().toarray() rows = sFD_neum1.sum_abs_row() cols = sFD_neum1.sum_abs_col() print(rows.as_array()) print(cols.as_array())