Source code for cil.optimisation.operators.SymmetrisedGradientOperator

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#  Copyright 2019 The University of Manchester
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# Authors:
# CIL Developers, listed at:

from cil.optimisation.operators import LinearOperator
from cil.framework import BlockGeometry, BlockDataContainer
from cil.optimisation.operators import FiniteDifferenceOperator

[docs] class SymmetrisedGradientOperator(LinearOperator): r''' The symmetrised gradient is the operator, :math:`E`, defined by :math:`E: V \rightarrow W` where `V` is `BlockGeometry` and `W` is the range of the Symmetrised Gradient and .. math:: E(v) = 0.5 ( \nabla v + (\nabla v)^{T} ) \\ In 2 dimensions, let :math:`v(x,y)=(v_1(x,y),v_2(x,y))` which gives .. math:: \nabla v =\left( \begin{matrix} \partial_{x} v_1 & \partial_x v_2\\ \partial_{y}v_1 & \partial_y v_2 \end{matrix}\right) and thus .. math:: E(v) = 0.5 ( \nabla v + (\nabla v)^{T} ) =\left( \begin{matrix} \partial_{x} v_1 & 0.5 (\partial_{y} v_1 + \partial_{x} v_2) \\ 0.5 (\partial_{x} v_1 + \partial_{y} v_2) & \partial_{y} v_2 \end{matrix}\right) Parameters ---------- domain_geometry: `BlockGeometry` with shape (2,1) or (3,1) Set up the domain of the function. bnd_cond: str, optional, default :code:`Neumann` Boundary condition either :code:`Neumann` or :code:`Periodic` correlation: str, optional, default :code:`Channel` Correlation either :code:`SpaceChannel` or :code:`Channel` ''' CORRELATION_SPACE = "Space" CORRELATION_SPACECHANNEL = "SpaceChannels" def __init__(self, domain_geometry, bnd_cond = 'Neumann', **kwargs): self.bnd_cond = bnd_cond self.correlation = kwargs.get('correlation',SymmetrisedGradientOperator.CORRELATION_SPACE) tmp_gm = len(domain_geometry.geometries)*domain_geometry.geometries # Define FD operator. We need one geometry from the BlockGeometry of the domain self.FD = FiniteDifferenceOperator(domain_geometry.get_item(0), direction = 0, bnd_cond = self.bnd_cond) if domain_geometry.shape[0]==2: self.order_ind = [0,2,1,3] else: self.order_ind = [0,3,6,1,4,7,2,5,8] super(SymmetrisedGradientOperator, self).__init__( domain_geometry=domain_geometry, range_geometry=BlockGeometry(*tmp_gm))
[docs] def direct(self, x, out=None): r'''Returns :math:`E(v) = 0.5 * ( \nabla v + (\nabla v)^{T} )` Parameters: ------------- x: BlockDataContainer out: BlockDataContainer, default None If out is not None the output of direct will be filled in out, otherwise a new object is instantiated and returned. ''' if out is None: tmp = [] for i in range(self.domain_geometry().shape[0]): for j in range(x.shape[0]): self.FD.direction = i tmp.append(self.FD.adjoint(x.get_item(j))) tmp1 = [tmp[i] for i in self.order_ind] res = [0.5 * sum(x) for x in zip(tmp, tmp1)] return BlockDataContainer(*res) else: ind = 0 for i in range(self.domain_geometry().shape[0]): for j in range(x.shape[0]): self.FD.direction = i self.FD.adjoint(x.get_item(j), out=out[ind]) ind+=1 out1 = BlockDataContainer(*[out[i] for i in self.order_ind]) out.fill( 0.5 * (out + out1) ) return out
[docs] def adjoint(self, x, out=None): r'''Returns the adjoint of the symmetrised gradient operator Parameters: ------------- x: BlockDataContainer out: BlockDataContainer, default None If out is not None the output of adjoint will be filled in out, otherwise a new object is instantiated and returned. ''' if out is None: tmp = [None]*self.domain_geometry().shape[0] i = 0 for k in range(self.domain_geometry().shape[0]): tmp1 = 0 for j in range(self.domain_geometry().shape[0]): self.FD.direction = j tmp1 +=[i]) i+=1 tmp[k] = tmp1 return BlockDataContainer(*tmp) else: tmp = self.domain_geometry().allocate() i = 0 for k in range(self.domain_geometry().shape[0]): tmp1 = 0 for j in range(self.domain_geometry().shape[0]): self.FD.direction = j[i], out=tmp[j]) i+=1 tmp1+=tmp[j] out[k].fill(tmp1) return out