Source code for cil.optimisation.operators.WaveletOperator

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#  Copyright 2023 The University of Manchester
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# Authors:
# CIL Developers, listed at:
import numpy as np
import pywt  # PyWavelets module
import warnings

from cil.optimisation.operators import LinearOperator
from cil.framework import VectorGeometry

[docs] class WaveletOperator(LinearOperator): r''' Computes forward or inverse (adjoint) discrete wavelet transform (DWT) of the input Parameters ---------- domain_geometry: cil geometry Domain geometry for the WaveletOperator range_geometry: cil geometry, optional Output geometry for the WaveletOperator. Default = domain_geometry with the right coefficient array size deduced from pywavelets level: int, optional, default= log_2(min(shape(axes))) integer for decomposition level. Default = log_2(min(shape(axes))), i.e. the maximum number of accurate downsamplings possible wname: string, optional, default='haar' label for wavelet used. axes: list of ints, optional, default=`None` Defines the dimensions to decompose along. Note that channel is the first dimension: for example, spatial DWT is given by axes=range(1,3) and channelwise DWT is axes=range(1) Default = `None`, meaning all dimensions are transformed. Same as axes = range(ndim) **kwargs --------- correlation: str, default 'All'. Note: Only applied if `axes = None`! 'All' will compute the wavelet decomposition on every possible dimension. 'Space' will compute the wavelet decomposition on only the spatial dimensions. If there are multiple channels, each channel is decomposed independently. 'Channels' will compute the wavelet decomposition on only the channels, independently for every spatial point. bnd_cond: str, default 'symmetric'. More commonly known as the padding or extension method used in discrete convolutions. All options supported by PyWavelets are valid. Most common examples are 'symmetric' (padding by mirroring edge values), 'zero' (padding with zeros), 'periodic' (wrapping values around as in circular convolution). Some padding methods can have unexpected effect on the wavelet coefficients at the edges. See for more details and all options. true_adjoint: bool, default `True`. For biorthogonal wavelets the true mathematical adjoint should no longer produce perfect reconstructions, setting `true_adjoint`as `False` the reconstruction (using the adjoint) should be (almost) the original input. Note ----- The default decomposition level is the theoretical maximum: log_2(min(input.shape)). However, this is not always recommended and pywavelets should give a warning if the coarsest scales are too small to be meaningful. Note ---- We currently do not support wavelets that are not orthogonal or bi-orthogonal. ''' def __init__(self, domain_geometry, range_geometry=None, level=None, wname="haar", axes=None, **kwargs): # Correlation is different way of defining decomposition axes self.correlation = kwargs.get('correlation', None) if axes is None and len(domain_geometry.shape) > 1: if self.correlation in [None, 'All']: axes = None elif self.correlation.lower() in ["space", "spatial"]: axes = [i for i, l in enumerate( domain_geometry.dimension_labels) if l != 'channel'] elif self.correlation.lower() in ["channels", "channel"]: axes = [i for i, l in enumerate( domain_geometry.dimension_labels) if l == 'channel'] else: raise AttributeError( f"Unknown correlation type: '{self.correlation}'") if axes == []: raise AttributeError( f"Correlation set to '{self.correlation}' but the data only has '{domain_geometry.dimension_labels}' as possible dimensions") elif axes is not None and self.correlation is not None: warnings.warn( f"Decomposition axes '{axes}' take priority over correlation '{self.correlation}'. Both should not be used.", UserWarning) elif len(domain_geometry.shape) == 1 and self.correlation is not None: warnings.warn( f"Setting correlation '{self.correlation}' is not valid for 1D data.", UserWarning) # Convolution boundary condition i.e. padding method self.bnd_cond = kwargs.get('bnd_cond', 'symmetric') self._trueAdj = kwargs.get('true_adjoint', True) self.wname = wname self._wavelet = pywt.Wavelet(wname) # True adjoint for biorthogonal wavelet if all([not self._wavelet.orthogonal, self._wavelet.biorthogonal, self._trueAdj]): self._wavelet = self._getBiortFilters(wname) if level is None: level = pywt.dwtn_max_level( domain_geometry.shape, wavelet=self._wavelet, axes=axes) self.level = int(level) self._shapes = pywt.wavedecn_shapes( domain_geometry.shape, wavelet=self._wavelet, level=level, axes=axes, mode=self.bnd_cond) self.axes = axes self._slices = self._shape2slice() # Compute the correct wavelet domain size range_shape = np.array(domain_geometry.shape) if axes is None: axes = range(len(domain_geometry.shape)) # Name of the diagonal element in unknown dimensional DWT d = 'd'*len(axes) for k in axes: range_shape[k] = self._shapes[0][k] for l in range(level): range_shape[k] += self._shapes[l+1][d][k] if range_geometry is None: range_geometry = domain_geometry.copy() # Update new size if hasattr(range_geometry, 'channels'): if range_geometry.channels > 1: range_geometry.channels = range_shape[0] # Remove channels temporarily range_shape = range_shape[1:] if len(range_shape) == 3: range_geometry.voxel_num_x = range_shape[2] range_geometry.voxel_num_y = range_shape[1] range_geometry.voxel_num_z = range_shape[0] elif len(range_shape) == 2: range_geometry.voxel_num_x = range_shape[1] range_geometry.voxel_num_y = range_shape[0] elif len(range_shape) == 1: # VectorGeometry is bit special range_geometry = VectorGeometry(range_shape[0]) else: raise AttributeError( f"Spatial dimension of range_geometry can be at most 3. Now it is {len(range_shape)}!") elif (range_geometry.shape != range_shape).any(): raise AttributeError( f"Size of the range geometry is {range_geometry.shape} but the size of the wavelet coefficient array must be {tuple(range_shape)}.") super().__init__(domain_geometry=domain_geometry, range_geometry=range_geometry) def _shape2slice(self): """Helper function for turning shape of coefficients to slices""" shapes = self._shapes coeff_tmp = [] coeff_tmp.append(np.empty(shapes[0])) for cd in shapes[1:]: subbs = dict((k, np.empty(v)) for k, v in cd.items()) coeff_tmp.append(subbs) _, slices = pywt.coeffs_to_array(coeff_tmp, padding=0, axes=self.axes) return slices def _getBiortFilters(self, wname): """Helper function for creating a custom wavelet object. Using mirrored decomposition filters for reconstruction gives adjoint. This is only needed for biorthogonal wavelets.""" fb = pywt.Wavelet(wname).filter_bank ifb = pywt.Wavelet(wname).inverse_filter_bank adj_filter_bank = fb[0:2] + ifb[2:4] wavelet = pywt.Wavelet(wname, filter_bank=adj_filter_bank) wavelet.orthogonal = False wavelet.biorthogonal = True return wavelet
[docs] def direct(self, x, out=None): r"""Returns the value of the WaveletOperator applied to :math:`x` Parameters ---------- x : DataContainer out: return DataContainer, if None a new DataContainer is returned, default None. Returns -------- DataContainer, the value of the WaveletOperator applied to :math:`x` or `None` if `out` """ x_arr = x.as_array() coeffs = pywt.wavedecn( x_arr, wavelet=self._wavelet, level=self.level, axes=self.axes, mode=self.bnd_cond) Wx, _ = pywt.coeffs_to_array(coeffs, axes=self.axes) if out is None: ret = self.range_geometry().allocate(dtype=x.dtype) ret.fill(Wx) return ret else: out.fill(Wx) return out
[docs] def adjoint(self, Wx, out=None): r"""Returns the value of the adjoint of the WaveletOperator applied to :math:`x` Parameters ---------- x : DataContainer out: return DataContainer, if None a new DataContainer is returned, default None. Returns -------- DataContainer, the value of the adjoint of the WaveletOperator applied to :math:`x` or `None` if `out` """ if not (self._wavelet.orthogonal or self._wavelet.biorthogonal): raise ValueError( 'CIL currently only supports orthogonal and biorthogonal wavelets') Wx_arr = Wx.as_array() coeffs = pywt.array_to_coeffs(Wx_arr, self._slices) x = pywt.waverecn( coeffs, wavelet=self._wavelet, axes=self.axes, mode=self.bnd_cond) # Need to slice the output in case original size is of odd length org_size = tuple(slice(i) for i in self.domain_geometry().shape) if out is None: ret = self.domain_geometry().allocate(dtype=Wx.dtype) ret.fill(x[org_size]) return ret else: out.fill(x[org_size]) return out
[docs] def calculate_norm(self): '''Returns the norm of WaveletOperator, which is equal to 1.0 if the wavelet is orthogonal Returns -------- norm: float ''' if self._wavelet.orthogonal: norm = 1.0 else: norm = LinearOperator.calculate_norm(self) return norm
[docs] def is_orthogonal(self): '''Returns if the operator is orthogonal Returns ------- `Bool` ''' return self._wavelet.orthogonal