Source code for cil.plugins.TomoPhantom

#  Copyright 2021 United Kingdom Research and Innovation
#  Copyright 2021 The University of Manchester
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.
# Authors:
# CIL Developers, listed at:

from cil.framework import ImageData
from cil.framework.labels import ImageDimension
import tomophantom
from tomophantom import TomoP2D, TomoP3D
import os
import numpy as np

import ctypes, platform
from ctypes import util
# check for the extension
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
    dll = ''
elif platform.system() == 'Windows':
    dll_file = 'ctomophantom.dll'
    dll = util.find_library(dll_file)
elif platform.system() == 'Darwin':
    dll = 'libctomophantom.dylib'
    raise ValueError('Not supported platform, ', platform.system())

libtomophantom = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(dll)

path = os.path.dirname(tomophantom.__file__)
path_library2D = os.path.join(path, "Phantom2DLibrary.dat")
path_library3D = os.path.join(path, "Phantom3DLibrary.dat")

def is_model_temporal(num_model, num_dims=2):
    '''Returns whether a model in the TomoPhantom library is temporal

    This will go to check the installed library files from TomoPhantom

    :param num_model: model number
    :type num_model: int
    :param num_dims: dimensionality of the phantom, 2D or 3D
    :type num_dims: int, default 2
    return get_model_num_channels(num_model, num_dims) > 1

def get_model_num_channels(num_model, num_dims=2):
    '''Returns number of temporal steps (channels) the model has

    This will go to check the installed library files from TomoPhantom

    :param num_model: model number
    :type num_model: int
    :param num_dims: dimensionality of the phantom, 2D or 3D
    :type num_dims: int, default 2

    return check_model_params(num_model, num_dims=num_dims)[3]

def check_model_params(num_model, num_dims=2):
    '''Returns params_switch array from the C TomoPhantom library in function checkParams2D or checkParams3D

    This will go to check the installed library files from TomoPhantom

    :param num_model: model number
    :type num_model: int
    :param num_dims: dimensionality of the phantom, 2D or 3D
    :type num_dims: int, default 2
    if num_dims == 2:
        libtomophantom.checkParams2D.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int),  # pointer to the params array
                                  ctypes.c_int,                                   # model number selector (int)
                                  ctypes.c_char_p]                  # string to the library file
        params = np.zeros([10], dtype=np.int32)
        params_p = params.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int))
        lib2d_p = str(path_library2D).encode('utf-8')
        libtomophantom.checkParams2D(params_p, num_model, lib2d_p)

        return params

    elif num_dims == 3:
        libtomophantom.checkParams3D.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int),  # pointer to the params array
                                  ctypes.c_int,                                   # model number selector (int)
                                  ctypes.c_char_p]                  # string to the library file
        params = np.zeros([11], dtype=np.int32)
        params_p = params.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int))
        lib2d_p = str(path_library3D).encode('utf-8')
        libtomophantom.checkParams3D(params_p, num_model, lib2d_p)

        return params

        raise ValueError('Unsupported dimensionality. Expected 2 or 3, got {}'.format(dims))

[docs] def get_ImageData(num_model, geometry): '''Returns an ImageData relative to geometry with the model num_model from tomophantom :param num_model: model number :type num_model: int :param geometry: geometrical info that describes the phantom :type geometry: ImageGeometry Example usage: .. code-block:: python ndim = 2 N=128 angles = np.linspace(0, 360, 50, True, dtype=np.float32) offset = 0.4 channels = 3 if ndim == 2: ag = AcquisitionGeometry.create_Cone2D((offset,-100), (offset,100)) ag.set_panel(N) else: ag = AcquisitionGeometry.create_Cone3D((offset,-100, 0), (offset,100,0)) ag.set_panel((N,N-2)) ag.set_channels(channels) ag.set_angles(angles, angle_unit=AngleUnit.DEGREE) ig = ag.get_ImageGeometry() num_model = 1 phantom = TomoPhantom.get_ImageData(num_model=num_model, geometry=ig) ''' ig = geometry.copy() ig.set_labels(ImageDimension.get_order_for_engine('cil')) num_dims = len(ig.dimension_labels) if ImageDimension.CHANNEL in ig.dimension_labels: if not is_model_temporal(num_model): raise ValueError('Selected model {} is not a temporal model, please change your selection'.format(num_model)) if num_dims == 4: # 3D+time for tomophantom # output dimensions channel and then spatial, # e.g. [ 'channel', 'vertical', 'horizontal_y', 'horizontal_x' ] num_model = num_model shape = tuple(ig.shape[1:]) phantom_arr = TomoP3D.ModelTemporal(num_model, shape, path_library3D) elif num_dims == 3: # 2D+time for tomophantom # output dimensions channel and then spatial, # e.g. [ 'channel', 'horizontal_y', 'horizontal_x' ] N = ig.shape[1] num_model = num_model phantom_arr = TomoP2D.ModelTemporal(num_model, ig.shape[1], path_library2D) else: raise ValueError('Wrong ImageGeometry') if ig.channels != phantom_arr.shape[0]: raise ValueError('The required model {} has {} channels. The ImageGeometry you passed has {}. Please update your ImageGeometry.'\ .format(num_model, ig.channels, phantom_arr.shape[0])) else: if num_dims == 3: # 3D num_model = num_model phantom_arr = TomoP3D.Model(num_model, ig.shape, path_library3D) elif num_dims == 2: # 2D if ig.shape[0] != ig.shape[1]: raise ValueError('Can only handle square ImageData, got shape'.format(ig.shape)) N = ig.shape[0] num_model = num_model phantom_arr = TomoP2D.Model(num_model, N, path_library2D) else: raise ValueError('Wrong ImageGeometry') im_data = ImageData(phantom_arr, geometry=ig, suppress_warning=True) im_data.reorder(list(geometry.dimension_labels)) return im_data