Source code for cil.plugins.ccpi_regularisation.functions.regularisers

#  Copyright 2020 United Kingdom Research and Innovation
#  Copyright 2020 The University of Manchester
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# Authors:
# CIL Developers, listed at:

    from ccpi.filters import regularisers
    from ccpi.filters.TV import TV_ENERGY
except ImportError as exc:
    raise ImportError('Please `conda install "ccpi::ccpi-regulariser>=24.0.1"`') from exc

from cil.framework import DataContainer
from cil.framework.labels import ImageDimension
from cil.optimisation.functions import Function
import numpy as np
import warnings
from numbers import Number

class RegulariserFunction(Function):
    def proximal(self, x, tau, out=None):

        r""" Generic proximal method for a RegulariserFunction

        .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\tau f}(x) := \argmin_{z} f(x) + \frac{1}{2}\|z - x \|^{2}


        x : DataContainer
            Input of the proximal operator
        tau : Number
            Positive parameter of the proximal operator
        out : DataContainer
            Output :class:`Datacontainer` in which the result is placed.


        If the :class:`ImageData` contains complex data, rather than the default `float32`, the regularisation
        is run independently on the real and imaginary part.


        arr = x.as_array()
        if np.iscomplexobj(arr):
            # do real and imag part indep
            in_arr = np.asarray(arr.real, dtype=np.float32, order='C')
            res, info = self.proximal_numpy(in_arr, tau)
            arr.real = res[:]
            in_arr = np.asarray(arr.imag, dtype=np.float32, order='C')
            res, info = self.proximal_numpy(in_arr, tau)
            arr.imag = res[:]
   = info
            if out is not None:
                out = x.copy()
                return out
            arr = np.asarray(x.as_array(), dtype=np.float32, order='C')
            res, info = self.proximal_numpy(arr, tau)
   = info
            if out is not None:
                out = x.copy()
                return out
    def proximal_numpy(self, xarr, tau):
        raise NotImplementedError('Please implement proximal_numpy')

    def check_input(self, input):

class TV_Base(RegulariserFunction):

    r""" Total Variation regulariser

    .. math:: TV(u) = \alpha \|\nabla u\|_{2,1}


    strong_convexity_constant : Number
                              Positive parameter that allows Total variation regulariser to be strongly convex. Default = 0.


    By definition, Total variation is a convex function. However,
    adding a strongly convex term makes it a strongly convex function.
    Then, we say that `TV` is a :math:`\gamma>0` strongly convex function i.e.,

    .. math:: TV(u) = \alpha \|\nabla u\|_{2,1} + \frac{\gamma}{2}\|u\|^{2}


    def __init__(self, strong_convexity_constant = 0):

        self.strong_convexity_constant = strong_convexity_constant

    def __call__(self,x):
        in_arr = np.asarray(x.as_array(), dtype=np.float32, order='C')
        EnergyValTV = TV_ENERGY(in_arr, in_arr, self.alpha, 2)
        if self.strong_convexity_constant>0:
            return 0.5*EnergyValTV[0] + (self.strong_convexity_constant/2)*x.squared_norm()
            return 0.5*EnergyValTV[0]

    def convex_conjugate(self,x):
        return 0.0

[docs] class FGP_TV(TV_Base): r""" Fast Gradient Projection Total Variation (FGP_TV) The :class:`FGP_TV` computes the proximal operator of the Total variation regulariser .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\tau (\alpha TV)}(x) = \underset{z}{\mathrm{argmin}} \,\alpha\,\mathrm{TV}(z) + \frac{1}{2}\|z - x\|^{2} . The algorithm used for the proximal operator of TV is the Fast Gradient Projection algorithm applied to the _dual problem_ of the above problem, see :cite:`BeckTeboulle_b`, :cite:`BeckTeboulle_a`. Note ----- In CIL Version 24.1.0 we change the default value of nonnegativity to False. This means non-negativity is not enforced by default. Parameters ---------- alpha : :obj:`Number` (positive), default = 1.0 . Total variation regularisation parameter. max_iteration : :obj:`int`. Default = 100 . Maximum number of iterations for the Fast Gradient Projection algorithm. isotropic : :obj:`boolean`. Default = True . Isotropic or Anisotropic definition of the Total variation regulariser. .. math:: |x|_{2} = \sqrt{x_{1}^{2} + x_{2}^{2}},\, (\mbox{isotropic}) .. math:: |x|_{1} = |x_{1}| + |x_{2}|\, (\mbox{anisotropic}) nonnegativity : :obj:`boolean`. Default = False . Non-negativity constraint for the solution of the FGP algorithm. tolerance : :obj:`float`, Default = 0 . Stopping criterion for the FGP algorithm. .. math:: \|x^{k+1} - x^{k}\|_{2} < \mathrm{tolerance} device : :obj:`str`, Default = 'cpu' . FGP_TV algorithm runs on `cpu` or `gpu`. strong_convexity_constant : :obj:`float`, default = 0 A strongly convex term weighted by the :code:`strong_convexity_constant` (:math:`\gamma`) parameter is added to the Total variation. Now the :code:`TotalVariation` function is :math:`\gamma` - strongly convex and the proximal operator is .. math:: \underset{u}{\mathrm{argmin}} \frac{1}{2\tau}\|u - b\|^{2} + \mathrm{TV}(u) + \frac{\gamma}{2}\|u\|^{2} \Leftrightarrow .. math:: \underset{u}{\mathrm{argmin}} \frac{1}{2\frac{\tau}{1+\gamma\tau}}\|u - \frac{b}{1+\gamma\tau}\|^{2} + \mathrm{TV}(u) Examples -------- .. math:: \underset{u\qeq0}{\mathrm{argmin}} \frac{1}{2}\|u - b\|^{2} + \alpha TV(u) >>> G = alpha * FGP_TV(max_iteration=100, device='gpu') >>> sol = G.proximal(b) Note ---- The :class:`FGP_TV` regularisation does not incorparate information on the :class:`ImageGeometry`, i.e., pixel/voxel size. Therefore a rescaled parameter should be used to match the same solution computed using :class:`~cil.optimisation.functions.TotalVariation`. >>> G1 = (alpha/ig.voxel_size_x) * FGP_TV(max_iteration=100, device='gpu') >>> G2 = alpha * TotalVariation(max_iteration=100, lower=0.) See Also -------- :class:`~cil.optimisation.functions.TotalVariation` """ def __init__(self, alpha=1, max_iteration=100, tolerance=0, isotropic=True, nonnegativity=None, device='cpu', strong_convexity_constant=0): if isotropic == True: self.methodTV = 0 else: self.methodTV = 1 if nonnegativity is None: # Deprecate this warning in future versions and allow nonnegativity to be default False in the init. warnings.warn('Note that the default behaviour now sets the nonnegativity constraint to False ', UserWarning, stacklevel=2) nonnegativity=False if nonnegativity == True: self.nonnegativity = 1 else: self.nonnegativity = 0 self.alpha = alpha self.max_iteration = max_iteration self.tolerance = tolerance self.nonnegativity = nonnegativity self.device = device super(FGP_TV, self).__init__(strong_convexity_constant=strong_convexity_constant) def _fista_on_dual_rof(self, in_arr, tau): r""" Implements the Fast Gradient Projection algorithm on the dual problem of the Total Variation Denoising problem (ROF). """ info = np.zeros((2,), dtype=np.float32) res = regularisers.FGP_TV(\ in_arr,\ self.alpha * tau,\ self.max_iteration,\ self.tolerance,\ self.methodTV,\ self.nonnegativity,\ infovector = info, device = self.device) return res, info def proximal_numpy(self, in_arr, tau): if self.strong_convexity_constant>0: strongly_convex_factor = (1 + tau * self.strong_convexity_constant) in_arr /= strongly_convex_factor tau /= strongly_convex_factor solution = self._fista_on_dual_rof(in_arr, tau) if self.strong_convexity_constant>0: in_arr *= strongly_convex_factor tau *= strongly_convex_factor return solution def __rmul__(self, scalar): '''Define the multiplication with a scalar this changes the regularisation parameter in the plugin''' if not isinstance (scalar, Number): raise NotImplemented else: self.alpha *= scalar return self def check_input(self, input): if len(input.shape) > 3: raise ValueError('{} cannot work on more than 3D. Got {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, input.geometry.length))
[docs] class TGV(RegulariserFunction):
[docs] def __init__(self, alpha=1, gamma=1, max_iteration=100, tolerance=0, device='cpu' , **kwargs): '''Creator of Total Generalised Variation Function :param alpha: regularisation parameter :type alpha: number, default 1 :param gamma: ratio of TGV terms :type gamma: number, default 1, can range between 1 and 2 :param max_iteration: max number of sub iterations. The algorithm will iterate up to this number of iteration or up to when the tolerance has been reached :type max_iteration: integer, default 100 :param tolerance: minimum difference between previous iteration of the algorithm that determines the stop of the iteration earlier than max_iteration. If set to 0 only the max_iteration will be used as stop criterion. :type tolerance: float, default 0 :param device: determines if the code runs on CPU or GPU :type device: string, default 'cpu', can be 'gpu' if GPU is installed ''' self.alpha = alpha self.gamma = gamma self.max_iteration = max_iteration self.tolerance = tolerance self.device = device if kwargs.get('iter_TGV', None) is not None: # raise ValueError('iter_TGV parameter has been superseded by num_iter. Use that instead.') self.num_iter = kwargs.get('iter_TGV')
[docs] def __call__(self,x): warnings.warn("{}: the __call__ method is not implemented. Returning NaN.".format(self.__class__.__name__)) return np.nan
@property def gamma(self): return self.__gamma @gamma.setter def gamma(self, value): if value <= 2 and value >= 1: self.__gamma = value @property def alpha2(self): return self.alpha1 * self.gamma @property def alpha1(self): return 1. def proximal_numpy(self, in_arr, tau): info = np.zeros((2,), dtype=np.float32) res = regularisers.TGV(in_arr, self.alpha * tau, self.alpha1, self.alpha2, self.max_iteration, self.LipshitzConstant, self.tolerance, infovector = info, device = self.device) # info: return number of iteration and reached tolerance # # Stopping Criteria || u^k - u^(k-1) ||_{2} / || u^{k} ||_{2} return res, info
[docs] def convex_conjugate(self, x): warnings.warn("{}: the convex_conjugate method is not implemented. Returning NaN.".format(self.__class__.__name__)) return np.nan
[docs] def __rmul__(self, scalar): '''Define the multiplication with a scalar this changes the regularisation parameter in the plugin''' if not isinstance (scalar, Number): raise NotImplemented else: self.alpha *= scalar return self
# f = TGV() # f = alpha * f def check_input(self, input): if len(input.shape) == 2: self.LipshitzConstant = 12 elif len(input.shape) == 3: self.LipshitzConstant = 16 # Vaggelis to confirm else: raise ValueError('{} cannot work on more than 3D. Got {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, input.geometry.length))
[docs] class FGP_dTV(RegulariserFunction): '''Creator of FGP_dTV Function :param reference: reference image :type reference: ImageData :param alpha: regularisation parameter :type alpha: number, default 1 :param max_iteration: max number of sub iterations. The algorithm will iterate up to this number of iteration or up to when the tolerance has been reached :type max_iteration: integer, default 100 :param tolerance: minimum difference between previous iteration of the algorithm that determines the stop of the iteration earlier than max_iteration. If set to 0 only the max_iteration will be used as stop criterion. :type tolerance: float, default 0 :param eta: smoothing constant to calculate gradient of the reference :type eta: number, default 0.01 :param isotropic: Whether it uses L2 (isotropic) or L1 (anisotropic) norm :type isotropic: boolean, default True, can range between 1 and 2 :param nonnegativity: Whether to add the non-negativity constraint :type nonnegativity: boolean, default True :param device: determines if the code runs on CPU or GPU :type device: string, default 'cpu', can be 'gpu' if GPU is installed '''
[docs] def __init__(self, reference, alpha=1, max_iteration=100, tolerance=0, eta=0.01, isotropic=True, nonnegativity=True, device='cpu'): if isotropic == True: self.methodTV = 0 else: self.methodTV = 1 if nonnegativity == True: self.nonnegativity = 1 else: self.nonnegativity = 0 self.alpha = alpha self.max_iteration = max_iteration self.tolerance = tolerance self.device = device # string for 'cpu' or 'gpu' self.reference = np.asarray(reference.as_array(), dtype=np.float32) self.eta = eta
[docs] def __call__(self,x): warnings.warn("{}: the __call__ method is not implemented. Returning NaN.".format(self.__class__.__name__)) return np.nan
def proximal_numpy(self, in_arr, tau): info = np.zeros((2,), dtype=np.float32) res = regularisers.FGP_dTV(\ in_arr,\ self.reference,\ self.alpha * tau,\ self.max_iteration,\ self.tolerance,\ self.eta,\ self.methodTV,\ self.nonnegativity,\ infovector = info, device = self.device) return res, info
[docs] def convex_conjugate(self, x): warnings.warn("{}: the convex_conjugate method is not implemented. Returning NaN.".format(self.__class__.__name__)) return np.nan
[docs] def __rmul__(self, scalar): '''Define the multiplication with a scalar this changes the regularisation parameter in the plugin''' if not isinstance (scalar, Number): raise NotImplemented else: self.alpha *= scalar return self
def check_input(self, input): if len(input.shape) > 3: raise ValueError('{} cannot work on more than 3D. Got {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, input.geometry.length))
[docs] class TNV(RegulariserFunction):
[docs] def __init__(self,alpha=1, max_iteration=100, tolerance=0): '''Creator of TNV Function :param alpha: regularisation parameter :type alpha: number, default 1 :param max_iteration: max number of sub iterations. The algorithm will iterate up to this number of iteration or up to when the tolerance has been reached :type max_iteration: integer, default 100 :param tolerance: minimum difference between previous iteration of the algorithm that determines the stop of the iteration earlier than max_iteration. If set to 0 only the max_iteration will be used as stop criterion. :type tolerance: float, default 0 ''' # set parameters self.alpha = alpha self.max_iteration = max_iteration self.tolerance = tolerance
[docs] def __call__(self,x): warnings.warn("{}: the __call__ method is not implemented. Returning NaN.".format(self.__class__.__name__)) return np.nan
def proximal_numpy(self, in_arr, tau): # remove any dimension of size 1 in_arr = np.squeeze(in_arr) res = regularisers.TNV(in_arr, self.alpha * tau, self.max_iteration, self.tolerance) return res, []
[docs] def convex_conjugate(self, x): warnings.warn("{}: the convex_conjugate method is not implemented. Returning NaN.".format(self.__class__.__name__)) return np.nan
[docs] def __rmul__(self, scalar): '''Define the multiplication with a scalar this changes the regularisation parameter in the plugin''' if not isinstance (scalar, Number): raise NotImplemented else: self.alpha *= scalar return self
[docs] def check_input(self, input): '''TNV requires 2D+channel data with the first dimension as the channel dimension''' if isinstance(input, DataContainer): ImageDimension.check_order_for_engine('cil', input.geometry) if ( input.geometry.channels == 1 ) or ( not input.geometry.ndim == 3) : raise ValueError('TNV requires 2D+channel data. Got {}'.format(input.geometry.dimension_labels)) else: # if it is not a CIL DataContainer we assume that the data is passed in the correct order # discard any dimension of size 1 if sum(1 for i in input.shape if i!=1) != 3: raise ValueError('TNV requires 3D data (with channel as first axis). Got {}'.format(input.shape))