Source code for cil.processors.MaskGenerator

#  Copyright 2021 United Kingdom Research and Innovation
#  Copyright 2021 The University of Manchester
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# Authors:
# CIL Developers, listed at:

from cil.framework import DataProcessor, AcquisitionData, ImageData, DataContainer, ImageGeometry
import warnings
import numpy
from scipy import special, ndimage

[docs] class MaskGenerator(DataProcessor): r''' Processor to detect outliers and return a mask with 0 where outliers were detected, and 1 for other pixels. Please use the desiried method to configure a processor for your needs. '''
[docs] @staticmethod def special_values(nan=True, inf=True): r'''This creates a MaskGenerator processor which generates a mask for inf and/or nan values. :param nan: mask NaN values :type nan: bool, default=True :param inf: mask INF values :type inf: bool, default=True ''' if nan is True: if inf is True: processor = MaskGenerator(mode='special_values') else: processor = MaskGenerator(mode='nan') else: if inf is True: processor = MaskGenerator(mode='inf') else: raise ValueError("Please specify at least one type of value to threshold on") return processor
[docs] @staticmethod def threshold(min_val=None, max_val=None): r'''This creates a MaskGenerator processor which generates a mask for values outside boundaries :param min_val: lower boundary :type min_val: float, default=None :param max_val: upper boundary :type max_val: float, default=None ''' processor = MaskGenerator(mode='threshold', threshold_value=(min_val,max_val)) return processor
[docs] @staticmethod def quantile(min_quantile=None, max_quantile=None): r'''This creates a MaskGenerator processor which generates a mask for values outside boundaries :param min_quantile: lower quantile, 0-1 :type min_quantile: float, default=None :param max_quantile: upper quantile, 0-1 :type max_quantile: float, default=None ''' processor = MaskGenerator(mode='quantile', quantiles=(min_quantile,max_quantile)) return processor
[docs] @staticmethod def mean(axis=None, threshold_factor=3, window=None): r'''This creates a MaskGenerator processor which generates a mask for values outside a multiple of standard-devaiations from the mean. abs(A - mean(A)) < threshold_factor * std(A). :param threshold_factor: scale factor of standard-deviations to use as threshold :type threshold_factor: float, default=3 :param axis: specify axis as int or from 'dimension_labels' to calculate mean. If no axis is specified then operates over flattened array. :type axis: int, string :param window: specify number of pixels to use in calculation of a rolling mean :type window: int, default=None ''' if window == None: processor = MaskGenerator(mode='mean', threshold_factor=threshold_factor, axis=axis) else: processor = MaskGenerator(mode='movmean', threshold_factor=threshold_factor, axis=axis, window=window) return processor
[docs] @staticmethod def median(axis=None, threshold_factor=3, window=None): r'''This creates a MaskGenerator processor which generates a mask for values outside a multiple of median absolute deviation (MAD) from the mean. abs(A - median(A)) < threshold_factor * MAD(A), MAD = c*median(abs(A-median(A))) where c=-1/(sqrt(2)*erfcinv(3/2)) :param threshold_factor: scale factor of MAD to use as threshold :type threshold_factor: float, default=3 :param axis: specify axis as int or from 'dimension_labels' to calculate mean. If no axis is specified then operates over flattened array. :type axis: int, string :param window: specify number of pixels to use in calculation of a rolling median :type window: int, default=None ''' if window == None: processor = MaskGenerator(mode='median', threshold_factor=threshold_factor, axis=axis) else: processor = MaskGenerator(mode='movmedian', threshold_factor=threshold_factor, axis=axis, window=window) return processor
def __init__(self, mode='special_values', threshold_value=(None, None), quantiles=(None, None), threshold_factor=3, window=5, axis=None): r'''Processor to detect outliers and return mask with 0 where outliers were detected and 1 for other pixels. :param mode: a method for detecting outliers (special_values, nan, inf, threshold, quantile, mean, median, movmean, movmedian) :type mode: string, default='special_values' :param threshold_value: specify lower and upper boundaries if 'threshold' mode is selected :type threshold_value: tuple :param quantiles: specify lower and upper quantiles if 'quantile' mode is selected :type quantiles: tuple :param threshold_factor: scales detection threshold (standard deviation in case of 'mean', 'movmean' and median absolute deviation in case of 'median', movmedian') :type threshold_factor: float, default=3 :param window: specify running window if 'movmean' or 'movmedian' mode is selected :type window: int, default=5 :param axis: specify axis to alculate statistics for 'mean', 'median', 'movmean', 'movmean' modes :type axis: int, string :return: returns a DataContainer with boolean mask with 0 where outliers were detected :rtype: DataContainer - special_values test element-wise for both inf and nan - nan test element-wise for nan - inf test element-wise for inf - threshold test element-wise if array values are within boundaries given by threshold_values = (float,float). You can secify only lower threshold value by setting another to None such as threshold_values = (float,None), then upper boundary will be amax(data). Similarly, to specify only upper boundary, use threshold_values = (None,float). If both threshold_values are set to None, then original array will be returned. - quantile test element-wise if array values are within boundaries given by quantiles = (q1,q2), 0<=q1,q2<=1. You can secify only lower quantile value by setting another to None such as quantiles = (float,q2), then upper boundary will be amax(data). Similarly, to specify only upper boundary, use quantiles = (None,q1). If both quantiles are set to None, then original array will be returned. - mean test element-wise if abs(A - mean(A)) < threshold_factor * std(A). Default value of threshold_factor is 3. If no axis is specified, then operates over flattened array. Alternatively operates along axis specified as dimension_label. - median test element-wise if abs(A - median(A)) < threshold_factor * scaled MAD(A), scaled median absolute deviation (MAD) is defined as c*median(abs(A-median(A))) where c=-1/(sqrt(2)*erfcinv(3/2)) Default value of threshold_factor is 3. If no axis is specified, then operates over flattened array. Alternatively operates along axis specified as dimension_label. - movmean the same as mean but uses rolling mean with a specified window, default window value is 5 - movmedian the same as mean but uses rolling median with a specified window, default window value is 5 ''' kwargs = {'mode': mode, 'threshold_value': threshold_value, 'threshold_factor': threshold_factor, 'quantiles': quantiles, 'window': window, 'axis': axis} super(MaskGenerator, self).__init__(**kwargs) def check_input(self, data): if self.mode not in ['special_values', 'nan', 'inf', 'threshold', 'quantile', 'mean', 'median', 'movmean', 'movmedian']: raise Exception("Wrong mode. One of the following is expected:\n" + "special_values, nan, inf, threshold, \n quantile, mean, median, movmean, movmedian") if self.axis is not None and type(self.axis) is not int: if self.axis not in data.dimension_labels: raise Exception("Wrong label is specified for axis. " + "Expected {}, got {}.".format(data.dimension_labels, self.axis)) return True def check_output(self, out): if out is not None: if out.array.dtype != bool: raise TypeError("Input type mismatch: got {0} expecting {1}"\ .format(out.array.dtype, bool)) return True def process(self, out=None): # get input DataContainer data = self.get_input() try: arr = data.as_array() except: arr = data ndim = arr.ndim try: axis_index = data.dimension_labels.index(self.axis) except: if type(self.axis) == int: axis_index = self.axis else: axis_index = None # intialise mask with all ones mask = numpy.ones(arr.shape, dtype=bool) # if NaN or +/-Inf if self.mode == 'special_values': mask[numpy.logical_or(numpy.isnan(arr), numpy.isinf(arr))] = 0 elif self.mode == 'nan': mask[numpy.isnan(arr)] = 0 elif self.mode == 'inf': mask[numpy.isinf(arr)] = 0 elif self.mode == 'threshold': if not(isinstance(self.threshold_value, tuple)): raise Exception("Threshold value must be given as a tuple containing two values,\n" +\ "use None if no threshold value is given") threshold = self._parse_threshold_value(arr, quantile=False) mask[numpy.logical_or(arr < threshold[0], arr > threshold[1])] = 0 elif self.mode == 'quantile': if not(isinstance(self.quantiles, tuple)): raise Exception("Quantiles must be given as a tuple containing two values,\n " + \ "use None if no quantile value is given") quantile = self._parse_threshold_value(arr, quantile=True) mask[numpy.logical_or(arr < quantile[0], arr > quantile[1])] = 0 elif self.mode == 'mean': # if mean along specific axis if axis_index is not None: tile_par = [] slice_obj = [] for i in range(ndim): if i == axis_index: tile_par.append(axis_index) slice_obj.append(numpy.newaxis) else: tile_par.append(1) slice_obj.append(slice(None, None, 1)) tile_par = tuple(tile_par) slice_obj = tuple(slice_obj) tmp_mean = numpy.tile((numpy.mean(arr, axis=axis_index))[slice_obj], tile_par) tmp_std = numpy.tile((numpy.std(arr, axis=axis_index))[slice_obj], tile_par) mask[numpy.abs(arr - tmp_mean) > self.threshold_factor * tmp_std] = 0 # if global mean else: mask[numpy.abs(arr - numpy.mean(arr)) > self.threshold_factor * numpy.std(arr)] = 0 elif self.mode == 'median': c = -1 / (numpy.sqrt(2) * special.erfcinv(3 / 2)) # if median along specific axis if axis_index is not None: tile_par = [] slice_obj = [] for i in range(ndim): if i == axis_index: tile_par.append(axis_index) slice_obj.append(numpy.newaxis) else: tile_par.append(1) slice_obj.append(slice(None, None, 1)) tile_par = tuple(tile_par) slice_obj = tuple(slice_obj) tmp = numpy.abs(arr - numpy.tile((numpy.median(arr, axis=axis_index))[slice_obj], tile_par)) median_absolute_dev = numpy.tile((numpy.median(tmp, axis=axis_index))[slice_obj], tile_par) mask[tmp > self.threshold_factor * c * median_absolute_dev] = 0 # if global median else: tmp = numpy.abs(arr - numpy.median(arr)) mask[tmp > self.threshold_factor * c * numpy.median(tmp)] = 0 elif self.mode == 'movmean': # if movmean along specific axis if axis_index is not None: kernel = [1] * ndim kernel[axis_index] = self.window kernel = tuple(kernel) mean_array = ndimage.generic_filter(arr, numpy.mean, size=kernel, mode='reflect') std_array = ndimage.generic_filter(arr, numpy.std, size=kernel, mode='reflect') mask[numpy.abs(arr - mean_array) > self.threshold_factor * std_array] = 0 # if global movmean else: mean_array = ndimage.generic_filter(arr, numpy.mean, size=(self.window,)*ndim, mode='reflect') std_array = ndimage.generic_filter(arr, numpy.std, size=(self.window,)*ndim, mode='reflect') mask[numpy.abs(arr - mean_array) > self.threshold_factor * std_array] = 0 elif self.mode == 'movmedian': c = -1 / (numpy.sqrt(2) * special.erfcinv(3 / 2)) # if movmedian along specific axis if axis_index is not None: # construct filter kernel kernel_shape = [] for i in range(ndim): if i == axis_index: kernel_shape.append(self.window) else: kernel_shape.append(1) kernel_shape = tuple(kernel_shape) median_array = ndimage.median_filter(arr, footprint=kernel_shape, mode='reflect') tmp = abs(arr - median_array) mask[tmp > self.threshold_factor * c * ndimage.median_filter(tmp, footprint=kernel_shape, mode='reflect')] = 0 # if global movmedian else: # construct filter kernel kernel_shape = tuple([self.window]*ndim) median_array = ndimage.median_filter(arr, size=kernel_shape, mode='reflect') tmp = abs(arr - median_array) mask[tmp > self.threshold_factor * c * ndimage.median_filter(tmp, size=kernel_shape, mode='reflect')] = 0 else: raise ValueError('Mode not recognised. One of the following is expected: ' + \ 'special_values, nan, inf, threshold, quantile, mean, median, movmean, movmedian') if out is None: mask = numpy.asarray(mask, dtype=bool) if data.geometry is not None: geometry = data.geometry.copy() else: geometry = None out = type(data)(mask, deep_copy=False, dtype=mask.dtype, geometry=geometry, suppress_warning=True, dimension_labels=data.dimension_labels) else: out.fill(mask) return out def _parse_threshold_value(self, arr, quantile=False): lower_val = None upper_val = None if quantile == True: if self.quantiles[0] is not None: lower_val = numpy.quantile(arr, self.quantiles[0]) if self.quantiles[1] is not None: upper_val = numpy.quantile(arr, self.quantiles[1]) else: if self.threshold_value[0] is not None: lower_val = self.threshold_value[0] if self.threshold_value[1] is not None: upper_val = self.threshold_value[1] if lower_val is None: lower_val = numpy.amin(arr) if upper_val is None: upper_val = numpy.amax(arr) if upper_val <= lower_val: raise Exception("Upper threshold value must be larger than " + \ "lower treshold value or min of data") return (lower_val, upper_val)