# Copyright 2021 United Kingdom Research and Innovation
# Copyright 2021 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Authors:
# CIL Developers, listed at: https://github.com/TomographicImaging/CIL/blob/master/NOTICE.txt
from cil.framework import DataProcessor, AcquisitionData, ImageData, DataContainer
import logging
import numpy
import numba
from cil.utilities import multiprocessing as cil_mp
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TransmissionAbsorptionConverter(DataProcessor):
r'''Processor to convert from transmission measurements to absorption
based on the Beer-Lambert law, by:
- dividing by white_level,
- clipping data to min_intensity (any values below min intensity are set to min_intensity)
- taking the logarithm and multiplying by minus 1.
If the data contains zero or negative values, inf or NaN values will be present in the output.
min_intensity: float, default=0.0
Clips data below this value to ensure log is taken of positive numbers only.
white_level: float, default=1.0
A float defining incidence intensity in the Beer-Lambert law.
accelerated: bool, default=True
Specify whether to use multi-threading using numba.
AcquisitionData, ImageData or DataContainer depending on input data type, return is suppressed if 'out' is passed
If it's unknown whether the data contains zero or negative values, it's recommended to set min_intensity to a
small positive value.
def __init__(self,
min_intensity = 0.0,
white_level = 1.0,
accelerated = True,
kwargs = {'min_intensity': min_intensity,
'white_level': white_level,
'_accelerated': accelerated}
super(TransmissionAbsorptionConverter, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def check_input(self, data):
if not (issubclass(type(data), DataContainer)):
raise TypeError('Processor supports only following data types:\n' +
' - ImageData\n - AcquisitionData\n' +
' - DataContainer')
if self.min_intensity <= 0:
log.info(f"\n Current min_intensity = {self.min_intensity}: output may contain NaN or inf. Ensure your data only contains positive values or set min_intensity to a small positive value.")
return True
def process(self, out=None):
data = self.get_input()
if out is None:
out = data.geometry.allocate(None)
arr_in = data.as_array()
arr_out = out.as_array()
# we choose an arbitrary chunk size of 6400, which is a multiple of 32, to allow for efficient threading
chunk_size = 6400
num_chunks = data.size // chunk_size
if (self._accelerated):
remainder = data.size % chunk_size
num_threads_original = numba.get_num_threads()
numba_loop(arr_in, num_chunks, chunk_size, remainder, 1/self.white_level, self.min_intensity, arr_out)
if self.white_level != 1:
numpy.multiply(arr_in, 1/self.white_level, out=arr_out)
arr_in = arr_out
if self.min_intensity > 0:
numpy.clip(arr_in, self.min_intensity, None, out=arr_out)
arr_in = arr_out
numpy.log(arr_in, out=arr_out)
return out
def numba_loop(arr_in, num_chunks, chunk_size, remainder, multiplier, min_intensity, arr_out):
in_flat = arr_in.ravel()
out_flat = arr_out.ravel()
for i in numba.prange(num_chunks):
start = i * chunk_size
end = start + chunk_size
out_flat[start:end] = numpy.multiply(in_flat[start:end], multiplier)
out_flat[start:end] = numpy.clip(out_flat[start:end], min_intensity, None)
out_flat[start:end] = -numpy.log(out_flat[start:end])
if remainder > 0:
start = num_chunks * chunk_size
end = start + remainder
out_flat[start:end] = numpy.multiply(in_flat[start:end], multiplier)
out_flat[start:end] = numpy.clip(out_flat[start:end], min_intensity, None)
out_flat[start:end] = -numpy.log(out_flat[start:end])