Source code for cil.recon.FBP

#  Copyright 2021 United Kingdom Research and Innovation
#  Copyright 2021 The University of Manchester
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.
# Authors:
# CIL Developers, listed at:

from cil.framework import cilacc
from cil.framework.labels import AcquisitionType
from cil.recon import Reconstructor
from scipy.fft import fftfreq

import numpy as np
import ctypes
from tqdm import tqdm

c_float_p = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float)
c_double_p = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)

    has_ipp = True
except AttributeError:
    has_ipp = False

if has_ipp:
    cilacc.filter_projections_avh.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float),  # pointer to the data array
                                    ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float),  # pointer to the filter array
                                    ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float),  # pointer to the weights array
                                    ctypes.c_int16, #order of the fft
                                    ctypes.c_long, #num_proj
                                    ctypes.c_long, #pix_v
                                    ctypes.c_long] #pix_x

    cilacc.filter_projections_vah.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float),  # pointer to the data array
                                    ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float),  # pointer to the filter array
                                    ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float),  # pointer to the weights array
                                    ctypes.c_int16, #order of the fft
                                    ctypes.c_long, #pix_v
                                    ctypes.c_long, #num_proj
                                    ctypes.c_long] #pix_x

class GenericFilteredBackProjection(Reconstructor):
    Abstract Base Class GenericFilteredBackProjection holding common and virtual methods for FBP and FDK

    def filter(self):
        return self._filter

    def filter_inplace(self):
        return self._filter_inplace

    def fft_order(self):
        return self._fft_order

    def __init__ (self, input, image_geometry=None, filter='ram-lak', backend='tigre'):

        #call parent initialiser
        super().__init__(input, image_geometry, backend)

        if not has_ipp:
            raise ImportError("IPP libraries not found. Cannot use CIL FBP")

        #additional check
        if 'channel' in input.dimension_labels:
            raise ValueError("Input data cannot be multi-channel")

        #define defaults
        self._fft_order = self._default_fft_order()
        self._weights = None

    def set_filter_inplace(self, inplace=False):
        False (default) will allocate temporary memory for filtered projections.
        True will filter projections in-place.

        inplace: boolean
            Sets the inplace filtering of projections
        if type(inplace) is bool:
            self._filter_inplace= inplace
            raise TypeError("set_filter_inplace expected a boolean. Got {}".format(type(inplace)))

    def _default_fft_order(self):
        min_order = 0

        while 2**min_order < self.acquisition_geometry.pixel_num_h * 2:

        min_order = max(8, min_order)
        return min_order

    def set_fft_order(self, order=None):
        The width of the fourier transform N=2^order.

        order: int, optional
            The width of the fft N=2^order

        If `None` the default used is the power-of-2 greater than 2 * detector width, or 8, whichever is greater
        Higher orders will yield more accurate results but increase computation time.
        min_order = self._default_fft_order()

        if order is None:
            fft_order = min_order
                fft_order = int(order)
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError("fft order expected type `int`. Got{}".format(type(order)))

        if fft_order < min_order:
            raise ValueError("Minimum fft width 2^order is order = {0}. Got{1}".format(min_order,order))

        if fft_order != self.fft_order:
            self._fft_order = fft_order

            if self.filter=='custom':
                print("Filter length changed - please update your custom filter")
                #create default filter type of new length

    def preset_filters(self):
        return ['ram-lak', 'shepp-logan', 'cosine', 'hamming', 'hann']

    def set_filter(self, filter='ram-lak', cutoff=1.0):
        Set the filter used by the reconstruction.

        Pre-set filters are constructed in the frequency domain.
        Pre-set filters are: 'ram-lak', 'shepp-logan', 'cosine', 'hamming', 'hann'

        filter : string, numpy.ndarray, default='ram-lak'
            Pass a string selecting from the list of pre-set filters, or pass a numpy.ndarray with a custom filter.
        cutoff : float, default = 1
            The cut-off frequency of the filter between 0 - 1 pi rads/pixel. The filter will be 0 outside the range rect(-frequency_cutoff, frequency_cutoff)

        If passed a numpy array the filter must have length N = 2^self.fft_order

        The indices of the array are interpreted as:

        - [0] The DC frequency component
        - [1:N/2] positive frequencies
        - [N/2:N-1] negative frequencies

        if type(filter)==str and filter in self.preset_filters:
            self._filter = filter
            self._filter_cutoff = cutoff
            self._filter_array = None

        elif type(filter)==np.ndarray:
                filter_array = np.asarray(filter,dtype=np.float32).reshape(2**self.fft_order)
                self._filter_array = filter_array.copy()
                self._filter = 'custom'
            except ValueError:
                raise ValueError("Custom filter not compatible with input.")
            raise ValueError("Filter not recognised")

    def get_filter_array(self):
        Returns the filter array in the frequency domain.

            An array containing the filter values

        The filter length N is 2^self.fft_order.

        The indices of the array are interpreted as:

        - [0] The DC frequency component
        - [1:N/2] positive frequencies
        - [N/2:N-1] negative frequencies

        The array can be modified and passed back using set_filter()


        Filter reference in frequency domain:
        Eq. 1.12 - 1.15 T. M. Buzug. Computed Tomography: From Photon Statistics to Modern Cone-Beam CT. Berlin: Springer, 2008.

        Plantagie, L. Algebraic filters for filtered backprojection, 2017

        if self._filter == 'custom':
            return self._filter_array

        filter_length = 2**self.fft_order

        # frequency bins in cycles/pixel
        freq = fftfreq(filter_length)
        # in pi rad/pixel

        ramp = abs(freq)

        if self._filter == 'ram-lak':
            filter_array = ramp
        if self._filter == 'shepp-logan':
            filter_array = ramp * np.sinc(freq/2)
        elif self._filter == 'cosine':
            filter_array = ramp * np.cos(freq*np.pi/2)
        elif self._filter == 'hamming':
            filter_array = ramp * (0.54 + 0.46 * np.cos(freq*np.pi))
        elif self._filter == 'hann':
            filter_array = ramp * (0.5 + 0.5 * np.cos(freq*np.pi))

        return np.asarray(filter_array,dtype=np.float32).reshape(2**self.fft_order)

    def plot_filter(self):
        Returns a plot of the filter array.

            A plot of the filter
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError("matplotlib not found. Please install matplotlib to use this method")   

        filter_array = self.get_filter_array()
        filter_length = 2**self.fft_order
        freq = fftfreq(filter_length)
        freq *= 2
        ind_sorted = np.argsort(freq)
        plt.plot(freq[ind_sorted], filter_array[ind_sorted], label=self._filter, color='magenta')
        plt.xlabel('Frequency (rads/pixel)')
        theta = np.linspace(-1, 1, 9, True)
        plt.xticks(theta, ['-π', '-3π/4', '-π/2', '-π/4', '0', 'π/4', 'π/2', '3π/4', 'π'])
        return plt

    def _calculate_weights(self):
        return NotImplementedError

    def _pre_filtering(self,acquistion_data):
        Filters and weights the projections inplace

        acquistion_data : AcquisitionData
            The projections to be filtered

        self.input is not used to allow processing in smaller chunks

        if self._weights is None or self._weights.shape[0] != acquistion_data.geometry.pixel_num_v:

        if self._weights.shape[1] != acquistion_data.shape[-1]: #horizontal
            raise ValueError("Weights not compatible")

        filter_array = self.get_filter_array()
        if filter_array.size != 2**self.fft_order:
            raise ValueError("Custom filter has length {0} and is not compatible with requested fft_order {1}. Expected filter length 2^{1}"\

        #call ext function
        data_ptr = acquistion_data.array.ctypes.data_as(c_float_p)
        filter_ptr = filter_array.ctypes.data_as(c_float_p)
        weights_ptr = self._weights.ctypes.data_as(c_float_p)

        ag = acquistion_data.geometry
        if ag.dimension_labels == ('angle','vertical','horizontal'):
            cilacc.filter_projections_avh(data_ptr, filter_ptr, weights_ptr, self.fft_order, *acquistion_data.shape)
        elif ag.dimension_labels == ('vertical','angle','horizontal'):
            cilacc.filter_projections_vah(data_ptr, filter_ptr, weights_ptr, self.fft_order, *acquistion_data.shape)
        elif ag.dimension_labels == ('angle','horizontal'):
            cilacc.filter_projections_vah(data_ptr, filter_ptr, weights_ptr, self.fft_order, 1, *acquistion_data.shape)
        elif ag.dimension_labels == ('vertical','horizontal'):
            cilacc.filter_projections_avh(data_ptr, filter_ptr, weights_ptr, self.fft_order, 1, *acquistion_data.shape)
            raise ValueError ("Could not determine correct function call from dimension labels")

    def reset(self):
        Resets all optional configuration parameters to their default values
        self._weights = None

    def run(self, out=None):

[docs] class FDK(GenericFilteredBackProjection): """ Creates an FDK reconstructor based on your cone-beam acquisition data using TIGRE as a backend. Parameters ---------- input : AcquisitionData The input data to reconstruct. The reconstructor is set-up based on the geometry of the data. image_geometry : ImageGeometry, default used if None A description of the area/volume to reconstruct filter : string, numpy.ndarray, default='ram-lak' The filter to be applied. Can be a string from: {'`ram-lak`', '`shepp-logan`', '`cosine`', '`hamming`', '`hann`'}, or a numpy array. Example ------- >>> from cil.utilities.dataexample import SIMULATED_CONE_BEAM_DATA >>> from cil.recon import FDK >>> data = SIMULATED_CONE_BEAM_DATA.get() >>> fdk = FDK(data) >>> out = Notes ----- The reconstructor can be futher customised using additional 'set' methods provided. """ supported_backends = ['tigre'] def __init__ (self, input, image_geometry=None, filter='ram-lak'): #call parent initialiser super().__init__(input, image_geometry, filter, backend='tigre') if not AcquisitionType.CONE & input.geometry.geom_type: raise TypeError("This reconstructor is for cone-beam data only.") def _calculate_weights(self, acquisition_geometry): ag = acquisition_geometry xv = np.arange(-(ag.pixel_num_h -1)/2,(ag.pixel_num_h -1)/2 + 1,dtype=np.float32) * ag.pixel_size_h yv = np.arange(-(ag.pixel_num_v -1)/2,(ag.pixel_num_v -1)/2 + 1,dtype=np.float32) * ag.pixel_size_v (yy, xx) = np.meshgrid(xv, yv) principal_ray_length = ag.dist_source_center + ag.dist_center_detector scaling = 0.25 * ag.magnification * (2 * np.pi/ ag.num_projections) / ag.pixel_size_h self._weights = scaling * principal_ray_length / np.sqrt((principal_ray_length ** 2 + xx ** 2 + yy ** 2))
[docs] def run(self, out=None, verbose=1): """ Runs the configured FDK recon and returns the reconstruction. Parameters ---------- out : ImageData, optional Fills the referenced ImageData with the reconstructed volume and suppresses the return verbose : int, default=1 Controls the verbosity of the reconstructor. 0: No output is logged, 1: Full configuration is logged Returns ------- ImageData The reconstructed volume. Suppressed if `out` is passed """ if verbose: print(self) if self.filter_inplace is False: proj_filtered = self.input.copy() else: proj_filtered = self.input self._pre_filtering(proj_filtered) operator = self._PO_class(self.image_geometry,self.acquisition_geometry,adjoint_weights='FDK') if out is None: return operator.adjoint(proj_filtered) else: operator.adjoint(proj_filtered, out = out)
def __str__(self): repres = "FDK recon\n" repres += self._str_data_size() repres += "\nReconstruction Options:\n" repres += "\tBackend: {}\n".format(self._backend) repres += "\tFilter: {}\n".format(self._filter) if self._filter != 'custom': repres += "\tFilter cut-off frequency: {}\n".format(self._filter_cutoff) repres += "\tFFT order: {}\n".format(self._fft_order) repres += "\tFilter_inplace: {}\n".format(self._filter_inplace) return repres
[docs] class FBP(GenericFilteredBackProjection): """ Creates an FBP reconstructor based on your parallel-beam acquisition data. Parameters ---------- input : AcquisitionData The input data to reconstruct. The reconstructor is set-up based on the geometry of the data. image_geometry : ImageGeometry, default used if None A description of the area/volume to reconstruct filter : string, numpy.ndarray, default='ram-lak' The filter to be applied. Can be a string from: {'`ram-lak`', '`shepp-logan`', '`cosine`', '`hamming`', '`hann`'}, or a numpy array. backend : string The backend to use, can be 'astra' or 'tigre'. Data must be in the correct order for requested backend. Example ------- >>> from cil.utilities.dataexample import SIMULATED_PARALLEL_BEAM_DATA >>> from cil.recon import FBP >>> data = SIMULATED_PARALLEL_BEAM_DATA.get() >>> fbp = FBP(data) >>> out = Notes ----- The reconstructor can be further customised using additional 'set' methods provided. """ supported_backends = ['tigre', 'astra'] @property def slices_per_chunk(self): return self._slices_per_chunk def __init__ (self, input, image_geometry=None, filter='ram-lak', backend='tigre'): super().__init__(input, image_geometry, filter, backend) self.set_split_processing(False) if not AcquisitionType.PARALLEL & input.geometry.geom_type: raise TypeError("This reconstructor is for parallel-beam data only.")
[docs] def set_split_processing(self, slices_per_chunk=0): """ Splits the processing in to chunks. Default, 0 will process the data in a single call. Parameters ---------- out : slices_per_chunk, optional Process the data in chunks of n slices. It is recommended to use value of power-of-two. Notes ----- This will reduce memory use but may increase computation time. It is recommended to tune it too your hardware requirements using 8, 16 or 32 slices. This can only be used on simple and offset data-geometries. """ try: num_slices = int(slices_per_chunk) except: num_slices = 0 if num_slices >= self.acquisition_geometry.pixel_num_v: num_slices = self.acquisition_geometry.pixel_num_v self._slices_per_chunk = num_slices
def _calculate_weights(self, acquisition_geometry): ag = acquisition_geometry scaling = 0.25 * (2 * np.pi/ ag.num_projections) / ag.pixel_size_h if self.backend=='astra': scaling /= ag.pixel_size_v self._weights = np.full((ag.pixel_num_v,ag.pixel_num_h),scaling,dtype=np.float32) def _setup_PO_for_chunks(self, num_slices): if num_slices > 1: ag_slice = self.acquisition_geometry.copy() ag_slice.pixel_num_v = num_slices else: ag_slice = self.acquisition_geometry.get_slice(vertical=0) ig_slice = ag_slice.get_ImageGeometry() self.data_slice = ag_slice.allocate() self.operator = self._PO_class(ig_slice,ag_slice) def _process_chunk(self, i, step): self.data_slice.fill(np.squeeze(self.input.array[:,i:i+step,:])) if not self.filter_inplace: self._pre_filtering(self.data_slice) return self.operator.adjoint(self.data_slice).array
[docs] def run(self, out=None, verbose=1): """ Runs the configured FBP recon and returns the reconstruction Parameters ---------- out : ImageData, optional Fills the referenced ImageData with the reconstructed volume and suppresses the return verbose : int, default=1 Controls the verbosity of the reconstructor. 0: No output is logged, 1: Full configuration is logged Returns ------- ImageData The reconstructed volume. Suppressed if `out` is passed """ if verbose: print(self) if self.slices_per_chunk: if AcquisitionType.DIM2 & self.acquisition_geometry.dimension: raise ValueError("Only 3D datasets can be processed in chunks with `set_split_processing`") elif self.acquisition_geometry.system_description == 'advanced': raise ValueError("Only simple and offset geometries can be processed in chunks with `set_split_processing`") elif self.acquisition_geometry.get_ImageGeometry() != self.image_geometry: raise ValueError("Only default image geometries can be processed in chunks `set_split_processing`") if out is None: ret = self.image_geometry.allocate() else: ret = out if self.filter_inplace: self._pre_filtering(self.input) tot_slices = self.acquisition_geometry.pixel_num_v remainder = tot_slices % self.slices_per_chunk num_chunks = int(np.ceil(self.image_geometry.shape[0] / self._slices_per_chunk)) if verbose: pbar = tqdm(total=num_chunks) #process dataset by requested chunk size self._setup_PO_for_chunks(self.slices_per_chunk) for i in range(0, tot_slices-remainder, self.slices_per_chunk): if 'bottom' in self.acquisition_geometry.config.panel.origin: start = i end = i + self.slices_per_chunk else: start = tot_slices -i - self.slices_per_chunk end = tot_slices - i ret.array[start:end,:,:] = self._process_chunk(i, self.slices_per_chunk) if verbose: pbar.update(1) #process excess rows if remainder: self._setup_PO_for_chunks(remainder) if 'bottom' in self.acquisition_geometry.config.panel.origin: start = tot_slices-remainder end = tot_slices else: start = 0 end = remainder ret.array[start:end,:,:] = self._process_chunk(i, remainder) if verbose: pbar.update(1) if verbose: pbar.close() if out is None: return ret else: if self.filter_inplace is False: proj_filtered = self.input.copy() else: proj_filtered = self.input self._pre_filtering(proj_filtered) operator = self._PO_class(self.image_geometry,self.acquisition_geometry) if out is None: return operator.adjoint(proj_filtered) else: operator.adjoint(proj_filtered, out = out)
[docs] def reset(self): """ Resets all optional configuration parameters to their default values """ super().reset() self.set_split_processing(0)
def __str__(self): repres = "FBP recon\n" repres += self._str_data_size() repres += "\nReconstruction Options:\n" repres += "\tBackend: {}\n".format(self._backend) repres += "\tFilter: {}\n".format(self._filter) if self._filter != 'custom': repres += "\tFilter cut-off frequency: {}\n".format(self._filter_cutoff) repres += "\tFFT order: {}\n".format(self._fft_order) repres += "\tFilter_inplace: {}\n".format(self._filter_inplace) repres += "\tSplit processing: {}\n".format(self._slices_per_chunk) if self._slices_per_chunk: num_chunks = int(np.ceil(self.image_geometry.shape[0] / self._slices_per_chunk)) else: num_chunks = 1 repres +="\nReconstructing in {} chunk(s):\n".format(num_chunks) return repres