Source code for cil.utilities.jupyter

#  Copyright 2019 United Kingdom Research and Innovation
#  Copyright 2019 The University of Manchester
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.
# Authors:
# CIL Developers, listed at:
# Kyle Pidgeon (UKRI-STFC)

    from ipywidgets import interactive_output
    import ipywidgets as widgets
except ImportError as ie:
    raise ImportError("please conda/pip install ipywidgets") from ie
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import gridspec
import numpy

from IPython.display import HTML, display
import random
from cil.utilities.display import set_origin

def display_slice(container, clim, direction, title, cmap, size, axis_labels, origin):

    def get_slice_3D(x, minmax, roi_hdir, roi_vdir, equal_aspect):

        if direction == 0:
            img = container[x]
            x_label = axis_labels[2]
            y_label = axis_labels[1]

        elif direction == 1:
            img = container[:,x,:]
            x_label = axis_labels[2]
            y_label = axis_labels[0]

        elif direction == 2:
            img = container[:,:,x]
            x_label = axis_labels[1]
            y_label = axis_labels[0]

        if size is None:
            fig = plt.figure()
            fig = plt.figure(figsize=size)

        dtitle = ''
        if isinstance(title, (list, tuple)):
            dtitle = title[x]
            dtitle = title

        gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, figure=fig, width_ratios=(1,.05), height_ratios=(1,))
        # image
        ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0])
        img, data_origin, _ = set_origin(img, origin)

        aspect = 'equal'
        if not equal_aspect:
            aspect = (roi_hdir[1] - roi_hdir[0]) / (roi_vdir[1] - roi_vdir[0])

        if 'right' in origin:
            roi_hdir = roi_hdir[1], roi_hdir[0]
        if 'upper' in origin:
            roi_vdir = roi_vdir[1], roi_vdir[0]

        aximg = ax.imshow(img, cmap=cmap, origin=data_origin, aspect=aspect)
        cmin = clim[0] + (minmax[0] / 100)*(clim[1]-clim[0])
        cmax = clim[0] + (minmax[1] / 100)*(clim[1]-clim[0])
        aximg.set_clim((cmin, cmax))
        ax.set_title(f'{dtitle} {x}')
        # colorbar
        ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1])
        plt.colorbar(aximg, cax=ax)

    return get_slice_3D

[docs] def islicer(data, direction=0, title=None, slice_number=None, cmap='gray', minmax=None, size=None, axis_labels=None, origin='lower-left', play_interval=500): """ Creates an interactive slider that slices a 3D volume along an axis. Parameters ---------- data : DataContainer or numpy.ndarray A 3-dimensional dataset from which 2-dimensional slices will be shown direction : int Axis to slice on. Can be 0,1,2 or the axis label, default 0 title : str, list of str or tuple of str, default='' Title for the display slice_number : int, optional Start slice number (default is None, which results in the center slice being shown initially) cmap : str or matplotlib.colors.Colormap, default='gray' Set the colour map minmax : tuple Colorbar (min, max) values, default None (uses the min, max of values in `data`) size : int or tuple, optional Specify the figure size in inches. If `int` this specifies the width, and scales the height in order to keep the standard `matplotlib` aspect ratio, default None (use the default matplotlib figure size) axis_labels : list of str, optional The axis labels to use for each of the 3 dimensions in the data (default is None, resulting in labels extracted from the data, or ['X','Y','Z'] if no labels are present) origin : {'lower-left', 'upper-left', 'lower-right', 'upper-right'} Sets the display origin play_interval : int, default=500 The interval of time (in ms) a slice is selected for when iterating through a set of them Returns ------- box : ipywidgets.Box The top-level widget container. """ if axis_labels is None: if hasattr(data, "dimension_labels"): axis_labels = [*data.dimension_labels] else: axis_labels = ['X', 'Y', 'Z'] if isinstance (data, numpy.ndarray): container = data elif hasattr(data, "__getitem__"): container = data elif hasattr(data, "as_array"): container = data.as_array() if not isinstance (direction, int): if direction in data.dimension_labels: direction = data.get_dimension_axis(direction) if slice_number is None: slice_number = int(data.shape[direction]/2) if title is None: title = "Direction {}: Slice".format(axis_labels[direction]) style = {'slider_width': '80%'} layout = widgets.Layout(width='200px') slice_slider = widgets.IntSlider( min=0, max=data.shape[direction]-1, step=1, value=slice_number, continuous_update=True, layout=layout, style=style, ) slice_selector_full = widgets.VBox([widgets.Label('Slice index (direction {})'.format(axis_labels[direction])), slice_slider]) play_slices = widgets.Play( min=0, max=data.shape[direction]-1, step=1, interval=play_interval, value=slice_number, disabled=False, ) widgets.jslink((play_slices, 'value'), (slice_slider, 'value')) amax = container.max() amin = container.min() if minmax is None: minmax = (amin, amax) if isinstance (size, (int, float)): default_ratio = 6./8. size = ( size , size * default_ratio ) min_max = widgets.IntRangeSlider( value=[0, 100], min=0, max=100, step=5, disabled=False, continuous_update=True, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, layout=layout, style=style, ) min_max_full = widgets.VBox([widgets.Label('Display window percent'), min_max]) dirs_remaining = [i for i in range(3) if i != direction] h_dir, v_dir = dirs_remaining[1], dirs_remaining[0] h_dir_size = container.shape[h_dir] v_dir_size = container.shape[v_dir] roi_select_hdir = widgets.IntRangeSlider( value=[0, h_dir_size-1], min=0, max=h_dir_size-1, step=1, disabled=False, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, readout_format='d', layout=layout, style=style, ) roi_select_hdir_full = widgets.VBox([widgets.Label(f'Range: {axis_labels[h_dir]}'), roi_select_hdir]) roi_select_vdir = widgets.IntRangeSlider( value=[0, v_dir_size-1], min=0, max=v_dir_size-1, step=1, disabled=False, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, readout_format='d', layout=layout, style=style, ) roi_select_vdir_full = widgets.VBox([widgets.Label(f'Range: {axis_labels[v_dir]}'), roi_select_vdir]) equal_aspect = widgets.Checkbox( value=True, description='Pixel aspect ratio = 1', disabled=False, indent=False, layout=widgets.Layout(width='auto'), ) box_layout = widgets.Layout( display='flex', flex_flow='column', align_items='flex-start', justify_content='center', ) selectors = widgets.Box([ play_slices, slice_selector_full, min_max_full, roi_select_hdir_full, roi_select_vdir_full, equal_aspect], layout=box_layout) out = interactive_output( display_slice( container, minmax, direction, title=title, cmap=cmap, size=size, axis_labels=axis_labels, origin=origin), {'x': slice_slider, 'minmax': min_max, 'roi_hdir': roi_select_hdir, 'roi_vdir': roi_select_vdir, 'equal_aspect': equal_aspect}) box = widgets.HBox(children=[out, selectors], layout=widgets.Layout( display='flex', justify_content='center')) return box
# def hide_toggle(for_next=False): this_cell = """$('div.cell.code_cell.rendered.selected')""" next_cell = this_cell + '.next()' toggle_text = 'Toggle show/hide' # text shown on toggle link target_cell = this_cell # target cell to control with toggle js_hide_current = '' # bit of JS to permanently hide code in current cell (only when toggling next cell) if for_next: target_cell = next_cell toggle_text += ' next cell' js_hide_current = this_cell + '.find("div.input").hide();' js_f_name = 'code_toggle_{}'.format(str(random.randint(1,2**64))) html = """ <script> function {f_name}() {{ {cell_selector}.find('div.input').toggle(); }} {js_hide_current} </script> <a href="javascript:{f_name}()">{toggle_text}</a> """.format( f_name=js_f_name, cell_selector=target_cell, js_hide_current=js_hide_current, toggle_text=toggle_text ) return HTML(html)