Source code for cil.optimisation.algorithms.SPDHG

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#  Copyright 2020 The University of Manchester
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# Authors:
# CIL Developers, listed at:
# Claire Delplancke (University of Bath)

from cil.optimisation.algorithms import Algorithm
import numpy as np
import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SPDHG(Algorithm): r'''Stochastic Primal Dual Hybrid Gradient Problem: .. math:: \min_{x} f(Kx) + g(x) = \min_{x} \sum f_i(K_i x) + g(x) Parameters ---------- f : BlockFunction Each must be a convex function with a "simple" proximal method of its conjugate g : Function A convex function with a "simple" proximal operator : BlockOperator BlockOperator must contain Linear Operators tau : positive float, optional, default=None Step size parameter for Primal problem sigma : list of positive float, optional, default=None List of Step size parameters for Dual problem initial : DataContainer, optional, default=None Initial point for the SPDHG algorithm prob : list of floats, optional, default=None List of probabilities. If None each subset will have probability = 1/number of subsets gamma : float parameter controlling the trade-off between the primal and dual step sizes **kwargs: norms : list of floats precalculated list of norms of the operators Example ------- Example of usage: See Note ---- Convergence is guaranteed provided that [2, eq. (12)]: .. math:: \|\sigma[i]^{1/2} * K[i] * tau^{1/2} \|^2 < p_i for all i Note ---- Notation for primal and dual step-sizes are reversed with comparison to Note ---- this code implements serial sampling only, as presented in [2] (to be extended to more general case of [1] as future work) References ---------- [1]"Stochastic primal-dual hybrid gradient algorithm with arbitrary sampling and imaging applications", Chambolle, Antonin, Matthias J. Ehrhardt, Peter Richtárik, and Carola-Bibiane Schonlieb, SIAM Journal on Optimization 28, no. 4 (2018): 2783-2808. [2]"Faster PET reconstruction with non-smooth priors by randomization and preconditioning", Matthias J Ehrhardt, Pawel Markiewicz and Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb, Physics in Medicine & Biology, Volume 64, Number 22, 2019. ''' def __init__(self, f=None, g=None, operator=None, tau=None, sigma=None, initial=None, prob=None, gamma=1.,**kwargs): super(SPDHG, self).__init__(**kwargs) if f is not None and operator is not None and g is not None: self.set_up(f=f, g=g, operator=operator, tau=tau, sigma=sigma, initial=initial, prob=prob, gamma=gamma, norms=kwargs.get('norms', None))
[docs] def set_up(self, f, g, operator, tau=None, sigma=None, \ initial=None, prob=None, gamma=1., norms=None): '''set-up of the algorithm Parameters ---------- f : BlockFunction Each must be a convex function with a "simple" proximal method of its conjugate g : Function A convex function with a "simple" proximal operator : BlockOperator BlockOperator must contain Linear Operators tau : positive float, optional, default=None Step size parameter for Primal problem sigma : list of positive float, optional, default=None List of Step size parameters for Dual problem initial : DataContainer, optional, default=None Initial point for the SPDHG algorithm prob : list of floats, optional, default=None List of probabilities. If None each subset will have probability = 1/number of subsets gamma : float parameter controlling the trade-off between the primal and dual step sizes **kwargs: norms : list of floats precalculated list of norms of the operators '''"%s setting up", self.__class__.__name__) # algorithmic parameters self.f = f self.g = g self.operator = operator self.tau = tau self.sigma = sigma self.prob = prob self.ndual_subsets = len(self.operator) self.gamma = gamma self.rho = .99 if self.prob is None: self.prob = [1/self.ndual_subsets] * self.ndual_subsets if self.sigma is None: if norms is None: # Compute norm of each sub-operator norms = [operator.get_item(i,0).norm() for i in range(self.ndual_subsets)] self.norms = norms self.sigma = [self.gamma * self.rho / ni for ni in norms] if self.tau is None: self.tau = min( [ pi / ( si * ni**2 ) for pi, ni, si in zip(self.prob, norms, self.sigma)] ) self.tau *= (self.rho / self.gamma) # initialize primal variable if initial is None: self.x = self.operator.domain_geometry().allocate(0) else: self.x = initial.copy() self.x_tmp = self.operator.domain_geometry().allocate(0) # initialize dual variable to 0 self.y_old = operator.range_geometry().allocate(0) # initialize variable z corresponding to back-projected dual variable self.z = operator.domain_geometry().allocate(0) self.zbar= operator.domain_geometry().allocate(0) # relaxation parameter self.theta = 1 self.configured = True"%s configured", self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def update(self): # Gradient descent for the primal variable # x_tmp = x - tau * zbar self.x.sapyb(1., self.zbar, -self.tau, out=self.x_tmp) self.g.proximal(self.x_tmp, self.tau, out=self.x) # Choose subset i = int(np.random.choice(len(self.sigma), 1, p=self.prob)) # Gradient ascent for the dual variable # y_k = y_old[i] + sigma[i] * K[i] x y_k = self.operator[i].direct(self.x) y_k.sapyb(self.sigma[i], self.y_old[i], 1., out=y_k) y_k = self.f[i].proximal_conjugate(y_k, self.sigma[i]) # Back-project # x_tmp = K[i]^*(y_k - y_old[i]) y_k.subtract(self.y_old[i], out=self.y_old[i]) self.operator[i].adjoint(self.y_old[i], out = self.x_tmp) # Update backprojected dual variable and extrapolate # zbar = z + (1 + theta/p[i]) x_tmp # z = z + x_tmp self.z.add(self.x_tmp, out =self.z) # zbar = z + (theta/p[i]) * x_tmp self.z.sapyb(1., self.x_tmp, self.theta / self.prob[i], out = self.zbar) # save previous iteration self.save_previous_iteration(i, y_k)
[docs] def update_objective(self): # p1 = self.f( + self.g(self.x) p1 = 0. for i,op in enumerate(self.operator.operators): p1 += self.f[i]( p1 += self.g(self.x) d1 = - self.f.convex_conjugate(self.y_old) tmp = self.operator.adjoint(self.y_old) tmp *= -1 d1 -= self.g.convex_conjugate(tmp) self.loss.append([p1, d1, p1-d1])
@property def objective(self): '''alias of loss''' return [x[0] for x in self.loss] @property def dual_objective(self): return [x[1] for x in self.loss] @property def primal_dual_gap(self): return [x[2] for x in self.loss] def save_previous_iteration(self, index, y_current): self.y_old[index].fill(y_current)