Source code for cil.optimisation.operators.ChannelwiseOperator

#  Copyright 2020 United Kingdom Research and Innovation
#  Copyright 2020 The University of Manchester
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Authors:
# CIL Developers, listed at:

import numpy as np
from cil.framework import ImageData
from cil.optimisation.operators import LinearOperator

from cil.framework import ImageGeometry, AcquisitionGeometry, BlockGeometry

[docs]class ChannelwiseOperator(LinearOperator): r'''ChannelwiseOperator: takes in a single-channel operator op and the number of channels to be used, and creates a new multi-channel ChannelwiseOperator, which will apply the operator op independently on each channel for the number of channels specified. ChannelwiseOperator supports simple operators as input but not BlockOperators. Typically if such behaviour is desired, it can be achieved by creating instead a BlockOperator of ChannelwiseOperators. :param op: Single-channel operator :param channels: Number of channels :param dimension: 'prepend' (default) or 'append' channel dimension onto existing dimensions ''' def __init__(self, op, channels, dimension='prepend'): dom_op = op.domain_geometry() ran_op = op.range_geometry() geom_mc = [] # Create multi-channel domain and range geometries: Clones of the # input single-channel geometries but with the specified number of # channels and additional dimension_label 'channel'. for geom in [dom_op,ran_op]: if dimension == 'prepend': new_dimension_labels = ['channel']+list(geom.dimension_labels) elif dimension == 'append': new_dimension_labels = list(geom.dimension_labels)+['channel'] else: raise Exception("dimension must be either 'prepend' or 'append'") if isinstance(geom, ImageGeometry): geom_channels = geom.copy() geom_channels.channels = channels geom_channels.dimension_labels = new_dimension_labels geom_mc.append(geom_channels) elif isinstance(geom, AcquisitionGeometry): geom_channels = geom.copy() geom_channels.config.channels.num_channels = channels geom_channels.dimension_labels = new_dimension_labels geom_mc.append(geom_channels) elif isinstance(geom,BlockGeometry): raise Exception("ChannelwiseOperator does not support BlockOperator as input. Consider making a BlockOperator of ChannelwiseOperators instead.") else: pass super(ChannelwiseOperator, self).__init__(domain_geometry=geom_mc[0], range_geometry=geom_mc[1]) self.op = op self.channels = channels
[docs] def direct(self,x,out=None): '''Returns D(x)''' # Loop over channels, extract single-channel data, apply single-channel # operator's direct method and fill into multi-channel output data set. if out is None: output = self.range_geometry().allocate() cury = self.op.range_geometry().allocate() for k in range(self.channels):,cury) output.fill(cury.as_array(),channel=k) return output else: cury = self.op.range_geometry().allocate() for k in range(self.channels):,cury) out.fill(cury.as_array(),channel=k)
[docs] def adjoint(self,x, out=None): '''Returns D^{*}(y)''' # Loop over channels, extract single-channel data, apply single-channel # operator's adjoint method and fill into multi-channel output data set. if out is None: output = self.domain_geometry().allocate() cury = self.op.domain_geometry().allocate() for k in range(self.channels): self.op.adjoint(x.get_slice(channel=k),cury) output.fill(cury.as_array(),channel=k) return output else: cury = self.op.domain_geometry().allocate() for k in range(self.channels): self.op.adjoint(x.get_slice(channel=k),cury) out.fill(cury.as_array(),channel=k)
[docs] def calculate_norm(self, **kwargs): '''Evaluates operator norm of DiagonalOperator''' return self.op.norm()