Source code for cil.optimisation.operators.DiagonalOperator

#  Copyright 2020 United Kingdom Research and Innovation
#  Copyright 2020 The University of Manchester
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# Authors:
# CIL Developers, listed at:

import numpy as np
from cil.framework import ImageData
from cil.optimisation.operators import LinearOperator

[docs]class DiagonalOperator(LinearOperator): r"""DiagonalOperator Performs an element-wise multiplication, i.e., `Hadamard Product <,elements%20i%2C%20j%20of%20the>`_ of a :class:`DataContainer` `x` and :class:`DataContainer` `diagonal`, `d` . .. math:: (D\circ x) = \sum_{i,j}^{M,N} D_{i,j} x_{i, j} In matrix-vector interpretation, if `D` is a :math:`M\times N` dense matrix and is flattened, we have a :math:`M*N \times M*N` vector. A sparse diagonal matrix, i.e., :class:`DigaonalOperator` can be created if we add the vector above to the main diagonal. If the :class:`DataContainer` `x` is also flattened, we have a :math:`M*N` vector. Now, matrix-vector multiplcation is allowed and results to a :math:`(M*N,1)` vector. After reshaping we recover a :math:`M\times N` :class:`DataContainer`. Parameters ---------- diagonal : DataContainer DataContainer with the same dimensions as the data to be operated on. domain_geometry : ImageGeometry Specifies the geometry of the operator domain. If 'None' will use the diagonal geometry directly. default=None . """ def __init__(self, diagonal, domain_geometry=None): if domain_geometry is None: domain_geometry = diagonal.geometry.copy() super(DiagonalOperator, self).__init__(domain_geometry=domain_geometry, range_geometry=domain_geometry) self.diagonal = diagonal
[docs] def direct(self,x,out=None): "Returns :math:`D\circ x` " if out is None: return self.diagonal * x else: self.diagonal.multiply(x,out=out)
[docs] def adjoint(self,x, out=None): "Returns :math:`D^*\circ x` " return self.diagonal.conjugate().multiply(x,out=out)
[docs] def calculate_norm(self, **kwargs): r""" Returns the operator norm of DiagonalOperator which is the :math:`\infty` norm of `diagonal` .. math:: \|D\|_{\infty} = \max_{i}\{|D_{i}|\} """ return self.diagonal.abs().max()