Source code for cil.processors.Masker

#  Copyright 2021 United Kingdom Research and Innovation
#  Copyright 2021 The University of Manchester
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Authors:
# CIL Developers, listed at:

from cil.framework import DataProcessor, AcquisitionData, ImageData, ImageGeometry, DataContainer
import numpy
from scipy import interpolate

[docs]class Masker(DataProcessor): r''' Processor to fill missing values provided by mask. Please use the desired method to configure a processor for your needs. Parameters ---------- mask : DataContainer, ImageData, AcquisitionData, numpy.ndarray A boolean array with the same dimensions as input, where 'False' represents masked values. Alternatively an integer array where 0 represents masked values, and any other value represents unmasked values. Mask can be generated using 'MaskGenerator' processor to identify outliers. mode : {'value', 'mean', 'median', 'interpolate'}, default='value' The method to fill in missing values value : float, default=0 Substitute all outliers with a specific value if method='value', otherwise discarded. axis : str or int Specify axis as int or from 'dimension_labels' to calculate mean, median or interpolation (depending on mode) along that axis method : {'linear', 'nearest', 'zeros', 'linear', 'quadratic', 'cubic', 'previous', 'next'}, default='linear' Interpolation method to use. '''
[docs] @staticmethod def value(mask=None, value=0): r'''Returns a Masker that sets the masked values of the input data to the requested value. Parameters ---------- mask : DataContainer, ImageData, AcquisitionData, numpy.ndarray A boolean array with the same dimensions as input, where 'False' represents masked values. Alternatively an integer array where 0 represents masked values, and any other value represents unmasked values. Mask can be generated using 'MaskGenerator' processor to identify outliers. value : float, default=0 Values to be assigned to missing elements Returns ------- Masker processor ''' processor = Masker(mode='value', mask=mask, value=value) return processor
[docs] @staticmethod def mean(mask=None, axis=None): r'''Returns a Masker that sets the masked values of the input data to the mean of the unmasked values across the array or axis. Parameters ---------- mask : DataContainer, ImageData, AcquisitionData, numpy.ndarray A boolean array with the same dimensions as input, where 'False' represents masked values. Alternatively an integer array where 0 represents masked values, and any other value represents unmasked values. Mask can be generated using 'MaskGenerator' processor to identify outliers. axis : str, int Specify axis as int or from 'dimension_labels' to calculate mean. Returns ------- Masker processor ''' processor = Masker(mode='mean', mask=mask, axis=axis) return processor
[docs] @staticmethod def median(mask=None, axis=None): r'''Returns a Masker that sets the masked values of the input data to the median of the unmasked values across the array or axis. Parameters ---------- mask : DataContainer, ImageData, AcquisitionData, numpy.ndarray A boolean array with the same dimensions as input, where 'False' represents masked values. Alternatively an integer array where 0 represents masked values, and any other value represents unmasked values. Mask can be generated using 'MaskGenerator' processor to identify outliers. axis : str, int Specify axis as int or from 'dimension_labels' to calculate median. Returns ------- Masker processor ''' processor = Masker(mode='median', mask=mask, axis=axis) return processor
[docs] @staticmethod def interpolate(mask=None, axis=None, method='linear'): r'''Returns a Masker that operates over the specified axis and uses 1D interpolation over remaining flattened array to fill in missing values. Parameters ---------- mask : DataContainer, ImageData, AcquisitionData, numpy.ndarray A boolean array with the same dimensions as input, where 'False' represents masked values. Alternatively an integer array where 0 represents masked values, and any other value represents unmasked values. Mask can be generated using 'MaskGenerator' processor to identify outliers. axis : str, int Specify axis as int or from 'dimension_labels' to loop over and perform 1D interpolation. method : {'linear', 'nearest', 'zeros', 'linear', 'quadratic', 'cubic', 'previous', 'next'}, default='linear' Interpolation method to use. Returns ------- Masker processor ''' processor = Masker(mode='interpolate', mask=mask, axis=axis, method=method) return processor
def __init__(self, mask = None, mode = 'value', value = 0, axis = None, method = 'linear'): kwargs = {'mask': mask, 'mode': mode, 'value': value, 'axis': axis, 'method': method} super(Masker, self).__init__(**kwargs) def check_input(self, data): if self.mask is None: raise ValueError('Please, provide a mask.') if not (data.shape == self.mask.shape): raise Exception("Mask and Data must have the same shape." + "{} != {}".format(self.mask.mask, data.shape)) if hasattr(self.mask, 'dimension_labels') and data.dimension_labels != self.mask.dimension_labels: raise Exception("Mask and Data must have the same dimension labels." + "{} != {}".format(self.mask.dimension_labels, data.dimension_labels)) if self.mode not in ['value', 'mean', 'median', 'interpolate']: raise Exception("Wrong mode. One of the following is expected:\n" + "value, mean, median, interpolate") return True def process(self, out=None): data = self.get_input() return_arr = False if out is None: out = data.copy() arr = out.as_array() return_arr = True else: arr = out.as_array() #assumes mask has 'as_array' method, i.e. is a DataContainer or is a numpy array try: mask_arr = self.mask.as_array() except: mask_arr = self.mask mask_arr = numpy.array(mask_arr, dtype=bool) mask_invert = ~mask_arr try: axis_index = data.dimension_labels.index(self.axis) except: if type(self.axis) == int: axis_index = self.axis else: axis_index = None if self.mode == 'value': arr[mask_invert] = self.value elif self.mode == 'mean' or self.mode == 'median': if axis_index is not None: ndim = data.number_of_dimensions slice_obj = [slice(None, None, 1)] * ndim for i in range(arr.shape[axis_index]): current_slice_obj = slice_obj[:] current_slice_obj[axis_index] = i current_slice_obj = tuple(current_slice_obj) slice_data = arr[current_slice_obj] if self.mode == 'mean': slice_data[mask_invert[current_slice_obj]] = numpy.mean(slice_data[mask_arr[current_slice_obj]]) else: slice_data[mask_invert[current_slice_obj]] = numpy.median(slice_data[mask_arr[current_slice_obj]]) arr[current_slice_obj] = slice_data else: if self.mode == 'mean': arr[mask_invert] = numpy.mean(arr[mask_arr]) else: arr[mask_invert] = numpy.median(arr[mask_arr]) elif self.mode == 'interpolate': if self.method not in ['linear', 'nearest', 'zeros', 'linear', \ 'quadratic', 'cubic', 'previous', 'next']: raise TypeError("Wrong interpolation method, one of the following is expected:\n" + "linear, nearest, zeros, linear, quadratic, cubic, previous, next") ndim = data.number_of_dimensions shape = arr.shape if axis_index is None: raise NotImplementedError ('Currently Only 1D interpolation is available. Please specify an axis to interpolate over.') res_dim = 1 for i in range(ndim): if i != axis_index: res_dim *= shape[i] # get axis for 1D interpolation interp_axis = numpy.arange(shape[axis_index]) # loop over slice for i in range(res_dim): rest_shape = [] for j in range(ndim): if j != axis_index: rest_shape.append(shape[j]) rest_shape = tuple(rest_shape) rest_idx = numpy.unravel_index(i, rest_shape) k = 0 idx = [] for j in range(ndim): if j == axis_index: idx.append(slice(None,None,1)) else: idx.append(rest_idx[k]) k += 1 idx = tuple(idx) if numpy.any(mask_invert[idx]): tmp = arr[idx] f = interpolate.interp1d(interp_axis[mask_arr[idx]], tmp[mask_arr[idx]], fill_value='extrapolate', assume_sorted=True, kind=self.method) tmp[mask_invert[idx]] = f(numpy.where(mask_arr[idx] == False)[0]) arr[idx] = tmp else: raise ValueError('Mode is not recognised. One of the following is expected: ' + 'value, mean, median, interpolate') out.fill(arr) if return_arr is True: return out