Source code for cil.processors.Slicer

#  Copyright 2021 United Kingdom Research and Innovation
#  Copyright 2021 The University of Manchester
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.
# Authors:
# CIL Developers, listed at:

from cil.framework import DataProcessor, AcquisitionData, ImageData, DataContainer
from cil.framework import AcquisitionGeometry, ImageGeometry, VectorGeometry
import numpy as np
import weakref
import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Note to developers: Binner and Slicer share a lot of common code
# so Binner has been implemented as a child of Slicer.  This makes use
# of commonality and redefines only the methods that differ. These methods
# dictate the style of slicer
[docs]class Slicer(DataProcessor): """This creates a Slicer processor. The processor will crop the data, and then return every n input pixels along a dimension from the starting index. The output will be a data container with the data, and geometry updated to reflect the operation. Parameters ---------- roi : dict The region-of-interest to slice {'axis_name1':(start,stop,step), 'axis_name2':(start,stop,step)} The `key` being the axis name to apply the processor to, the `value` holding a tuple containing the ROI description Start: Starting index of input data. Must be an integer, or `None` defaults to index 0. Stop: Stopping index of input data. Must be an integer, or `None` defaults to index N. Step: Number of pixels to average together. Must be an integer or `None` defaults to 1. Example ------- >>> from cil.processors import Slicer >>> roi = {'horizontal':(10,-10,2),'vertical':(10,-10,2)} >>> processor = Slicer(roi) >>> processor.set_input(data) >>> data_sliced= processor.get_output() Example ------- >>> from cil.processors import Slicer >>> roi = {'horizontal':(None,None,2),'vertical':(None,None,2)} >>> processor = Slicer(roi) >>> processor.set_input(data.geometry) >>> geometry_sliced = processor.get_output() Note ---- The indices provided are start inclusive, stop exclusive. All elements along a dimension will be included if the axis does not appear in the roi dictionary, or if passed as {'axis_name',-1} If only one number is provided, then it is interpreted as Stop. i.e. {'axis_name1':(stop)} If two numbers are provided, then they are interpreted as Start and Stop i.e. {'axis_name1':(start, stop)} Negative indexing can be used to specify the index. i.e. {'axis_name1':(10, -10)} will crop the dimension symmetrically If Stop - Start is not multiple of Step, then the resulted dimension will have (Stop - Start) // Step elements, i.e. (Stop - Start) % Step elements will be ignored """ def __init__(self, roi = None): kwargs = { '_roi_input': roi, '_roi_ordered':None, '_data_array': False, '_geometry': None, '_processed_dims':None, '_shape_in':None, '_shape_out':None, 'shape_out':None, 'labels_out':None, '_labels_in':None, '_pixel_indices':None, '_accelerated': True } super(Slicer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def set_input(self, dataset): """ Set the input data or geometry to the processor Parameters ---------- dataset : DataContainer, Geometry The input DataContainer or Geometry """ if issubclass(type(dataset), DataContainer) or isinstance(dataset,(AcquisitionGeometry,ImageGeometry)): if self.check_input(dataset): self.__dict__['input'] = weakref.ref(dataset) self.__dict__['shouldRun'] = True else: raise ValueError('Input data not compatible') else: raise TypeError("Input type mismatch: got {0} expecting {1}"\ .format(type(dataset), DataContainer))
def check_input(self, data): if isinstance(data, (ImageData,AcquisitionData)): self._data_array = True self._geometry = data.geometry elif isinstance(data, DataContainer): self._data_array = True self._geometry = None elif isinstance(data, (ImageGeometry, AcquisitionGeometry)): self._data_array = False self._geometry = data else: raise TypeError('Processor supports following data types:\n' + ' - ImageData\n - AcquisitionData\n - DataContainer\n - ImageGeometry\n - AcquisitionGeometry') if self._data_array: if data.dtype != np.float32: raise TypeError("Expected float32") if (self._roi_input == None): raise ValueError('Please, specify roi') for key in self._roi_input.keys(): if key not in data.dimension_labels: raise ValueError('Wrong label is specified for roi, expected one of {}.'.format(data.dimension_labels)) self._set_up_processor(data) return True def _set_up_processor(self, data): """ This parses the input roi generically and then configures the processor according to its class. """ #read input self._parse_roi(data.ndim, data.shape, data.dimension_labels) #processor specific configurations self._configure() # set boolean of dimensions to process self._processed_dims = [0 if self._shape_out[i] == self._shape_in[i] else 1 for i in range(4)] self.shape_out = tuple([i for i in self._shape_out if i > 1]) self.labels_out = [self._labels_in[i] for i,x in enumerate(self._shape_out) if x > 1] def _parse_roi(self, ndim, shape, dimension_labels): ''' Process the input roi ''' offset = 4-ndim labels_in = [None]*4 labels_in[offset::] = dimension_labels shape_in = [1]*4 shape_in[offset::] = shape # defaults range_list = [range(0,x, 1) for x in shape_in] for i in range(ndim): roi = self._roi_input.get(dimension_labels[i],None) if roi == None or roi == -1: continue start = range_list[offset + i].start stop = range_list[offset + i].stop step = range_list[offset + i].step # accepts a tuple, range or slice try: roi = [roi.start, roi.stop, roi.step] except AttributeError: roi = list(roi) length = len(roi) if length == 1: if roi[0] is not None: stop = roi[0] elif length > 1: if roi[0] is not None: start = roi[0] if roi[1] is not None: stop = roi[1] if length > 2: if roi[2] is not None: step = roi[2] # deal with negative indexing if start < 0: start += shape_in[offset + i] if stop <= 0: stop += shape_in[offset + i] if stop > shape_in[offset+i]: log.warning(f"ROI for axis {dimension_labels[i]} has 'stop' out of bounds. Using axis length as stop value." f" Got stop index: {stop}, using {shape_in[offset+i]}") stop = shape_in[offset+i] if start > shape_in[offset+i]: raise ValueError(f"ROI for axis {dimension_labels[i]} has 'start' out of bounds." f" Got start index: {start} for axis length {shape_in[offset+i]}") if start >= stop: raise ValueError(f"ROI for axis {dimension_labels[i]} has 'start' out of bounds." f" Got start index: {start}, stop index {stop}") # set values range_list[offset+ i] = range(int(start), int(stop), int(step)) # set values self._shape_in = shape_in self._labels_in = labels_in self._roi_ordered = range_list def _configure(self): """ Once the ROI has been parsed this configure the input specifically for use with Slicer """ self._shape_out = [len(x) for x in self._roi_ordered] self._pixel_indices = [(x[0],x[-1]) for x in self._roi_ordered] def _get_slice_position(self, roi): """ Return the vertical position to extract a single slice for sliced geometry """ return roi.start def _get_angles(self, roi): """ Returns the sliced angles according to the roi """ return self._geometry.angles[roi.start:roi.stop:roi.step] def _process_acquisition_geometry(self): """ Creates the new acquisition geometry """ geometry_new = self._geometry.copy() processed_dims = self._processed_dims.copy() # deal with vertical first as it may change the geometry type if 'vertical' in self._geometry.dimension_labels: vert_ind = self._labels_in.index('vertical') if processed_dims[vert_ind]: roi = self._roi_ordered[vert_ind] n_elements = len(roi) if n_elements > 1: # difference in end indices, minus differences in start indices, divided by 2 pixel_offset = ((self._shape_in[vert_ind] -1 - self._pixel_indices[vert_ind][1]) - self._pixel_indices[vert_ind][0])*0.5 geometry_new.config.shift_detector_in_plane(pixel_offset, 'vertical') geometry_new.config.panel.num_pixels[1] = n_elements else: try: position = self._get_slice_position(roi) geometry_new = geometry_new.get_slice(vertical = position) except ValueError: log.warning("Unable to calculate the requested 2D geometry. Returning geometry=`None`") return None geometry_new.config.panel.pixel_size[1] *= roi.step processed_dims[vert_ind] = False for i, axis in enumerate(self._labels_in): if not processed_dims[i]: continue roi = self._roi_ordered[i] n_elements = len(roi) if axis == 'channel': geometry_new.set_channels(num_channels=n_elements) elif axis == 'angle': geometry_new.config.angles.angle_data = self._get_angles(roi) elif axis == 'horizontal': pixel_offset = ((self._shape_in[i] -1 - self._pixel_indices[i][1]) - self._pixel_indices[i][0])*0.5 geometry_new.config.shift_detector_in_plane(pixel_offset, axis) geometry_new.config.panel.num_pixels[0] = n_elements geometry_new.config.panel.pixel_size[0] *= roi.step return geometry_new def _process_image_geometry(self): """ Creates the new image geometry """ if len(self.shape_out) == 0: return None elif len(self.shape_out) ==1: return VectorGeometry(self.shape_out[0], dimension_labels=self.labels_out[0]) geometry_new = self._geometry.copy() for i, axis in enumerate(self._labels_in): if not self._processed_dims[i]: continue roi = self._roi_ordered[i] n_elements = len(roi) voxel_offset = (self._shape_in[i] -1 - self._pixel_indices[i][1] - self._pixel_indices[i][0])*0.5 if axis == 'channel': geometry_new.channels = n_elements geometry_new.channel_spacing *= roi.step elif axis == 'vertical': geometry_new.center_z -= voxel_offset * geometry_new.voxel_size_z geometry_new.voxel_num_z = n_elements geometry_new.voxel_size_z *= roi.step elif axis == 'horizontal_x': geometry_new.center_x -= voxel_offset * geometry_new.voxel_size_x geometry_new.voxel_num_x = n_elements geometry_new.voxel_size_x *= roi.step elif axis == 'horizontal_y': geometry_new.center_y -= voxel_offset * geometry_new.voxel_size_y geometry_new.voxel_num_y = n_elements geometry_new.voxel_size_y *= roi.step return geometry_new def _process_data(self, dc_in, dc_out): """ Slice the data array """ slice_obj = tuple([slice(x.start, x.stop, x.step) for x in self._roi_ordered]) arr_in = dc_in.array.reshape(self._shape_in) dc_out.fill(np.squeeze(arr_in[slice_obj]))
[docs] def process(self, out=None): """ Processes the input data Parameters ---------- out : ImageData, AcquisitionData, DataContainer, optional Fills the referenced DataContainer with the processed output and suppresses the return Returns ------- DataContainer The downsampled output is returned. Depending on the input type this may be: ImageData, AcquisitionData, DataContainer, ImageGeometry, AcquisitionGeometry """ data = self.get_input() if isinstance(self._geometry, ImageGeometry): new_geometry = self._process_image_geometry() elif isinstance(self._geometry, AcquisitionGeometry): new_geometry = self._process_acquisition_geometry() else: new_geometry = None # return if just acting on geometry if not self._data_array: return new_geometry # create output array or check size and shape of passed out if out is None: if new_geometry is not None: data_out = new_geometry.allocate(None) else: processed_array = np.empty(self.shape_out,dtype=np.float32) data_out = DataContainer(processed_array,False, self.labels_out) else: try: out.array = np.asarray(out.array, dtype=np.float32, order='C').reshape(self.shape_out) except: raise ValueError("Array of `out` not compatible. Expected shape: {0}, data type: {1} Got shape: {2}, data type: {3}".format(self.shape_out, np.float32, out.array.shape, out.array.dtype)) if new_geometry is not None: if out.geometry != new_geometry: raise ValueError("Geometry of `out` not as expected. Got {0}, expected {1}".format(out.geometry, new_geometry)) data_out = out self._process_data(data, data_out) if out is None: return data_out