Source code for cil.optimisation.algorithms.SIRT

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#  Copyright 2019 The University of Manchester
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# Authors:
# CIL Developers, listed at:

from cil.optimisation.algorithms import Algorithm
from cil.optimisation.functions import IndicatorBox
from cil.framework import BlockDataContainer
from cil.utilities.errors import InPlaceError
import numpy
import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class SIRT(Algorithm): r"""Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique, see :cite:`Kak2001`. Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique (SIRT) solves the following problem .. math:: A x = b The SIRT algorithm is .. math:: x^{k+1} = \mathrm{proj}_{C}( x^{k} + \omega * D ( A^{T} ( M * (b - Ax^{k}) ) ) ), where, :math:`M = \frac{1}{A*\mathbb{1}}`, :math:`D = \frac{1}{A^{T}\mathbb{1}}`, :math:`\mathbb{1}` is a :code:`DataContainer` of ones, :math:`\mathrm{prox}_{C}` is the projection over a set :math:`C`, and :math:`\omega` is the relaxation parameter. Parameters ---------- initial : DataContainer, default = None Starting point of the algorithm, default value = DataContainer in the domain of the operator allocated with zeros. operator : LinearOperator The operator A. data : DataContainer The data b. lower : :obj:`float`, default = None Lower bound constraint upper : :obj:`float`, default = None Upper bound constraint constraint : Function, default = None A function with :code:`proximal` method, e.g., :class:`.IndicatorBox` function and :meth:`.IndicatorBox.proximal`, or :class:`.TotalVariation` function and :meth:`.TotalVariation.proximal`. kwargs: Keyword arguments used from the base class :class:`.Algorithm`. Note ---- If :code:`constraint` is not passed, :code:`lower` and :code:`upper` are used to create an :class:`.IndicatorBox` and apply its :code:`proximal`. If :code:`constraint` is passed, :code:`proximal` method is required to be implemented. Note ---- The preconditioning arrays (weights) :code:`M` and :code:`D` used in SIRT are defined as .. math:: M = \frac{1}{A*\mathbb{1}} = \frac{1}{\sum_{j}a_{i,j}} .. math:: D = \frac{1}{A*\mathbb{1}} = \frac{1}{\sum_{i}a_{i,j}} Examples -------- .. math:: \underset{x}{\mathrm{argmin}} \frac{1}{2}\| x - d\|^{2} >>> sirt = SIRT(initial = ig.allocate(0), operator = A, data = d, max_iteration = 5) """ def __init__(self, initial=None, operator=None, data=None, lower=None, upper=None, constraint=None, **kwargs): super(SIRT, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.set_up(initial=initial, operator=operator, data=data, lower=lower, upper=upper, constraint=constraint)
[docs] def set_up(self, initial, operator, data, lower=None, upper=None, constraint=None): """Initialisation of the algorithm""""%s setting up", self.__class__.__name__) warning = 0 if operator is None: warning += 1 msg = "an `operator`" if data is None: warning += 10 if warning > 10: msg += " and `data`" else: msg = "`data`" if warning > 0: raise ValueError(f'You must pass {msg} to the SIRT algorithm' ) if initial is None: initial = operator.domain_geometry().allocate(0) self.x = initial.copy() self.tmp_x = self.x * 0.0 self.operator = operator = data self.r = data.copy() self.constraint = constraint if constraint is None: if lower is not None or upper is not None: # IndicatorBox accepts None for lower and/or upper self.constraint=IndicatorBox(lower=lower,upper=upper) self._relaxation_parameter = 1 # Set up scaling matrices D and M. self._set_up_weights() self.configured = True"%s configured", self.__class__.__name__)
@property def relaxation_parameter(self): return self._relaxation_parameter @property def D(self): return self._Dscaled / self._relaxation_parameter
[docs] def set_relaxation_parameter(self, value=1.0): """Set the relaxation parameter :math:`\omega` Parameters ---------- value : float The relaxation parameter to be applied to the update. Must be between 0 and 2 to guarantee asymptotic convergence. """ if value <= 0 or value >= 2: raise ValueError("Expected relaxation parameter to be in range 0-2. Got {}".format(value)) self._relaxation_parameter = value self._set_up_weights() self._Dscaled *= self._relaxation_parameter
def _set_up_weights(self): self.M = 1./ self._Dscaled = 1./self.operator.adjoint(self.operator.range_geometry().allocate(value=1.0)) for arr in [self.M, self._Dscaled]: self._remove_nan_or_inf(arr, replace_with=1.0) def _remove_nan_or_inf(self, datacontainer, replace_with=1.0): """Replace nan and inf in datacontainer with a given value. Parameters: ------------- datacontainer: DataContainer, BlockDataContainer replace_with: float, default 1.0 Value to replace elements that evaluate to NaN or inf In case the input datacontainer is a :code:`BlockDataContainer` the substitution is executed for each container in the :code:`BlockDataContainer`. """ if isinstance(datacontainer, BlockDataContainer): for block in datacontainer.containers: self._remove_nan_or_inf(block, replace_with=replace_with) return tmp = datacontainer.as_array() numpy.nan_to_num(tmp, copy=False, nan=replace_with, posinf=replace_with, neginf=replace_with) datacontainer.fill(tmp)
[docs] def update(self): r""" Performs a single iteration of the SIRT algorithm .. math:: x^{k+1} = \mathrm{proj}_{C}( x^{k} + \omega * D ( A^{T} ( M * (b - Ax) ) ) ) """ # self.r = -, out=self.r) self.r.sapyb(-1,, 1.0, out=self.r) # self.D is prescaled by _relaxation_parameter (default 1) self.r *= self.M self.operator.adjoint(self.r, out=self.tmp_x) self.x.sapyb(1.0, self.tmp_x, self._Dscaled, out=self.x) if self.constraint is not None: try: self.constraint.proximal(self.x, tau=1, out=self.x) except InPlaceError: self.x=self.constraint.proximal(self.x, tau=1)
[docs] def update_objective(self): r"""Returns the objective .. math:: \frac{1}{2}\|A x - b\|^{2} """ self.loss.append(0.5*self.r.squared_norm())