# Copyright 2019 United Kingdom Research and Innovation
# Copyright 2019 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Authors:
# CIL Developers, listed at: https://github.com/TomographicImaging/CIL/blob/master/NOTICE.txt
import numpy
from cil.optimisation.functions import Function
from numbers import Number
import scipy.special
import logging
from cil.utilities.errors import InPlaceError
from numba import njit, prange, get_thread_id, get_num_threads
has_numba = True
except ImportError as ie:
has_numba = False
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class KullbackLeibler(Function):
r""" Kullback Leibler
.. math:: F(u, v)
= \begin{cases}
u \log(\frac{u}{v}) - u + v & \mbox{ if } u > 0, v > 0\\
v & \mbox{ if } u = 0, v \ge 0 \\
\infty, & \mbox{otherwise}
where the :math:`0\log0 := 0` convention is used.
b : DataContainer, non-negative
Translates the function at point `b`.
eta : DataContainer, default = 0
Background noise
mask : DataContainer, default = None
Mask for the data `b`
backend : {'numba','numpy'}, optional
Backend for the KullbackLeibler methods. Numba is the default backend.
The Kullback-Leibler function is used in practice as a fidelity term in minimisation problems where the
acquired data follow Poisson distribution. If we denote the acquired data with :code:`b`
then, we write
.. math:: \underset{i}{\sum} F(b_{i}, (v + \eta)_{i})
where, :math:`\eta` is an additional noise.
In the case of Positron Emission Tomography reconstruction :math:`\eta` represents
scatter and random events contribution during the PET acquisition. Hence, in that case the KullbackLeibler
fidelity measures the distance between :math:`\mathcal{A}v + \eta` and acquisition data :math:`b`, where
:math:`\mathcal{A}` is the projection operator. This is related to `PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMean <http://stir.sourceforge.net/documentation/doxy/html/classstir_1_1PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMean.html>`_ ,
definition that is used in PET reconstruction in the `SIRF <https://github.com/SyneRBI/SIRF>`_ software.
The default implementation uses the build-in function `kl_div <https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.special.kl_div.html>`_ from scipy.
The methods of the :class:`.KullbackLeibler` are accelerated provided that `numba <https://numba.pydata.org/>`_ library is installed.
>>> from cil.optimisation.functions import KullbackLeibler
>>> from cil.framework import ImageGeometry
>>> ig = ImageGeometry(3,4)
>>> data = ig.allocate('random')
>>> F = KullbackLeibler(b = data)
def __new__(cls, b, eta = None, mask = None, backend = 'numba'):
# default backend numba
cls.backend = backend
if cls.backend == 'numba':
if not has_numba:
raise ValueError("Numba is not installed.")
log.info("Numba backend is used.")
return super(KullbackLeibler, cls).__new__(KullbackLeibler_numba)
log.info("Numpy backend is used.")
return super(KullbackLeibler, cls).__new__(KullbackLeibler_numpy)
def __init__(self, b, eta = None, mask = None, backend = 'numba'):
self.b = b
self.eta = eta
self.mask = mask
if self.eta is None:
self.eta = self.b * 0.0
if numpy.any(self.b.as_array() < 0):
raise ValueError("Input data should be non-negative.")
if KullbackLeibler.backend == 'numba':
self.b_np = self.b.as_array()
self.eta_np = self.eta.as_array()
if mask is not None:
self.mask = mask.as_array()
super(KullbackLeibler, self).__init__(L = None)
class KullbackLeibler_numpy(KullbackLeibler):
def __call__(self, x):
r"""Returns the value of the KullbackLeibler function at :math:`(b, x + \eta)`.
To avoid infinity values, we consider only pixels/voxels for :math:`x+\eta\geq0`.
tmp_sum = (x + self.eta).as_array()
ind = tmp_sum >= 0
tmp = scipy.special.kl_div(self.b.as_array()[ind], tmp_sum[ind])
return numpy.sum(tmp)
def gradient(self, x, out=None):
r"""Returns the value of the gradient of the KullbackLeibler function at :math:`(b, x + \eta)`.
:math:`F'(b, x + \eta) = 1 - \frac{b}{x+\eta}`
To avoid inf values, we :math:`x+\eta>0` is required.
ret = x.add(self.eta, out=out)
arr = ret.as_array()
arr[arr>0] = 1 - self.b.as_array()[arr>0]/arr[arr>0]
return ret
def convex_conjugate(self, x):
r"""Returns the value of the convex conjugate of the KullbackLeibler function at :math:`(b, x + \eta)`.
:math:`F^{*}(b, x + \eta) = - b \log(1-x^{*}) - <x^{*}, \eta>`
tmp = 1 - x.as_array()
ind = tmp>0
xlogy = - scipy.special.xlogy(self.b.as_array()[ind], tmp[ind])
return numpy.sum(xlogy) - self.eta.dot(x)
def proximal(self, x, tau, out = None):
r"""Returns the value of the proximal operator of the KullbackLeibler function at :math:`(b, x + \eta)`.
:math:`\mathrm{prox}_{\tau F}(x) = \frac{1}{2}\bigg( (x - \eta - \tau) + \sqrt{ (x + \eta - \tau)^2 + 4\tau b} \bigg)`
if id(x)==id(out):
raise InPlaceError(message="KullbackLeibler.proximal cannot be used in place")
if out is None:
return 0.5 *( (x - self.eta - tau) + \
( (x + self.eta - tau).power(2) + 4*tau*self.b ) .sqrt() \
x.add(self.eta, out=out)
out -= tau
out *= out
out.add(self.b * (4 * tau), out=out)
out.subtract(tau, out=out)
out.subtract(self.eta, out=out)
out.add(x, out=out)
out *= 0.5
return out
def proximal_conjugate(self, x, tau, out = None):
r"""Returns the value of the proximal operator of the convex conjugate of KullbackLeibler at :math:`(b, x + \eta)`.
:math:`\mathrm{prox}_{\tau F^{*}}(x) = 0.5*((z + 1) - \sqrt{(z-1)^2 + 4 * \tau b})`, where :math:`z = x + \tau \eta`.
if out is None:
z = x + tau * self.eta
return 0.5*((z + 1) - ((z-1).power(2) + 4 * tau * self.b).sqrt())
tmp = tau * self.eta
tmp += x
tmp -= 1
self.b.multiply(4*tau, out=out)
out.add(tmp.power(2), out=out)
out *= -1
tmp += 2
out += tmp
out *= 0.5
return out
## KullbackLeibler numba routines ##
if has_numba:
def kl_proximal(x,b, tau, out, eta):
for i in prange(x.size):
X = x.flat[i]
E = eta.flat[i]
out.flat[i] = 0.5 * (
( X - E - tau ) +\
numpy.sqrt( (X + E - tau)**2. + \
(4. * tau * b.flat[i])
def kl_proximal_arr(x,b, tau, out, eta):
for i in prange(x.size):
t = tau.flat[i]
X = x.flat[i]
E = eta.flat[i]
out.flat[i] = 0.5 * (
( X - E - t ) +\
numpy.sqrt( (X + E - t)**2. + \
(4. * t * b.flat[i])
def kl_proximal_mask(x,b, tau, out, eta, mask):
for i in prange(x.size):
if mask.flat[i] > 0:
X = x.flat[i]
E = eta.flat[i]
out.flat[i] = 0.5 * (
( X - E - tau ) +\
numpy.sqrt( (X + E - tau)**2. + \
(4. * tau * b.flat[i])
def kl_proximal_arr_mask(x,b, tau, out, eta, mask):
for i in prange(x.size):
if mask.flat[i] > 0:
t = tau.flat[i]
X = x.flat[i]
E = eta.flat[i]
out.flat[i] = 0.5 * (
( X - E - t ) +\
numpy.sqrt( (X + E - t)**2. + \
(4. * t * b.flat[i])
# proximal conjugate
def kl_proximal_conjugate_arr(x, b, eta, tau, out):
#z = x + tau * self.bnoise
#return 0.5*((z + 1) - ((z-1)**2 + 4 * tau * self.b).sqrt())
for i in prange(x.size):
t = tau.flat[i]
z = x.flat[i] + ( t * eta.flat[i] )
out.flat[i] = 0.5 * (
(z + 1) - numpy.sqrt((z-1)*(z-1) + 4 * t * b.flat[i])
def kl_proximal_conjugate(x, b, eta, tau, out):
#z = x + tau * self.bnoise
#return 0.5*((z + 1) - ((z-1)**2 + 4 * tau * self.b).sqrt())
for i in prange(x.size):
z = x.flat[i] + ( tau * eta.flat[i] )
out.flat[i] = 0.5 * (
(z + 1) - numpy.sqrt((z-1)*(z-1) + 4 * tau * b.flat[i])
def kl_proximal_conjugate_arr_mask(x, b, eta, tau, out, mask):
#z = x + tau * self.bnoise
#return 0.5*((z + 1) - ((z-1)**2 + 4 * tau * self.b).sqrt())
for i in prange(x.size):
if mask.flat[i] > 0:
t = tau.flat[i]
z = x.flat[i] + ( t * eta.flat[i] )
out.flat[i] = 0.5 * (
(z + 1) - numpy.sqrt((z-1)*(z-1) + 4 * t * b.flat[i])
def kl_proximal_conjugate_mask(x, b, eta, tau, out, mask):
#z = x + tau * self.bnoise
#return 0.5*((z + 1) - ((z-1)**2 + 4 * tau * self.b).sqrt())
for i in prange(x.size):
if mask.flat[i] > 0:
z = x.flat[i] + ( tau * eta.flat[i] )
out.flat[i] = 0.5 * (
(z + 1) - numpy.sqrt((z-1)*(z-1) + 4 * tau * b.flat[i])
# gradient
def kl_gradient(x, b, out, eta):
for i in prange(x.size):
out.flat[i] = 1 - b.flat[i]/(x.flat[i] + eta.flat[i])
def kl_gradient_mask(x, b, out, eta, mask):
for i in prange(x.size):
if mask.flat[i] > 0:
out.flat[i] = 1 - b.flat[i]/(x.flat[i] + eta.flat[i])
# KL divergence
def kl_div(x, y, eta):
accumulator = numpy.zeros(get_num_threads(), dtype=numpy.float64)
for i in prange(x.size):
X = x.flat[i]
Y = y.flat[i] + eta.flat[i]
if X > 0 and Y > 0:
# out.flat[i] = X * numpy.log(X/Y) - X + Y
accumulator[get_thread_id()] += X * numpy.log(X/Y) - X + Y
elif X == 0 and Y >= 0:
# out.flat[i] = Y
accumulator[get_thread_id()] += Y
# out.flat[i] = numpy.inf
return numpy.inf
return sum(accumulator)
def kl_div_mask(x, y, eta, mask):
accumulator = numpy.zeros(get_num_threads(), dtype=numpy.float64)
for i in prange(x.size):
if mask.flat[i] > 0:
X = x.flat[i]
Y = y.flat[i] + eta.flat[i]
if X > 0 and Y > 0:
# out.flat[i] = X * numpy.log(X/Y) - X + Y
accumulator[get_thread_id()] += X * numpy.log(X/Y) - X + Y
elif X == 0 and Y >= 0:
# out.flat[i] = Y
accumulator[get_thread_id()] += Y
# out.flat[i] = numpy.inf
return numpy.inf
return sum(accumulator)
# convex conjugate
def kl_convex_conjugate(x, b, eta):
accumulator = numpy.zeros(get_num_threads(), dtype=numpy.float64)
for i in prange(x.size):
X = b.flat[i]
x_f = x.flat[i]
Y = 1 - x_f
if Y > 0:
if X > 0:
# out.flat[i] = X * numpy.log(X/Y) - X + Y
accumulator[get_thread_id()] += X * numpy.log(Y)
# else xlogy is 0 so it doesn't add to the accumulator
accumulator[get_thread_id()] += eta.flat[i] * x_f
return - sum(accumulator)
def kl_convex_conjugate_mask(x, b, eta, mask):
accumulator = numpy.zeros(get_num_threads(), dtype=numpy.float64)
for i in prange(x.size):
if mask.flat[i] > 0:
X = b.flat[i]
x_f = x.flat[i]
Y = 1 - x_f
if Y > 0:
if X > 0:
# out.flat[i] = X * numpy.log(X/Y) - X + Y
accumulator[get_thread_id()] += X * numpy.log(Y)
# else xlogy is 0 so it doesn't add to the accumulator
accumulator[get_thread_id()] += eta.flat[i] * x_f
return -sum(accumulator)
class KullbackLeibler_numba(KullbackLeibler):
def __call__(self, x):
r"""Returns the value of the KullbackLeibler function at :math:`(b, x + \eta)`.
To avoid infinity values, we consider only pixels/voxels for :math:`x+\eta\geq0`.
if self.mask is not None:
return kl_div_mask(self.b_np, x.as_array(), self.eta_np, self.mask)
return kl_div(self.b_np, x.as_array(), self.eta_np)
def convex_conjugate(self, x):
r"""Returns the value of the convex conjugate of the KullbackLeibler function at :math:`(b, x + \eta)`.
:math:`F^{*}(b, x + \eta) = - b \log(1-x^{*}) - <x^{*}, \eta>`
if self.mask is not None:
return kl_convex_conjugate_mask(x.as_array(), self.b_np, self.eta_np, self.mask)
return kl_convex_conjugate(x.as_array(), self.b_np, self.eta_np)
def gradient(self, x, out = None):
r"""Returns the value of the gradient of the KullbackLeibler function at :math:`(b, x + \eta)`.
:math:`F'(b, x + \eta) = 1 - \frac{b}{x+\eta}`
To avoid inf values, we :math:`x+\eta>0` is required.
if out is None:
out = x * 0
out_np = out.as_array()
if self.mask is not None:
kl_gradient_mask(x.as_array(), self.b.as_array(), out_np, self.eta.as_array(), self.mask)
kl_gradient(x.as_array(), self.b.as_array(), out_np, self.eta.as_array())
return out
def proximal(self, x, tau, out = None):
r"""Returns the value of the proximal operator of the KullbackLeibler function at :math:`(b, x + \eta)`.
:math:`\mathrm{prox}_{\tau F}(x) = \frac{1}{2}\bigg( (x - \eta - \tau) + \sqrt{ (x + \eta - \tau)^2 + 4\tau b} \bigg)`
if out is None:
out = x * 0
out_np = out.as_array()
if isinstance(tau, Number):
if self.mask is not None:
kl_proximal_mask(x.as_array(), self.b_np, tau, out_np, \
self.eta_np, self.mask)
kl_proximal(x.as_array(), self.b_np, tau, out_np, self.eta_np)
# it should be a DataContainer
if self.mask is not None:
kl_proximal_arr_mask(x.as_array(), self.b_np, tau.as_array(), \
out_np, self.eta_np)
kl_proximal_arr(x.as_array(), self.b_np, tau.as_array(), \
out_np, self.eta_np)
return out
def proximal_conjugate(self, x, tau, out = None):
r"""Returns the value of the proximal operator of the convex conjugate of KullbackLeibler at :math:`(b, x + \eta)`.
:math:`\mathrm{prox}_{\tau F^{*}}(x) = 0.5*((z + 1) - \sqrt{(z-1)^2 + 4 * \tau b})`, where :math:`z = x + \tau \eta`.
if out is None:
out = x * 0
out_np = out.as_array()
if isinstance(tau, Number):
if self.mask is not None:
kl_proximal_conjugate_mask(x.as_array(), self.b_np, self.eta_np, \
tau, out_np, self.mask)
kl_proximal_conjugate(x.as_array(), self.b_np, self.eta_np, \
tau, out_np)
if self.mask is not None:
kl_proximal_conjugate_arr_mask(x.as_array(), self.b_np, self.eta_np, \
tau.as_array(), out_np, self.mask)
kl_proximal_conjugate_arr(x.as_array(), self.b_np, self.eta_np, \
tau.as_array(), out_np)
return out